Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1951, Qupperneq 20

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1951, Qupperneq 20
[2] 20 If we should need them we can readily derive them from those already stated. We shall now consider the equation 2r=j(x(l+AV<«))^cp(q) (13) where 2 is a function of x and q, y(jc) a function of x in- dependent of rj, and q)(r|) a function of r] that, in most cases, also may include x. If two of the functions z, y and <v are known, the third one can be determined, with the re- striction that if y is the function to be determined, qp(rj) should not contain x except as a common factor of the form (f(x))v where f{x) is independent of tj. If z is the unknown, the soluíion is at once given by each of the infinite series to A7. From (13) we derive q> = M*(l+Aij/«0)]-í^'K*>,n) (14) The right-hand side of (14) is also a basal function from which qj is readily obtained. If y is the unknown we restrict our solution to the case that q)(q) is independent of x. When we have ascertained that this condition is fulfilled, we apply the transformation B, We are then able to arrive at the solution as j'=[q)(ln[í?V(l +Ainx/<o)])]_/^z(+ri) (15) Sometimes the transformation C enables us to surmount the difficulties arisen from the circumstance that x is im- plied by q)(n). Suppose that q>(ii) =(/(*))’M'n) where ^(q) is independent of x. Then we have with regard to C ^(/W)MÍW)^(1+A+))]-m1)(t|) (16) and yimr*]=*M ln^d+AinxJ)]-^^^) (16a) Provided that q>(iq) does not comprise x the equation (13)
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Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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