Reykjavík Grapevine - okt. 2020, Blaðsíða 30

Reykjavík Grapevine - okt. 2020, Blaðsíða 30
HORROR!SCOPES The Autumn Fo! Reveals Your Fate Please don't dress up as "Slutty Coronavirus" for Halloween... Words: C"therine M"gnúsdóttir & H"nn"h J"ne Cohen In Horror-Scopes, the Grapevine’s dedicated team of amateur astrolo- gists give you their mystical visions on the dark fate that lies before you. The tea leaves have spoken! Aries The spirits demand their offering, Aries. An oath made in blood weighs as much as a delicate click of “I have read and agree with the terms and condi- tions.” Don’t challenge their wrath. Updating your iOS won’t end well. Taurus No, Taurus, it is absolutely NOT too early to be wear- ing that Halloween sweater. Mix it with a witch’s hat while you’re at it, why don’t you? We called alleged Grapevine fan Tim Burton and he agreed. GeminiThe cold autumn fog hides many things, Gemini, but not that unfinished assignment nor your fraught relationship with your father. Cancer Byronic poetry is best en- joyed at a graveyard, don’t you think? Just make sure you get all your longing out before sunrise and don’t accidentally carry home some graveyard dirt under your pointy, leather, gothic shoes. It might invite some restless soul to follow you and your sleep paralysis monster doesn’t need more com- pany. Unless it’s a fellow Cradle of Filth fan. LeoI don’t care what they say, Leo, you go and en- joy that pumpkin spiced latte! This year has been harsh enough, so just go ahead and embrace everything that would have made you a basic bitch before. Pop in that Notebook DVD or go listen to the Chainsmok- ers #goodvibes #missingcoachella Virgo Scrolling through aesthetic blogs on tumblr might not be the best coping mechanisms on a long-term scale, but reblogging some of those ‘Hocus Pocus’ gif- sets can’t hurt. LibraThere’s nothing wrong with caring so l ittle about Halloween that you once again opt for the sexy cat look this year. Just kidding—we know your ambitions for Samhain grandeur journey far beyond the feline. We foresee a unanimous win at this year’s costume contest if you go big and rent some tigers for a sexy Carole Baskin look. For full authenticity, (allegedly) kill your husband. ScorpioMake like a ghost and grab some boo-ze. Maybe it ’ll warm your dead Scorpio heart. (We hate Scorpios. Sue us.) SagittariusWe love new seasons—both weather and ‘The Bachelorette’! Let’s hope Clare (or Tayshia?) finds love this time around. If you’re reading this, Crawley, let the falling leaves re- mind you that it’s ok to let go. CapricornIt ’s t ime for a girls niiiight! Create a group chat for all your gal pals, get some firewood and just go apeshit in the forest. Satanic chanting can be an excellent bonding experi- ence, we hear, as is dancing naked in the woods! Just make sure none of your friends are called Abigail Williams, Elizabeth Proctor, or something equally… dangerous. AquariusThe only things follow-ing you into the grave will be worms. You’ll be alone forever, you aquatic loser. Pisces It’s not too late to book a cabin for the autumn days ahead. Fulfill your dream of being the hermit of the high- lands, Pisces! Vanish mysteri- ously into the mist, go pick some berries and knit yourself an awe- some cloak. Be the folklore figure you were born to be. CITY SHOT by Art Bicnick WELL, YOU ASKED White Collar Tax Fraud Words: Iona Rangeley-Wilson Got a burning question? In desperate need of advice? We at the Grapevine are here to help. How do I move out of home? Get arrested. It’s time to get real, Mil- lennials and Gen Z-ers. You are never going to own your own home. Not un- less you become the sole inheritor of an estranged aunt’s vast fortune or se- duce Leonardo DiCaprio. What better way to get out of your parents’ house than to have the country’s law enforce- ment services expressly forbid you from spending further time in it? Be crea- tive: commit some cheeky yet charm- ing white-collar tax fraud, murder your least favourite politician, or allow your ex-partner-in-crime to emotionally blackmail you into helping him heist a casino. And once you’re in prison? I’ve heard rent’s paid for by the state, and you’ll never get Mum telling you off for not making your bed again. I mean Jesus, you’re not twelve. My fish died. I didn’t feed them. Am I a murderer? Yes. You’re a cold-blooded killer. And on a subliminal, subconscious level, you did this on purpose. Was it a twisted way of getting back at your primary school lunch lady for forcing you to fin- ish your fish fingers? Or perhaps the dark impulse of a repressed vegetarian? Well, you’re too far gone now. There’s no way back. Either hand yourself in to the police right away, or be bold and be- come a career assassin. Just make sure you remember your roots. "The Man With The Double Shadow" shop.gra shop.gra shop.gra shop.gra * shop.gra pevine.isshop.gra Get Grapevine Merch! Don't Hesitate! Act Now! * You only need to type the URL in once 30 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 08— 2020


Reykjavík Grapevine

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