The Midnight Sun - 17.08.1940, Side 2

The Midnight Sun - 17.08.1940, Side 2
2 THE MIDNIGHT SUN N E n N THE MIDNIGHT SUN In this town there are four daily papers. There may be some who will regard the ad- vent of another paper even a weekly as rash and may be illtimed. But this paper “The Midnight Sun” is not a rival and is by no means intended to supplant or compete with its contemporaries. „The Mid- night Sun” is written by our own people for our own pe- ople. Those of you, therefore, who have ideas, who can place them on paper in prose or in verse ... or if you will poet- ry . .. will you do so and send along the result? Your duty is clear and that is to buy the paper Weekly and get everyone else to huy. We do not aspire to make a profit, but if any is made it will go to the comforts of the troops them- selves. Fortunately permission has been granted to send this pa- per home to our land. It is a considerable concession, much to be appreciated and never to be abused. It must be made perfectly clear that nothing shall be added in writing or marks of any description. That will immediately entail de- struction by the Censor. So with these words we offer you the first edition of the Iceland- ic series of “TheMidnight Sun”. Copies may be obtained from all F. F. I. Institutes. All contributions should be sent to the Editor:- Canon J. C. F. Hood, T. D., Force H. Q. »An Englishman’s HERITAGE«. With guns a’cock, and ears alert, The little band marched on; And oft across their minds there flashed The thought of comrades gone. The scouts were flung on either flank, To counteract surprise; As they pressed forward steadfastly, With eyes turned to the skies. Then suddenly the warning call Was heard — and, quick as light, The bird was arrested in its flight — It was the glorious 12th. W. P. Coult. E.N.S.A. INTERESTED. PARTIES FOR ICELAND? Tlie question of sending act- ors and actresses to Iceland to entertain troops was raised at a meeting of E.N.S.A. this week, according to a Reuters despatch. Asked if there were any such plans, an official told Reuters correspondent „We could pro- vide some form of entertain- ment if we were asked to do so. For instance' we m,ight send out a mobile cinema.“ One mobile cinema belong- ing to F.F.I. is already in tliis country serving the eastern and northern districts. E.N.S.A’s interest introduces the possi- bility of being able to provide cinema entertaiment both in the Northern and S.W. districts. A party consisting of four actresses and four actors is now assembling at Drury Lane, and according to Reuter, is likely to receive orders soon to proceed to Iceland, and will probably arrive within the next week or sö. „GRACIE“ IN CANADA. BEWILDERED BY MONEY „UPROAR“. Considerable interest, cul- minating in questions in the House of Commons, has been shown in the absence in Ame- rica of Gracie Fields and her Italian husband, Monty Banks; particularly in the amount of money they were allowed to take out of the country. The matter came up in the House of Commons during the week when the Financial Secre- tary to the Treasury made a lengthy reply to a questioner. „No pex-mission was sought by Miss Fields“, lie said, „when slie left the country recently, to take money abroad beyond the £10 allowed by regulations. The restrictions on taking out jewel- lery, imposed on July lst, did not exist when they left the country“. Gracie Fields, who is recovei'ing from a serious ill- ness, applied in October last for a considerable sum, of dollars to go abroad. Tliis applica- tion was supported by strong medical recommendations. Per- mission was given for lier to take tlie sum of £8,000. Monty Banks applied inde- pendently for the transfer of £20,000 to America. This was allowed „on business grounds“ so that he might carry on liis business as a film producer in tlie expectation that consider- able dollar earnings might be surx-endered for England‘s ben- efit. Gracie is now giving concerts in Canada for War Relief Funds and on her arrival in Toronto told Reuters correspondent that she was „bewildered“ by the „uproar“ regarding lier affairs. „Under Mr. Basil Dean I am woi’king every day for the Government“, she said, „and I am not making a cent for my- self.“ In Hollywood Monty Banks declared: „Just because I am an Italian they are trying to make things disagreeable for ixiy wife. I wish they would stop.“ NOEL COWARD IN U.S.A. The activities of Noel Co- ward, famous playwright, in the United States, also formed the suhject of questions in the Commons. Mr. Harold Nicholson, Parlia- mentary Secretary to the Min- isty of Information, said that Mr. Coward had gone to the United States on a short visit with Mr. Duff Cooper’s approv- al and liad been asked to visit President Roosevelt of whom he was a personal fi’iend. His qualifications were contacts with certain sections of opinion which it was difficult to reach from ordinary sources. HEROES STILL. War Time Cricket in Yorkshire. Ten thousand spectatoi's at Sheffield last Saturday watch- ed many Yorkshire cricket stars playing in a match in which Capt. Herbert Sutcliffe’s XI lost by 5 wkts to Major G. Ferrand’s XI. Top scorer was A/C P. Gibb, Yorkshire and Cambridge bats- man, who made 65 for Ferr- and’s XI. He was well support- ed by Sjt-Major Smailes who scored 50 and Sjt Maurice Ley- land with 45 retired. For Sutcliffe’s XI Sjt-In- structor Len Hutton scored 30 and Capt. Hedley Yerity took three wickets for 60. Sutcliffe declared at 159 for 7. Ferrand’s XI replied witlx 221 for 5. * t 68 Clubs are participating in conxing Regional Football Com- petitioixs. * Troops in Hyde Park have turned the bowling green into a wired off cliicken run. FLANDERS DESPATCHES. QUESTION OF PUBLICATION The question of publishing the despatches received from Flanders prior to the evacua- tion from Dunkerque has been raised in Parliament this week. Asked if it was proposed to issue the full despatches giving a detailed account of the opera- tions of the B.E.F. in France, Mr. Anthony Eden í'eplied tlxat the despatches from General Lord Gort and otlier Coiximand- ers had been í’eceived. The question of their ultimate publication was under consi- deration but it would not be in the public interest to issue tliem at present. CANADA CALLING — FLASHES FROM THE DOMINION. Montreal. — Following a theree nxonths ilhxess, the death is reported of Cecil Hart, man- ager of the Monti-eal Canadians Ice Hockey team during some of their íxiost successful seasons. He was 56. Bridgewater, N. S. — Mrs. Little, who as Dorothy Round was Wimbledon lawn tennis champion, has ai’rived with her son in Nova Scotia and is re- ported to be going to Canada to stay for the duration of the war. Toronto. — Death is reported of Dr. John Gerald Fitzgerald, Pi-ofessor of Hygiene and Pre- ventive Medicine at Toronto University. He was one of the world’s greatest bacteriologists ast sögunni um það, er þjóðin snerist frá heiðni til kristinnar trúar. Þess er líka vænzt, að blaðið geti unnið að því, að glæða skilning á hátt- um okkar og venjum hjá þjóðinni, sem hefir þörf verndar okkar og viðskifta á þessum ógnartímum. Tengiliði milli þeirra, sem hér eru í nábýli, er auðvelt að smíða; en sterkara tengiliðs við heimalandið og samveldislöndin er einnig þörf. „Miðnætursólin“ vill senda geisla sína til margra heimila, skipa og flugskýla, flytja fréttir með bréfum og varðveita minningar og frásagnir af dvöl vorri á íslandi. Látum þá „Miðnætursólina“ hefja göngu sína og aldrei ganga til viðar meðan við erum hér.


The Midnight Sun

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