Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2019, Blaðsíða 32

Reykjavík Grapevine - sep. 2019, Blaðsíða 32
The Reykjavík G rapevine Best of Iceland 2019 32 Kirkjubæjarklaustur Vík í Mýrdal Höfn í Hornafirði Stöðvarörður Djúpivogur Reyðarörður Eskiörður Neskaupsstaður Seyðisörður Vopnaörður Bakkagerði Fáskrúðsörður Selfoss Hella Hvolsvöllur EyrarbakkiÞorlákshöfn Stokkseyri Grindavík Hafnarörður Reykjavík Borgarnes Akranes Kjalarnes Húsavík Grenivík Hrísey Svalbarðseyri Hjalteyri Kópasker Raufarhöfn Þórshöfn Ólafsörður Dalvík Akureyri Grundar- örður Ólafsvík Arnarstapi Hellnar Hellissandur Rif Kópavogur Keflavík Sandgerði Garður Hvammstangi Borðeyri Laugarbakki Djúpavík Sauðárkrókur Varmahlíð Hofsós Sigluörður Blönduós Suðureyri Æðey Súðavík TálknaörðurPatreksörður Búðardalur Bíldudalur Hólmavík Bolungarvík Flateyri Þingeyri Hnífsdalur Ísaörður Laugavatn Hveragerði Mosfellsbær Sólheimar Laugarás Flúðir Reykholt Stykkishólmur Flatey Skagaströnd Grímsey Egilsstaðir Bakkaörður Breiðdalsvík Laugar Brjánslækur Reykholt Reykhólar Jökulsá á Fjöllum Jökulsá á Fjöllum Lagarfljót Öskjuvatn Þjórsá Ölfusá Hvítá Mývatn Langisjór Veiðivötn Þórisvatn Þingvallavatn Skaftá Kleifarvatn Hvítárvatn Skjálfandafljót G U L L F O S S S E L J A L A N D S F O S S D E T T I F O S S A L D E YJ A R F O S S G O Ð A F O S S J Ö K U L S Á Á B R Ú H R A U N F O S S A R K E R I Ð G E Y S I R U X A H R Y G G I R K A L D I D A L U R S T Ö N G L A N D M A N N A L A U G A R Þ J Ó R S Á R D A L U R L A K A G Í G A R G R Í M S V Ö T N Þ Ó R S M Ö R K S K Ó G A R F I M M V Ö R Ð U H Á L S M Ý R D A L S S A N D U R E L D H R A U N D Y R H Ó L A E Y R E Y N I S D R A N G A R V E S T M A N N A E YJ A R N Ú P S S T A Ð U R S K A F T A F E L L H V A N N A D A L S H N J Ú K U R S U Ð U R S V E I T J Ö K U L S Á R L Ó N I N G Ó L F S H Ö F Ð I S K E I Ð A R Á R S A N D U R BR E I Ð AM ER KU RS AN D U R P A P E Y H A L L O R M S S T A Ð U R K A T L A S E L A - T A N G A R K R Ý S U V Í K U R - B J A R G S E LT Ú N B L Á FJ Ö L L H E I Ð M Ö R K T H E B L U E L A G O O N K E F L A V Í K A I R P O R T G L J Ú F R A S T E I N N Þ I N G V E L L I R F E L L S S T R Ö N D G LY M U R E L D B O R G L J Ó S U FJ Ö L L H J Ö R S E Y S K Á L E YJ A R S V E F N E YJ A R A R N A R V A T N S H E I Ð I H V E R A V E L L I R Þ J Ó R S Á R V E R S P R E N G I S A N D U R A S K J A V Í T I L Ó N S Ö R Æ F I M Ö Ð R U D A L U R G R Í M S S T A Ð I R J Ö K U L S Á R G L J Ú F U RG J Á S T Y K K I S A U R B Æ R TJ Ö R N E S M E L R A K K A S L É T T A L A N G A N E S Á S B Y R G I V E S T U R D A L U R H E R Ð U B R E I Ð A R L I N D I R K J Ö L U R N O R Ð U R FJ Ö R Ð U R T R É K Y L L I S V Í K H O R N S T R A N D I R A Ð A LV Í K J Ö K U L F I R Ð I R H V Í T S E R K U R D J Ú P A L Ó N S S . L Ó N D R A N G A R H Ú S A F E L L N E S J A V E L L I R R E Y K J A N E S V I T I V A Ð A L FJ Ö L L B J A R K A L U N D U R D R A N G S N E S B A L A FJ Ö L L G J Ö G U R K R O S S N E S D R A N G A S K Ö R Ð H O R N B J A R G S E L Á R D A L U R K E T I L D A L U R L Á T R A B J A R G H R A F N A G I L H V A L N E S V E S T R A H O R N S K R I Ð U K L A U S T U R S U R T S H E L L I R J Ö K U L H E I M A R N Ý I D A L U R V O N A R S K A R Ð B A K K A H Ö F N G U N N U - H V E R H Ó L A R Í H J A LT A D A L S V A R F A Ð A R D A L U R L A U G A F E L L S K Á L H O LT G A LT A L Æ K U R Ú T H L Í Ð F L J Ó T S H L Í Ð H N J Ó T U R B R E I Ð A V Í K F L Ó K A L U N D U R H E S T E Y R I S N Æ F E L L S S T R Ö N D H R A F N S E Y R I K V E R K FJ Ö L L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 42 36 48 52 52 41 41 54 54 54 54 54 54 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 65 61 61 61 61 62 63 59 76 76 76 7682 82 83 85 85 85 85 85 85 94 93 92 92 96 75 56 55 36 35 30 26 26 25 3334 38 39 35 35 35 35 35 37 37 31 32 32 43 44 425 574 576 518 550 612 612 624 645 711 745 745 744 751 752 835 870 917 919 864 862 862 864 848 917 204209 F232 F208 F206 F206 F985 F208 F229 F347 F734 F752 F752 F756 F338 F338 F508 F821 F839 F899 F881 F910 F910F894 F909 F902 F903 F910 F910 F910 F578 F578 F210 F225 F210 F261 208 953 931 931 934 901 907 923 923 955 939 821 635 643 643 608 590 417 427 249250 221 255 252 261 264 264 F26 F26 F26 F26 F26 F88 F88 F26 268 364 305 365 Gallery: Húsið Patreksfjörður, Tel. +354 