Utanríkisverslun eftir tollskrárnúmerum - 01.05.2001, Qupperneq 14
Utanríkisverslun eftir tollskrárnúmerum 2000
Tafla I. Útflutningur og innflutningur eftir tolfköflum árið 2000
Table I. Exports and imports by HS-chapters in 2000
Nettóþyngd í tonnum Þyngd Weight
I þús. kr. Útflutningur Innflutningur
Exports Imports
01 Lifandi dýr................................................................................
02 Kjöt ......................................................................................
03 Fiskur, krabbadýr, lindýr o.þ.h............................................................
04 Mjólkurvörur, egg, hunang og ót.a. úr dýraríkinu...........................................
05 Aðrar vörur úr dýraríkinu..................................................................
06 Lifandi tré og plöntur, afskorin blóm o.þ.h................................................
07 Grænmeti...................................................................................
08 Ávextir og hnetur..........................................................................
09 Kaffi, te og krydd.........................................................................
10 Korn.....................................................................................
11 Malaðar vörur, malt, sterkja, inúlín og hveitiglúten.....................................
12 Olíurík fræ og aldin, sáðkom o.þ.h., plöntur til lyfja- og iðnaðarframleiðslu, hálmur og fóður .
13 Kvoða og aðrir jurtasafar og -kjamar.....................................................
14 Fléttiefni og ót.a. úr jurtaríkinu.......................................................
15 Feiti, olíur og vax úr dýra- og jurtaríkinu..............................................
16 Vömr úr kjöti, fiski, krabbadýrum, lindýrum o.þ.h........................................
17 Sykur og sætindi.........................................................................
18 Kakó og kakóvömr.........................................................................
19 Brauð, kex, kökur, pasta og aðrar kom- og mjölvömr.......................................
20 Vömr úr grænmeti, ávöxtum, hnetum o.þ.h.................................................
21 Önnur unnin matvæli, þ.m.t. ís..........................................................
22 Drykkjarvömr, þ.m.t. edik...............................................................
23 Leifar ffá matvælaffamleiðslu, skepnufóður..............................................
24 Tóbak...................................................................................
25 Salt, jarðefni, sement o.þ.h............................................................
26 Málmgrýti...............................................................................
27 Eldsneyti úr steinaríkinu, jarðolíur og -gas............................................
28 Ólífræn efni............................................................................
29 Líffæn efni.............................................................................
30 Lækningavömr, lyf.......................................................................
31 Áburður.................................................................................
32 Sútunar- og litunarefni, málning, lökk o.þ.h., blek.....................................
33 Hreinlætis-, snyrti-og ilmvömr..........................................................
34 Sápa og þvottaefni, ræsti- og fægiefni..................................................
35 Albúmín o.þ.h., sterkja, lím og ensím...................................................
36 Sprengiefni og ýmsar eldfimar vömr......................................................
37 Ljósmynda- og kvikmyndavörur............................................................
38 Kemískar vörur ót.a.....................................................................
39 Plast og plastvömr......................................................................
40 Gúmmí og gúmmívömr......................................................................
41 Húðir, skinn og leður...................................................................
42 Leðurvömr...............................................................................
43 Loðskinn, gerviloðskinn og vömr úr þeim....................................................
44 Viður og viðarvömr, viðarkol............................................................
45 Korkur og korkvömr......................................................................
46 Vömr úr fléttiefhum.....................................................................
47 Viðardeig, deig úr sellulósaefhum og úrgangur úr pappír og pappa........................
48 Pappír og pappi og vömr úr þeim.........................................................
49 Prentuð gögn ...........................................................................
50 Silki og ofínn dúkur úr því.............................................................
51 Ull og dýrahár og ofinn dúkur úr því ...................................................
52 Baðmull og ofmn dúkur úr henni..........................................................
53 Önnur náttúmleg spunaefni og ofinn dúkur úr þeim........................................
