Reykjavík Grapevine - ágú. 2019, Blaðsíða 15

Reykjavík Grapevine - ágú. 2019, Blaðsíða 15
Th e Re yk ja ví k G ra pe vi ne Be st o f I ce la nd 2 01 9 15 by zig-zagging up a steep hillside to the top of a long, pebbled, jet-black expanse. Before long, the cabins are out of view, and my senses tingle keenly, awakening to the feeling of amplified nature in this vast empty space. I stride through fields of glisten- ing pebbles, running down steep slopes and labouring up the other side. As the trail ascends higher, bands of snow start to appear, and I take the opportunity to cool down by lying in the snow. After a couple of hours, the wind starts to carry the distinctive smell of sulphur and the ground changes from firm dirt to an orange clay that clings to my boots heavily. I arrive, panting, at a viewpoint overlooking a deep chasm with several plumes of steam jetting emphatically into the air. Dragon spine Hveradalir turns out to be bigger than I could have imagined. The onward path leads gradually down a long ridge into the valley, over the course of an entire kilometre. Steps have been hammered into the sticky clay of the earth like stitches in the ground, which changes col- our through a spectrum of bright yellow, earthy red, mouldy powder blue and vivid bottle green. As the colours change gradually beneath my feet, it’s intensely stimulating, and a sense of adrenalized awe courses through me. The long de- scent feels like so much as walking down the spine of a dragon. At the base of the valley, various paths converge from different di- rections, intersecting and splitting off again. As a result, the bottom of Hveradalir has become an im- probable hiking junction, and a mid-Highlands meeting point. A long procession of silver-haired hikers in brightly coloured rain- coats stride purposefully past us, heading back up the hill with bulg- ing backpacks that hint at a mul- ti-day route. A family of German tourists disrobe and gamely jump into the warm, burbling stream for a soak. Through walls of steam, I fleetingly glimpse figures wander- ing the pathways in all directions, taking in the otherworldly scene. Suspended in time It feels like the regular flow of time has been suspended, and I wander the trails, prolonging this immersive moment. Steam pours skywards from the countless hot- spots, melting the lingering snow into organically formed sculptures; the hammered rungs of the various trails look like lines drawn over the earthy hills. Eventually, I take an upwards path that loops around the oth- er lip of the valley. The bright, unctuous mud gives way to firm ground, and the trail leads through broken lava outcrops and mossy, boulder-strewn fields. Back at the summit, I bang the mud from my boots, still intensely present in the moment. I take a long final look back, and a broad smile steals over my face. I start the return journey with a spring in my step, brimming with joy from this fantastical, sen- sually overwhelming place. www.babylon. is kr ist inn@babylon. is Ölverk Logo P I Z Z A & B R E W E R Y H V E R A G E R Ð I - I C E L A N D Where you find the real local beer and gourmet pizzas Visit Ölverk - Iceland´s first geothermal powered brewery. Perfect stopover while visiting south Iceland and Golden Circle Breiðamörk 2 / 810 Hveragerði / tel. 483-3030 / Brewery tours / Craft beer / Pizzeria / Great local experience “My senses tingle keenly, awakening to the feeling of amplified nature in the vast empty space.”
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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