The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1912, Síða 88
resemblance is increased, as it is highly probable that other species
which are not common would be simultaneously found.
From the coast of Norway I select Finmark for comparison
with Iceland, which comparison gives the following figures: —
Iceland 143 species Finmark 125 species
not common common not common
45 (26%) 98 (58%) 27 (16%)
A comparison between Finmark and SW. Iceland gives the
following figures: —
SW. Iceland 115 species Finmark 125 species
not common common not common
29(19%) 86(56%) 39(25%)
The following are the 45 species which are found in Iceland
and are absent from Finmark: —
1 Porphyropsis coccinea.
2 Chantransia Alariæ.
3 Phyllophora membranifolia.
4 Ceratocolax Hartzii.
5 Lomentaria rosea.
6 L. elavellosa.
. 7 Plocamium coccineum.
8 Delesseria Baerii.
9 Bonnemaisonia asparagoides.
10 Pterosiphonia parasitica.
11 Callithamnion Arbuscula.
12 Ceramium acanthonotum.
13 C. fruticulosum.
14 C. arborescens.
15 C. atlanticum.
16 Bhodochorton minutum.
17 B. repens.
18 Dilsea edulis.
19 Petrocelis Hennedyi.
20 Cruoria arctica.
21 C. pellita.
22 Bhododermis parasitica.
23 Petroderma maculiforme.
24 Ralfsia ovata.
25 R. clavata.
26 R. verrueosa.
27 Myrionema Lamimariæ.
28 M. Corunnæ.
29 M. globosum.
30 M. færöense.
31 Ascocyclus islandicus.
32 Microsj'phar Polysiphoniæ.
33 Ectocarpus Stilophoræ.
34 E. tomentosoides.
35 E. tomentosus.
36 E. Hinksiæ.
37 Sphacelaria radicans.
38 S. olivacea.
39 Omphalophyllum ulvaceum.
40 Litosiphon filiformis.
41 Phæostroma pustulosum.
42 Phyllitis zosterifolia.
43 Dictj'osiphon Mesogloia.
44 Desmarestia ligulata.
45 Laminaria færöensis.
Of these species ten (Nos. 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 18, 21, 26 and 35)
are known from Nordland and therefore might possibly be found
also in Finmark. Furthermore, nine of the species (Nos. 2, 5, 9, 25,
33, 34, 35, 40, 44) are known from West Norway, and tlie majority
of these will also be found, without doubt, in Nordland and Fin-