The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1942, Page 61

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1942, Page 61
THE TARAXACUM-FLORA OF ICELAND 287 garden I only had well-grown and typical specimens of T. þravum, T. þergracile, T. subcrisþum and T. hastile. T. hastile may be distinguished by its patent lobes, long terminal lobe, and the broad white-margined, + appressed outer bracts (A large form with female heads from Egilsstaðir, 18.VII.1935, E. Iceland, perhaps belongs to this species). T. oxyþhoreum has narrow, strongly reflexed lobes and narrow bracts. T. þravum and T. subcrisþum both have remotely placed, narrow lobes, the latter is the larger of the two, and has big heads and crispate leaves. T. þergracile has bluish-green, long, narrow, slender leaves, female heads and very narrow outer bracts. All the species are certainly spontaneous. Habitat: Banks of rivulets, birch-copses. Localities: Húsadalur and Stóriendi in Þórsmörk, 8.VII.1937. S.—Þingvellir, 7.VII.1935. S.W.—Blönduós, 14.VII.1937, plentiful, fr., phot., Víðimýri, 19.VII. 1937, Siglufjörður, 13.VII.1935, Skútustaðir, 28.VII.1935, Reykjahlíð at Mývatn, 25.VII.1937, Hof, 4.VII.1903 (Ólafur Daviðsson). N.—Brekka, 20.VII.1935, Egils- staðir, 18.VII.1935 (?). E. Geogr. Distr.: Only found in Iceland. 48. Taraxacum oxyphoreum M.P.Chr. n. sp. Spec. orig.: Iceland, Skógar in Fnjóskadalur, 24.VII.1937, leg. M. P. Christian- sen. Plate IV, fig. 48. Plate XXI, fig. 149. Planta gracilis, 15—25 cm alta. Folia dilute glauco-viridia, canescentia, sat araneosa, anguste lanceolata, profunde lobata, petiolis sat latis—sat angustis, pallidis, nervo mediano pallido vel paulo brunnescenti, lobis subdistantibus, 5—7 utrinque, deltoideis—anguste deltoideis, sensim et longe acuminatis, reflexis, interdum leviter hamatis, antice saepe valde subulato-dentatis, lobo terminali sat longo, sagittato- hastato, + longe acuminato, interlobiis subulato-dentatis. Involucrum basi truncatum. Squamae exteriores laxe patentes, c. 2 mm latae, lineares, subtus dilute olivaceo-virides, late albido- vel claro-marginatae, supra glaucescentes, + coloratae. Calathium 30—40 mm latum, laete luteum. Antherae polliniferae. Stigmata lutea. Achenium laete stramineum (162), c. 3.6 mm longum, 1.0—1.2 mm latum, superne longe, acute, patenter spinulosum, ceterum + tuberculatum—laeve, in pyramidem anguste cylindricam, 1.0—1.2 mm longam, basi 1—2-spinulosam abiens. Rostrum 8—9 mm longum. T. oxyþhoreum is recognisable by its rather narrow, downward bent subulate lobes and the plentiful awl-like denticulation. It seems to be closely related to T. devians Dahlst. and T. lecitodes Dahlst., which has similar leaves and fruits. T. devians, however, has fruits with a conic pyramid, while T. lecitodes has smaller fruits with a spinous pyramid. See also T. hastile. Habitat: Home-fields. Localities: Skógar in Fnjóskadalur, 24.VII.19937, fr., phot. N. Geogr. Distr. : Only found in Iceland. 49. Taraxacum pravum M.P.Chr. n. sp. Spec. orig.: Iceland, Reykjavík, 9.VII.1935, leg. M. P. Christiansen. Plate IV, fig. 49. Plate XXIII, fig. 155. Planta 15—25 cm alta, saepe sat gracilis. Folia dilute viridia, fere glabra,
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The Botany of Iceland

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