The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1942, Side 25

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1942, Side 25
THE TARAXACUM-FLORA OF ICELAND 251 b. Fruits small, red, violet-red, fulvous or brown (sometimes with a violet tinge). c. Fruits red or violet-red. Plants slender. Erythrosperma Dahlst. p. 252. cc. Fruits fulvous or brown (sometimes with a violet tinge). Plants medium-sized —sturdy' Fulva M.P.Chr. p. 253. bb. Fruits large, straw-coloured. Plants often robust. Ceratoþhora Dahlst. p. 254. aa. Bracts without, rarely with a slight appendage below the tip. b. Fruits large with a pyramid 4—6 mm long, rostrum 1)4—3 times the length of the fruit. c. Plants often slender. Leaves thin, often long and narrow, pale green, light- green or dark-green, more rarely bluish-green, smooth—-slightly hairy. Outer bracts appressed— + spreading. Fruits straw-coloured—light yellow-brown, more rarely dull brownish-red. Rostrum 2—2)4 times the length of the fruit. Crocea M.P.Chr. p. 255. cc. Plants robust. Leaves thick and firm, often broad. d. Outer bracts often short, appressed— + erecto-patent. Heads medium-sized— large, as a rule dense, bright-yellow—dark-yellow, sometimes almost orange- yellow, often without pollen. Marginal ligulae often broad with light rose— lively rose-purple or dark purple stripe. Fruits large, straw-coloured—light brownish. Rostrum 1)4—2 times the length of the fruit. Eu-Spectabilia M.P.Chr. p. 292. dd. Outer bracts + long, spreading, or strongly spreading—somewhat reflexed. Marginal ligulae with grey—greyish-purple stripe. e. Leaves + strongly cobweb-hairy, often strongly purple-spotted. Fruits light brown, sometimes with a reddish tinge, more rarely reddish, and leaves then almost smooth. Naevosa M.P.Chr. p. 303. ee. Leaves smooth—slightly hairy. Fruits straw-coloured—brown or dark brown (more rarely reddish). f. Fruits straw-coloured—light brownish, sometimes reddish, at the summit with coarse, often stubby teeth, on inner-fruits often only one large tooth on each side. Pyramid often long, + cylindrical. Macrodonta M.P.Chr. p. 318. ff. Fruits grey, greyish-brown—brown with a reddish tinge, + spindle-shaped, at the summit remotely small-toothed— + strongly toothed and long- toothed. Pyramid conic—cylindrical. Subvulgaria M.P.Chr. p. 331. bb. Fruits smaller, with a pyramid 2)4—4)4 mm long. Rostrum 2)4—4 times the length of the fruit. Vulgaria Dahlst. p. 337. Abbreviations etc. E. = East Iceland W. = West Iceland N. = North Iceland S.W. = Southwest Iceland N.W. = Northwest Iceland S. = South Iceland ! after a locality means that the species is only noted, not collected. fr. after a locality means that the fruit is pictured. phot. after a locality means that thc plant is photographed. In the descriptions of the species a figure, e.g. (112—113) refers to the colour tables in Klincksieck et Valette: Code des Couleurs. Type specimens of the new species are to be found in the Botanical Museum in Copenhagen.
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The Botany of Iceland

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