The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1942, Síða 15

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1942, Síða 15
THE TARAXACUM-FLORA OF ICELAND 241 T. leptolepis M.P.Chr. T. spiculiforme M.P.Chr. „ luteodens M.P.Chr. „ stictophoreum M.P.Chr. „ oxyphoreum M.P.Chr. have been cultivated in Kogc, Denmark. The following of these new species were found at Thorshavn on the Faeroes 25/6 1937 : T. angustifrons M.P.Chr. T. faeroenseforme (Ostenf.) M.P.Chr. „ dilutisquameum M.P.Chr. „ leptolepis M.P.Chr. 5. The Distribution of the Taraxacum-Species in the North Atlantic Flora. I had hoped that by combining my Taraxacum-studies in Iceland with many carried out earlier by various botanists in Scandinavia, Den- mark, Finland, etc., I should arrive at a fairly good knowledge of the distribution of the Taraxacum-species in the North Atlantic area. As will appear from the above, however, I have only succeeded in obtaining information of the distribution of a small number of species, outside the area mentioned, and several of these species, among others the species common to Denmark and Iceland, and surely also the species common to the Faeroes and Iceland, have undoubtedly been introduced into Iceland from Denmark and the Faeroes respectively. The species common to Iceland and Greenland have surely been introduced from Iceland to Greenland, with the exception, perhaps, of a single one, the species concerned having only been found in or in the neighbourhood of the old Norse settlements (Igaliko). It is also probable that the species mentioned were brought to Greenland about 1000 years ago, and this is an interesting example of species being constant through hundreds of years and keeping their characteristic appearance, so that they could at once be identified with corresponding Icelandic species. The most remarkable result of my examination of the Taraxacum- flora in Iceland, however, is not the identification of the common spe- cies; such will always be found in countries having much intercourse with other countries. The most noteworthy fact is that up to the present the majority of the Icelandic species have not been found outside that country; so before the distribution of the genus Taraxacum in the North Atlantic area can be presented with in more detail more careful studies are required on the genus in the following places: The west coast of Norway, the Faeroes, the Orkney Islands, the Shetland Islands, Scot- land, and Greenland. Not until these investigations have been carried
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The Botany of Iceland

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