The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1945, Page 46
flói. The association may be met with on soils of highly different
moisture, in the driest as well as in the dampest localities of the flói,
though it is most commonly found in the latter. B ö c h e r (1933, pp-
104-105) mentions Caricetum rariflorae in East Greenland, which must
correspond to the association dealt with here; it is stated to occur
notably in places with a fairly “oceanic” climate. I should think that
the same is the case in Iceland, at any rate I have encountered this
association far more frequently in the southern part of the highland
reached by the humid winds from the sea, which carry with them a
far more abundant precipitation than in the northern part of the
country. The association is particularly extensively distributed on Síðu-
mannaafrjettur, where these climatic conditions are most pronounced.
6. Eriophorum Scheuchzeri—Calamagrostis neglecta-Ass.
(Tab. II. A-B, 7-8).
Analysis 7 is from Arnardalur, analysis 8 from Hvannalindir. Both
localities are very moist and the soil so loose that it is difficult to pass
across it. In both localities the association formed narrow belts along
rivulets and around pools. It was not observed in other places.
7. Eriophorum Scheuchzeri—Calamagrostis neglecta—Equisetum ar-
vense-Ass. (Tab. II. A-B, 9-10).
These two analyses are from Kýlingar, the only place in which I
found this flói association developed. It occurs in the marginal parts
of the flói, bordering on quite barren sandy flats. It is undoubtedly a
pioneer association, which spreads over the sandy flats when these are
suitably damp, especially if they are formed of fluvial sand. Similar
conditions were encountered in Arnardalur and Hvannalindir, but
Equisetum arvense was absent from the associations found there. H.
S m i t h (1920, p. 83) records similar conditions from Gentral Sweden,
saying: “Eriophorum Scheuchzeri-k'irret intager en mellanstallning
mellan myrseriens og fastmarkens váxtsamhállen, och utbildas sávál á
torfmark som pá ren mineraljord. Förutsáttningen er tillgáng pá friskt,
syrerikt vatten.” (The Eriophorum Scheuchzeri bog occupies an inter-
mediate position between the plant communities of the mýri series and
the firm ground, and is formed on peaty ground as well as on purely