Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.05.2019, Blaðsíða 41

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.05.2019, Blaðsíða 41
A ‘Shroom Trip For The Whole Family Behind the scenes at Flúðir’s Farmer’s Bistro Words & Photo: John Rogers Mushroom Farm & Restaurant Visit Flúðasveppir and Farmer’s Bistro at Garðastígur 8 in Flúðir, and online at The sleepy, pastoral town of Flúðir has seen an influx of visitors in re- cent years. Previously known as a quiet farming community with an abundance of geothermal water at its disposal, in recent times Flúðir’s proximity to the Golden Circle route has seen enterprising locals turn their minds towards entertaining tourists. The Secret Lagoon bathing spot has become a runaway success with thousands upon thousands flooding through its doors each year, and now other tourist-facing businesses are mushrooming around it. In the case of Farmer’s Bistro, quite literally. T h e F l ú ð a s v e p p i r mushroom farm is the on ly mushroom farm in Iceland, producing an astounding 11 tonnes of che s t nut , but t on , and portobello mush- rooms each week, and employing 45 people in the process. In line with the town’s welcoming spirit of opening its doors to the public, today Flúðasveppir offers a tour of the farm, followed by a meal in their smart new farm-to- table restaurant, Farmer’s Bistro. Steaming heaps Our guide on the tour is Ragnheiður, the daughter of the owner. We’re led through the process backwards, starting with a series of long, dark rooms with endless shelves of white button mushrooms balloon- ing up from the soil. Ragnheiður cuts a fresh mushroom for us to try: it’s light, creamy, and absolutely delicious. Next, we see the process behind the end result. We’re led to a barn through a maze of hay bales—the factory burns through 80 a week— to a large warehouse where the next batch of fertiliser is being prepared. To speed up the fermen- tation process, chicken manure is added to the hay, resulting in huge, dramatically steaming heaps of fu- ture fertiliser. Having grown up on the farm, Ragnheiður is very familiar with this oddly alien hay- scape, and plunges her hand into the pile, pulling forth a steaming clump that emits wisps of smoke like a Hollywood special effect. Waste not want not But that’s not the most impres- sive thing on the tour. As we walk back to the lobby, we’re filled in on the zero-waste policy of the farm. Nothing at Flúðasveppir, it seems, goes to waste. “Unbeauti- ful” mushrooms are sliced and sold as pizza toppings; water is recycled; old crop and soil are recompost- ed and sold in bags for gardeners and houseplant enthusiasts. This best-practice mentality has led to visits from international industry groups, all keen to replicate Flúðas- veppir’s sustainable, environmen- tally friendly model. Farm to table After the tour, we arrive back at the Farmer’s Bistro. The farm also pro- duces bell peppers and all kinds of other vegetables, all of which fea- ture in the menu of the bright, spa- cious restaurant. Mains vary from lamb—presented here as a tasty, spicy, filling wrap—to chicken sal- ad with tangy ginger dressing, and a veggie steak that makes the veg- etarian on our tour scribble down the recipe. Everything is locally sourced, and comes with abundant servings of fresh lettuce, pepper and tomato. Of course, mushrooms feature too. The “gourmet buffet” option comprises a bowl of delicious mushroom soup w ith house-baked bread and a selection of sal- sas and tapenades. A mush- room ice cream dessert (yes, it’s a thing) is the cherry on the cake. Next time you go for a spin around the Golden Cir- cle, be sure to add a dash of green by dropping by Farmer’s Bistro—and be sure to get some mushrooms and a bag of that mycelium-infused soil to take some of Flúðasveppir’s fertile magic home with you. 41The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 07— 2019 A steaming chicken-poop fertiliser pile. Yum! After the farm tour: the feast “Ragnheiður pulls forth a steaming clump of hay that emits wisps of smoke like a Hollywood special effect.” ÓÐINSTORG | 101 | REYKJAVÍK | ÍSLAND SNAPSBISTRO.IS | +354 5116677 FRENCH ONION SOUP Icelandic Ísbúi cheese, croûtons 2.390 kr. MOULES MARINIÈRES steamed mussels from Breiðafjörður 2.600 kr. FISH OF THE DAY chef´s special 3.890 kr. Lunch offer from 11:30 - 14:00 1.990 kr. EST. 2012REYKJAVIK


Reykjavík Grapevine

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