Fákur - 01.04.1941, Page 4

Fákur - 01.04.1941, Page 4
ÁjLjílC 4. < * iu ÁóiL LL Ajcrrc diku>- (^íuu^c * t'r acc. ac) j'T <.n c i.t)4ú-> AnjC 1*0^ 6 JíccCclc Aa. (a Cu\ a v! . r,.r Afcyn i < cfl/njdjL, (céíct Jtxci cl .;(7n Éíc^ -XtC*.\ r. 1 5 - , . V r k, Ctl fiÝL^ t n n-M. ’ JfuucxJijb Mk 4 ^7ttA <j »*joa i.v > n ij/A'W.t. flruJrvwrUit At rr >i <. t'í j d&cu&i CL /bTX^OCruri, jrlj'+t't cjQJA/ /ioAU. j&custa , Ct < (l? t (jCty*"U^a.c crt : h'.. ayyvr\xji/t fwruiCAt lc



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