695-7620 Info: The Húsið Creative Space brings art and culture from around Ice- land and beyond to Patreksfjörður. Stop by for a monthly exhibition programme, artist talks, events, and a store selling local handicrafts, Reykjavík Roasters coffee, posters, design objects and more. If you fall in love and decide to move to Pa- treksfjörður, you could also hire a desk in the co-working space on the second floor. Above all else, Húsið proves that one need not be in the big city for some cutting-edge art. Map square: B8 Place: Látrabjarg Route 612 Info: Sitting pretty on the westernmost point of Iceland, Látrabjarg could best be called the avian metropolis of Iceland. A lush green cliff that juts abruptly down more than 400 metres into the Atlantic, Látrabjarg is the perfect place to laze around and watch the puffins dance above your head. Birds in this location are particularly tame, and thus it’s a great location for photography, bird-watching or just general en- joyment. A9 Town: Ísafjörður Info: The regional capital of the Westfjords is Ísafjörður, an old merchant town that’s definitely worth a visit. It’s the cultural capital of the area, and around the turn of the 20th century, Ísafjörður was the second-biggest town in Iceland, with a history filled with witch trials and industry. Today, it has a population of only 2,600, but despite its location deep in the West- fjords, it remains a lively town with three museums—including the oldest row of houses in Iceland—two bars, and a movie theatre. Its houses are old, and its people proud. C6 Area: Hornstrandir Accessible only by boat, horse or hike Info: This largely uninhabited peninsula is so far off the beaten track the only way to get there is by boat, or as part of a multi-day hike. The trouble is worth it: it’s a hidden preserve of outstanding natural beauty, and a haven for Arctic foxes, which are protected in the region. In summer, it’s also some- thing of a hiking mecca, with camp- sites and all the trails you could want. Be prepared, whether you’re going on a day-trip or a week long adventure. D-E5 Place: Djúpavík Strandir, Route 643 Info: Djúpavík is a far-flung and breath- taking hamlet around a rough dirt track deep in the Westfjords—be sure to check ahead that the road is serviced because it's truly sketchy. A handful of houses and a rusting shipwreck stand nestled next to a huge, crumbling factory building that seems like a surreal vision in the depths of the Strandir coast. The factory was abandoned when the fish vanished, and now serves as a workshop, museum and gal- lery; the workers’ quarters are now a cosy and informal family-run ho- tel. F7 Museum: Museum of Witchcraft & Sorcery Hólmavík, Tel: +354 897 6525 Info: A weathered wooden structure with a turf roof, Hólmavík’s main tourist attraction may look under- whelming, but like its subject, it’s got some magic. The museum’s most famous acquisition is a replica of a pair of “necropants”: trousers made of human skin, which alleg- edly dispense gold form the crotch for those brave or psychotic enough to make a pair. If that tickles your occult bone, indulge your morbid side with a visit. F8 USEFUL INFO Grapevine on the Westfjords: Our articles, info and guides for West Iceland and the Westfjords Tourist Information: West Iceland Marketing Office Tel: +354 462 3300 Emergency services Tel: 112 (national helpline) Weather report Recorded info: +354 902 0600 HOW TO GET THERE By domestic airline: Isafjörður (IFJ) Domestic flights to and from Reykjavík. Main airline operator: Tel: +354 570 3000 Other airports are at Bíldudalur and Gjögur, with flights to and from Reykjavík serviced by By car: Road conditions Tel: 1777 (Summer hours: 08:00-16:00 / Winter: 06:30-22:00) By ferry: From Stykkishólmur Ferry to Flatey and Brjánslækur Schedule & Info: By bus: National Bus Network Tel: +354 540 2700 SAFETY NOTE The summer “high season” in Iceland ends on September 1st. Please check for weather forecast and for driving conditions in the late sum- mer. Some roads close completely when weather is poor. Additional travel alerts can be found at OPENING HOURS Opening hours may vary outside of the summer season, so be sure to check ahead.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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