Fákur - 01.04.1941, Page 10

Fákur - 01.04.1941, Page 10
7 j&cu^tyrvri -tji< ' hra*i /• < ' oSi 'rfKuh 10 Qjtjjfn **<! jjJ nyoA' A&rru ■ ~ s f* Al%e* Ík’ - .' At/ 10 • <X 'rrUJUlX- *u(a hf\. i*n ff />«:</ m f( h t. (%. wH //*/■ * n> r < fín- f) 0 a kMa. >n)í tlí /fXxjLi/fuduji oo /,4 I i ■ ., , n r ./ * ’ Sf‘ ,/< 4Ík.\4 ia rvi brirm íú V&ttL ■jxoM'.-* LhH<M* Itf </rn 'x'7'p cJJlicJ^ <yj jCti'K q Jo, o| ,if; Vif 'f * M(ifi •é^nJJnckJjJjOLí^ $«. /»< et ciá s/uybx. * /iÁxJt Aa vuLíx ji&tsm jte/rut^^ rn , Msrn p í< h < n<y á i jijnjL (X l'u* fiL ' j>aM, ^oJj^arftu t 'Án I cí ik n\'>r, i aí? 'Clcuj n<* -úí.



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