Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.03.2019, Blaðsíða 50

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.03.2019, Blaðsíða 50
50 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 03— 2019 WAR OF THE NERDS Iceland Solves the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict Boycotting Eurovision and the unexpected re- demption of Hatari. Words: Valur Grettisson Photo: Hatari If there is something holier than Christmas in Iceland, it would probably be Eurovision. Our read- ers know this. Icelanders go com- pletely berserk over the annual song contest. The whole nation literally convinces themselves— like some otherworldly collective delusion—that this year, we will conquer this odd spectacle that can only be characterized as the flashiest cultural shitshow on earth. Well, except the Oscars, perhaps. But this year, Icelanders are facing a moral dilemma. Israel won the 2018 competition with Netta’s hilariously bad song, "Toy"— the offspring of Japanese cultural appropriation and the sound that chickens make when a fox enters their pen. Still con- fused? Well, that’s Eurovision for you. Close to 30,000 Icelanders (and some foreigners) have signed a petition urging the Icelandic Na- tional Broadcast (RÚV) to boycott the festival because of the war crimes that the Israeli govern- ment has been accused of com- mitting against the Palestinian nation. RÚV ignored this petition and will select Iceland’s contribution to the competition a few days af- ter this issue goes to print. Ice- landers had never seen a problem with Israel’s participation in the competition until they won. So Is- rael can participate, but not win, according to the logic of the pro- testers. Well, whatever keeps the Eurovision party going. The Icelandic competition of- fers an unexpected redemption for the rest of us. Cybergoth band Hatari (‘Haters’) have swept the qualifiers and are likely to win the chance to represent Iceland in Tel Aviv. (Keep in mind, this article was written before the final com- petition, so who knows what’s in store.) Hatari’s hilariously nihil- ist approach has given Icelanders an opportunity to send a subtle— well, as subtle as a song called ‘Hatred Will Prevail’ can be—po- litical message to the competition and introduce some saucy BDSM at the same time. Sounds like a win-win for everyone. Except Pal- estinians, of course. But no matter what happ ens, Iceland will compete in Eurovi- sion, and we will definitely lose, and the Israeli government will keep on supporting settlements in the West Bank. Because Euro- vision doesn't achieve anything, except flooding our radio once a year with bad music. CITY SHOT by Art Bicnick WELL, YOU ASKED Your problems, our solutions Words: Andie Fontaine Hey Grapevine, can we have a ruling here on the literal/cultural translation for “parking the bus”? Thanks, guys. Keep on #SmitingTheWorld. - Kevin Duska Jr., via Twitter. First, thanks, smite we will. Second, the translation would be “að leggjast í vörn.” Literally, it means “to lie in the defense.” Figuratively, it means “the greatest and most awesome football strategy of all time.” No sight inspires confidence in the Icelandic football supporter quite like seeing seven men take on a solitary striker. Works every time. Often times when I try speaking Icelandic with an Icelander, they will answer me in English, even if I kept speaking Icelandic to them. How can I get them to answer me in Icelandic? Should I even bother? - DN Getting Icelanders to accept you enough to reply to you in Icelandic is definitely the toughest part of learning the language. I personally use a three- strikes rule: I respond in Icelandic twice, but if I’m responded to back in English after that, I respond with, “Er ég ekki að tala íslensku við þig?” This usually does the trick. Just be sure the person in question is an Icelander, and not a foreigner who doesn’t even know Icelandic. Because that’s embarrassing. Send your unsolvable (UNTIL NOW) problems to or tweet us at @rvkgrapevine. We hope they'll tackle Trump after capitalism and Eurovision Celebrating 30 years since prohibition #HopsForEveryone “Your first and last stop”


Reykjavík Grapevine

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