Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1967, Blaðsíða 173
ral we may conclude that E—W crustal drift hy dyke injec-
tion does not seem likely in the area.
It is tempting to view the fracture systems from western
Iceland as conjugate sets of master joints in a biaxial stress
field, along the lines envisaged by Einarsson (1963). Fold-
ing in such a field would cause a set of shear joints with
their angle bisected by the fold axis and tensional joints
parallel or perpendicular to the axis, depending on the fold.
It would be premature to put forward such an explanation
for the fracture systems of western Iceland before further
fieldwork, but in the writer’s opinion the Tertiary tectonic
pattern is more suggestive of NW—SE compressional stresses
than E-W tension.
Rödvarsson, G. and G. P. L. Walker, 1964: Crustal drift in Iceland. Geo-
phys. J. Roy. Astr. Soc. 8, 285—300.
Einarsson, Tr., 1960: The plateau basalt areas in Iceland. In: On the Geo-
logy and Geophysics of Iceland, 5—20. Int. Geol. Congr. Norden.
— 1963: Firðir, flóar og fomar hrotalamir. (Icelandic with an English
summary). Tímarit V.F.l. 48, 33—39.
— 1965: Remarks on crustal structure in Iceland. Geophys. J. Roy. Astr.
Soc. 10, 283-288.
Friedrich, W., 1966: Zur Geologie von Brjánslækur (Nordwest Island)
unter besonderer Beriicksichtung der fossilen Flora. Sonderveröff. d.
Geol. Inst. d. Univ. Köln, 10, 108 pp.
Gibson, I. L., 1966: The crustal structure of eastem Iceland. Geophys. J.
Roy. Astr. Soc. 12, 99—102.
Sigurdsson, H., 1966: Geology of the Setberg area, Snæfellsnes, western
Iceland. Greinar IV, 2. Visindafél. Isl., 53—125.
Walker, G. P. L., 1959: Geology of the Reydarfjördur area, eastern Iceland.
Quart. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 114, 367—391.
Winkler, H. G. F., 1938: Zur Entstehung der islandischen Fjorde. Zeit-
shr. f. Geomorphologie 10, 255—263.