Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1951, Page 6

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1951, Page 6
ó The common denotation A/(X)-/(.V-(-«)• f(x) will here be replaced by ax4)->/(.v)= a^/W^/^^ +/)) -/(v)=/(x+o»)~/(x) (8) As is well known the syinbols mentioned can be treated in mathematical formulae as if they were numerical quanti- ties, and, as (6) and (7) show, Ð" and a" are reproducible in ordinary mathematical language if n is a positive integer. If n is a positive integer, we have the relation:— Ð" • Ð~n—\ Ð~" corresponds, therefore, to a «-fold integration where x is the upper limit of the integrations, while the lower limits are constants to be determined in accordance with the prob- lem involved. Similarly A«. A-"=l and accordingly A x"f(x)=f[{x) (9a) if A"<p(x)=/(x) (9b) The function cp(x) as determined from f(x) of (9a) includes n (arbitrary) constants. Further any constant included in tp(.v) may be replaced by a periodic function in x the period of the function being 1. We exclude, however, all such perio- dic functions from our discussion in that we postulate that the general solution shall not be affected by changing a* into Ax/w where o> is an arbitrary constant. At first glance this restriction may seem to be very serious. Actually it is of no importance except in very special problems. On the otlier hand it is highly helpful in general problems as it puts Ai on even terms with Ðx. From (7) and (8) we readily derive (l + Ar)''/(.v)=/(.v | /?)
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Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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