The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1942, Side 16

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1942, Side 16
242 M. P. CHRISTIANSEN out, will there be a possibility of obtaining an accurate picture of the distribution of the genus Taraxacum in the North Atlantic flora. What the result of this investigation will be, it is not possible to say exactly; my experience, however, seems to show that in isolated areas there will occur many endemic species. 6. Endemic Species and Determination of Species. Of the 116 Taraxacum-species recorded in Iceland, 90 have so far been found in this country only. It is a large number, and several of the species concerned may also occur in other places in the North Atlantic area, if this, as suggested above, is more thoroughly explored. However, it is possible that Iceland has, in fact, rather a large number of endemic Taraxacum-spedes. Mr. Thorv. Sörensen has proved experimentally, for some Danish Taraxacum-species, that they are able, though to a slight extent only, to form new, vital, and constant species. So as far as the matter has been investigated, it seems likely that Icelandic Taraxacum-spedes, being apogamous like the Danish ones, will also be able to form new, constant species, which, on ac- count of the isolated position of the country, have only with difficulty been able to spread to other countries; and this furnishes a plausible explanation of the fact that about 4/5 of the Taraxacum-spedes in Ice- land have not been found outside that country. Now, as assumed above, renewed investigations of the North Atlantic area will no doubt show that part of the species mentioned are more widely distributed than is now known; but the number of endemic species will surely always prove to be large. This would agree with the facts found for other plant-genera with apogamous species. Here one example will suffice. C. H. Ostenfeld and Johs. Gröntved: ‘The Flora of Ice- land and the Faeroes’, mentions 57 Hieracium-spedes or -forms from Iceland and 22 from the Faeroes; but none of these species or forms are common to the two floras. The case of the Taraxacum-species is not quite so remarkable, and the explanation surely is that many Taraxacum-species are strongly influenced by cultivation, and thus have larger possibilities for spreading than species of the genus Hiera- cium. Of the Taraxacum-spedes in Iceland it is indeed precisely those that have been favoured by cultivation which are widely distributed. Further the result of T h o r v. S ö r e n s e n’s investigations is some- what alarming. Does it not mean that the exploration of the genus Taraxacum can never be brought to an end because new species will
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The Botany of Iceland

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