54 Syntetískir þræðir, gerviefnaþræðir og ofinn dúkur úr þeim..............................
55 Tilbúnar stutttrefjar og ofinn dúkur úr þeim............................................
56 Vatt, flóki o.þ.h. og snúrur, reipi, kaðlar o.þ.h.......................................
57 Gólfteppi...............................................................................
58 Ofinn dúkur til sérstakra nota..........................................................
59 Húðaður spunadúkur, spunavömr til iðnaðamota............................................
60 Prjónaður eða heklaður dúkur............................................................
61 Prjónaður eða heklaður fatnaður og fylgihlutir..........................................
62 Annar fatnaður og fylgihlutir...........................................................
63 Aðrar spunavörur........................................................................
1.335.068,8 2.806.817,6
571,2 3,0
1.932,7 69,0
294.790,7 44.184,6
749,0 713,8
80.209,9 111.994,8
0,2 733,9
33,3 7.571,0
20,5 12.211,0
0,0 2.374,1
4,9 52.003,1
9,6 14.566,3
1.172,5 1.972,5
0,0 135,5
- 5,9
78.533,4 10.590,0
23.563,8 462,4
84,7 15.286,2
13,4 2.220,6
23,6 8.734,3
185,8 12.106,9
69,6 4.821,4
5.321,1 12.654,4
256.218,4 13.975,1
0,0 471,0
140.171,4 436.856,2
- 35.747,7
40.087,2 981.540,6
1.415,6 419.218,7
47,1 3.758,2
201,4 981,3
4,0 36.657,4
10,0 6.575,3
22,0 1.958,5
59,8 5.023,1
0,5 1.487,9
0,0 620,9
0,9 545,1
29.626,4 16.173,1
3.682,6 28.732,9
151,8 6.192,1
1.517,0 31,9
15,1 419,2
304,1 6,7
754,0 82.708,0
- 97,1
0,3 98,0
1.554,0 18,0
1.751,8 44.767,4
311,7 1.279,4
- 1,2
926,1 127,3
1,4 245,8
- 100,1
10,7 275,2
iu 222,8
1.134,3 3.079,8
10,1 474,5
0,0 75,9
0,9 712,4
10,8 100,7
29,4 1.140,6
46,7 1.576,2
506,0 1.470,0
Utanríkisverslun eftir tollskrámúmerum 2000
Verðmæti Value Net weight in tonnes
Útflutningur Fob-verð Exports Fob-value Innflutningur Imports Thousand ISK
Fob-verð Fob-value Cif-verð Cif-value
149.272.774 187.276.007 203.222.073 Total
315.789 6.907 9.543 Live animals 01
418.890 57.491 60.203 Meat and edible meat offal 02
74.449.732 4.519.512 4.958.443 Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates 03
74.132 132.186 150.030 Dairy produce; honey; edible products of animal origin n.e.s. 04
746.476 538.136 601.273 Products of animal origin 05
169 138.829 178.101 Live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots etc.; cut flowers 06
2.605 461.498 646.186 Edible vegetables 07
3.586 937.721 1.172.424 Edible fruit and nuts 08
15 654.912 698.310 Coffee, tea and spices 09
104 515.372 631.039 Cereals 10
147 277.286 357.436 Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten 11
67.259 116.689 130.526 Oleaginous seeds and fruits; seeds; indust. or med. plants; fodder 12
315 33.496 35.565 Lac; gums, resins and other vegetable saps and extracts 13
- 2.032 2.551 Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products n.e.s. 14
1.890.443 477.827 536.956 Animal or vegetable fats, oils and waxes 15
10.557.326 131.208 142.804 Preparations of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs etc. 16
31.921 564.703 653.173 Sugars and sugar confectionery 17
7.516 609.607 655.749 Cocoa and cocoa preparations 18
14.885 1.719.093 1.918.827 Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; pastrycooks' products 19
12.126 1.078.924 1.217.867 Preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts, or other parts of plants 20
11.420 1.641.254 1.767.017 Miscellaneous edible preparations, incl. icecream 21
182.097 1.649.476 1.838.636 Beverages, spirits and vinegar 22
9.414.078 440.474 497.767 Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder 23
3 1.060.940 1.087.234 Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes 24
548.641 663.713 1.186.611 Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cement 25
_ 85.176 118.225 Ores, slag and ash 26
537.216 17.592.649 18.897.943 Min. fuels and oils and related products; bituminous substances 27
40.070 7.106.700 7.695.687 Inorganic. chemicals 28
111.163 890.077 939.305 Organic chemicals 29
1.178.925 4.841.057 4.963.747 Pharmaceutical products 30
135 420.846 481.499 Fertilisers 31
3.896 1.119.314 1.218.357 Tanning or dyeing extracts; paints and varnishes; inks 32
31.382 1.469.903 1.590.735 Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations 33
12.151 889.312 978.397 Soap and washing preparations, polishing or scouring preparations 34
1.976 277.242 308.461 Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes 35
2 143.469 155.234 Explosives; pyrotechnic products 36
3.417 694.570 741.952 Photographic or cinematographic goods 37
501.467 1.462.184 1.612.854 Miscellaneous chemical products 38
637.278 5.325.895 5.968.197 Plastics and articles thereof 39
35.538 1.654.727 1.839.364 Rubber and articles thereof 40
138.305 37.401 41.478 Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather 41
94.374 535.833 604.712 Articles ofleather 42
872.809 38.258 40.466 Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof 43
96.633 3.435.840 3.938.166 Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal 44
_ 25.333 27.039 Cork and articles of cork 45
233 30.344 37.257 Manufactures of straw, or other plaiting materials 46
6.114 1.376 2.026 Pulp of wood or other cellulosic material; waste of paper or paperboard 47
238.598 4.167.721 4.647.000 Paper and paperboard; articles thereof 48
148.492 987.590 1.166.578 Printed matter 49
_ 4.477 5.074 Silk and woven fabric thereof 50
191.369 72.863 79.533 Wool, fine or coarse animal hair; fabric thereof 51
2.521 185.637 206.568 Cotton and woven fabric thereof 52
_ 13.928 16.457 Other vegetable textile fibres; woven fabrics thereof 53
1.522 241.292 257.259 Man-made filaments and woven fabric thereof 54
629 163.467 181.033 Man-made staple fibres and woven fabric thereof 55
1.068.465 1.332.906 1.403.635 Wadding, felt and nonwovens; special yarns; twine, ropes etc. 56
3.453 141.114 161.257 Carpets and other textile floor coverings 57
208 99.234 112.465 Special woven fabrics for particular use 58
1.974 229.164 252.506 Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated fabrics 59
28.280 87.947 97.289 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 60
140.407 2.487.877 2.662.700 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted 61
87.935 4.030.140 4.316.817 Other articles of apparel and clothing accessories 62
32.427 703.696 774.767 Other made up textile articles n.e.s. 63