The News Bulletin - 13.07.1940, Page 1
I, 1. AKUREYRI JULY 13th 1940. PRICE: 1° “j;™
Turkcy remains faithful
to hcr engag'ements.
The Turkish Prime Minister, Dr. Sey-
dam reviewed his Government’s foreign
policy before the Chamber yesterday. He
assured the members that there was no
danger on the eastern frontier and stated
that Turkey would remain faithful to all
her engagements and her friends.
The German press and radio have been
circulating rumour that Russia has pre-
sented Turkey with an ultimatum. Russia’s
demands were said to include denoncia-
tion of the pact with Britain and the ce-
ding of Istambul to Russia. The formal
Russian denial that any such ultimatum
has been presented or that Russia has
made any demands on Turkey, was recei-
ved with great satisfaction in Ankara
yesterday. In London the German at-
tempts to poison Turkey’s relations with
Britain are seen to have completly failed.
R. A. F. boinbs Ruhr.
On Thursday R. A. F. bombers heavily
bombed oil depots in Ruhr and military
objects in many places in north western
Germany. Three planes are missing from
these operations.
Gennan losses over Britain
Sinee June 18th the Germans have lost
103 planes in their attempts to raid Bri-
tain and in addition 34 planes have been
so damaged that it is unlikely they
reached their bases. This brings the total
German losses over and around Britain to
172 machines destroyed and 72 damaged
so that they may well be considered lost
also. The last three weeks have proved
more costly to the Germans than all the
previous months of war.
Figliting' on Kenya-Abes-
synia border.
A communique issued in Nairobi yester-
day reports stiff fighting in British Movale
where a British fort is holding out against
strong attacks from the Italians. A later
message says the British have counter at-
tacked and inflicted heavy on the enemy.
Packard and Ford to
prodnee for Britain.
It was announced this morning that the
American automobile factories Packard
and Ford have contracted 9000 Roll Royce
aeroplane engines, 3000 for the United
States Government and 6000 for Britain.
Production will start in lo months.
Petain announces his
Marshal Petain announced his 12 minist-
ers last night. Included are M. Laval as
Vice-premier, General Weygand as Defen-
se Minister and M. Baudoin as Foreign
Akureyri Cinema.
This afternoon at 6.30
„Around the Corner“
with Shirley Temple.