Fjölrit RALA - 15.08.1980, Side 36

Fjölrit RALA - 15.08.1980, Side 36
24 during the summer did not add anything to their carcass during the experi- mental period, whereas the lambs grazing the aftermath that had not been grazed before during the summer gained 3.2 kg carcass weight éind the léunbs grazing the kale gained 2.0 kg. It has to be stated that the kale did not last all the grazing period. The weight of the peth, abdominal fat and livers increased most in the léunbs that grazed the ungrazed aftermath and least in the lambs grazing the bog. The same was true for the carcatfs and meat measurements, but the weight and length of the céunnon bone was higher in the bog grazing lambs than the lambs grazing the previously grazed aftermath. As expected the riamen NH^-N was lowest in the bog grazing léunbs, but it is interesting that it was highest in the léunbs grazing the previously grazed aftermath. The ratio between the acetic acid and propionic acid was lowest in rumen of the lambs that gained the most i.e. the lambs grazing the- aftermath that had not been grazed before during the summer, but highest in the lambs grazing the uncultivated bog. The study indicates that the breakdown in the rumen was greatest in the lambs grazing the previously grazed aftermath and this could be due to decreased flow of digesta thioug the rumen that could be caiBed by lack of fcod intake. Similarly the breakdown in the rumen was also high in the lambs grazing the unimproved bog. These lambs were also most probably not receiving enough protein. The horses (ponies) in Kalfholt did extremely well. Similarly the ewes gained considerable weight whereas the lambs were poor. The horses did not benefit frora mixed grazing with sheep, whereas the lambs seem to have beneffted from grazing with the horses. The increased performance of the lambs, however, is not great enough to make them comparable to the lambs grazing the mountain pastures in Iceland. As indicated before half of the sheep had to be removed from the most heavily grazed pastures at Kelduhverfi 19^ of July because of lack of feed. The ewes that were left behind in the experiment kept on loosing weight in spite of the decrease in grazing pressure. In the light unferti- lized paddock the ewes gained some weight in August éind September. On the fertilized paddocks, both the herbicide treated cind untreated, the ewes did well, except in two heaviest grazed pastures on the herbicide treated land where they did not start gaining weight until middle of August. The lambs did well on the fertilized land and the carcass weight was better than the year before. Both on the unfertilized and the herbicide treated fertilized land the carcass weight was not as good as in previous years.
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Fjölrit RALA

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