The News Bulletin - 13.07.1940, Síða 2
Macshal Petain Dictator Finest fleet of cars for rent in Iceland.
off France. Pbone nunier 9.
It is now clear that Petain has become
a dictator of France. His sweeping Po-
wers include those of the President M.
Lebrun, who has resigned, and he re-
mains as premier and in control of the
army. His title is to be Chief of the French
State. He can now appoint and dismiss all
officers of the State, negotiate and ratify
treaties with foreign powers, declare state
of siege in provinces etc., but not declare
war except summoning the National
Assembly and obtaining their consent.
Petain has asked the Germans permission
to leave Vichy and make his headquarters
in Verseilles. Geoffrey Cox, commenting
on the situation in France, in the B. B. C.
news yesterday afternoon, saw the stamp
„made in Germany“ on all the new
French administrative machinery, and
thought Petain selected Verseilles as his
seat because he was afraid to face the
people of Paris.
Lillle daraage in lasl nights
The Ministry of Home Security and the
Air Ministry announced this morning that
German bombers were over some districts
in North Eastern England and Wales last
night. Bombs were dropped in a number
of places and damage done to some houses.
„Casualities were not numerous" the B. B.
C. announced this morning.
Slioc rcbuldintj. Shwe repairing.
First class work. Moderate prices.
J. M. Jonatansson, Strandgata 15.
Publishers: H. Snorrason. — S. Bjarman.
Office: Prentverk Odds Björnssonar. Akureyri.
Good cars with reliable, courteous chauf-
feurs for all occasions.
Rádhús Square.
(Opposite the Cinema)
Have you tried KEA’s perfect
Also milk, cakes and delicious candies.
Bread and
Conffeclionery Shop
Kaupangs Square (Near the Quay).
Aknr ey r i
Cleaning Shop
Hafnarstræti 91 (Near K E A’s Bakery)
Your suits pressed while you wait.
Suits and garmenls cleaned.
G 0,0 D W O R K.
Iceland’s National Dish
with milk and sugar, is delicious.
Ask for SKYR at the
Akureyri Restaurants.
Also at
K E A’s Cooperafive Dairy