The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1942, Síða 10

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1942, Síða 10
236 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN N. Iceland: Blönduós, 14/7—15/7. Varmahlíð, 16/7—20/7. Víðimýri, 19/7. Bakkasel, 20/7. Akureyri, 21/7—22/7. Skógar and Nes in Fnjóskadalur, 23/7. Vaglaskógur in Fnjóskadalur, 23/7. Goðafoss, 24/7. Einarsstaðir, 24/7. Reykjahlíð at Mývatn, 25/7—26/7. Laugar at Breiðamýri, 27/7—28/7. Akureyri, 29/7. Siglufjörður, 30/7. JV.1T. Iceland: ísafjörður, 1/8. Flateyri in Önundarfjörður, 1/8. Owing to my way of travelling, by ship or by bus, my stay in several of the localities was only short. However, I had always time enough to take notes, and to collect material for later examination. I managed to gather and dry about 800 Taraxacum-specimens, in spite of rough travelling and much rain. Further, while in the field, I took down a number of descriptions and notes referring to such characters of the Taraxacum which are difficult to make out in the dried material. The dried material was brought home in good condition, and this, in connexion with the numerous descriptions and the Taraxacum cul- tivated in my garden afforded a good basis for the identification of the species. Besides my own material, I have had the opportunity of seeing the Taraxacum-material of the Botanical Museum in Copenhagen pre- viously collected in Iceland, mostly by Icelandic botanists. Part of this material, however, was in such a bad state of preservation that it was not possible to identify it; another part was determinable, and the fol- lowing species were represented in the material: T. acromaurum Dahlst. „ croceum Dahlst. coll. „ faeroense Dahlst. T. brevilobum M.P.Chr. ,, Davidssonii M.P.Chr. „ dilutisquameum M.P.Chr. „ dolichocentrum M.P.Chr. „ hastile M.P.Chr. „ hoplites M.P.Chr. „ islandicum Dahlst. ined. T. naevosum Dahlst. „ repletum Dahlst. species: T. lonchophyllum M.P.Chr. „ longisagittatum M.P.Chr. „ pravum M.P.Chr. „ sigmoideum M.P.Chr. ,, stictophoreum M.P.Chr. „ subscolopendricum M.P.Chr. „ triste M.P.Chr. 2. The Cultivation of Icelandic Taraxaca. On my joumeys, in 1935 as well as in 1937, as far as possible I collected ripe Taraxacum-fruits of several species with a view to later cultivation, and already after my return from my first joumey I at once began to grow Icelandic Taraxaca, partly to obtain a larger ma-
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The Botany of Iceland

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