Reykjavík Grapevine - 21.06.2019, Blaðsíða 42

Reykjavík Grapevine - 21.06.2019, Blaðsíða 42
42The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10— 2019 The Next Generation Una Press brings young Icelandic poetry to the masses Words: Felix Robertson Photos: Óli Már Poetry Press ‘Það er alltaf eitthvað’ is widely available in bookshops across Iceland. See for more info. In the ever-changing world of Ice- landic poetry, a new anthology by Una Útgáfuhús, or Una Press, is bringing the next generation of Icelandic poets to the fore. Named ‘Það er alltaf eitthvað’, or ‘There is always something,’ the anthol- ogy is a collaborative work writ- ten by students of creative writ- ing and—if the talent on show is anything to go by—it bodes well for the future of this tenu- ous but tenacious literary scene. It’s a small world Iceland is a famously literary na- tion. But with the population standing at just under 340,000, the poetry scene i n Icela nd i s, inevitably, per- i lou sly sma l l . However, against all the odds, it continues to sur- vive, and even th rive. Poetr y is bought and sold, read and re- cited, and reviewed and criticised across Iceland. The Icelandic po- etry scene is no bastion of the old. The late publisher Meðgönguljóð, which sold poetry pamphlets for the price of a coffee, worked to bring a wide range of young Icelandic poets to prominence. However, through the work of new publishers like Una Press, Iceland continues to see an emer- gence of young, dynamic writers. “It’s the end of one generation,” says Jóhannes Helgason, one of the members of Una Press. “And now they’re letting the next generation get involved.” Always something Compiling the work of twelve writers, Una Press’ anthology was developed through an initiative from the University of Iceland, where students studying creative writing joined w ith those st udy ing practical editing and publishing. One of the most important choic- es, of course, was the ti- tle. After much discus- sion, ‘There is always something’ was the eventual choice, taken from a phrase spoken often by the grandmother of Mikló, one of the writers. The phrase testifies to the mixture of joy and chal- lenges we face in our actions and deci sion s throughout life. Thematic connections “Thematically, the stories are quite broad,” says Jóhannes. “But the idea of strings, or connec- tions, was a starting point.” The range of subject matter is, admit- tedly, dizzying. In one story, a woman has forty-seven siblings. In another, there’s a pervert on a train. But the theme of con- nections, whether in the form of family, relationships, or even his- torical ties, runs deep throughout the divergent narrative strands. “In a way, the anthology itself is a string of shorter works, link- ing together,” says Stefanía Páls- dóttir, one of the student writ- ers. But she also emphasizes the personal nature of these poems. “The work is also, of course, about us. Because when you write, you use a tiny, tiny bit of yourself.” Translations? One of the surest signs of success in Icelandic poetry is to have your work translated. At present, ‘Það er alltaf eitthvað’ is only avail- able in Ice- landic, but Stefanía is enthusiastic about a po- tential trans- l a t i o n . “ I t would be very exciting,” she says. “I think there’s a lot of interest from both Icelanders and foreigners alike in bringing these works to a larger audience.” She also speaks hopefully about the overall tra- jectory of Icelandic language po- etry. “I’m really optimistic,” she explains. “New voices are being heard and I also feel a lot of people do concentrate on the art itself, in- stead of just trying to become fa- mous through Instagram poetry.” A new generation Will there be future projects similar to this? Stefanía is reti- cent but confirms that there are, as she says, “quite a few irons in the fire.” She also voices hope that more students will take part in the course. “It’s the start of a new generation of Icelandic poets,” agrees Jóhannes, “And I’m really excited to see where it will go.'' FISH & MORE SkólavörDustígur 23 • 101 reykjavík Steamed Fresh Fish, Traditional Icelandic Fish ‘Stew’, Fish & Vegan Soups, Smoked Salmon & Vegan Toppings on Sourdough Bread, Beer, Wine, Coffee & more 15% DISCOUNT SALKA VALKA 15% discount of total bill, every day IF you bring this ticket “It’s the end of one generation and now they’re letting the next generation get involved.” Young poets of Pinterest, assemble! Books The oldestdiner B U R G E R S – S A N D W I C H E S BBQ RIBS – STEAKS – FISH WRAPS AND LOCAL DISHES V I S I T I N R E Y K J A V Í K W W W . G R I L L H U S I D . I S TRYGGVAGATA 20, TEL: 5623456
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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