The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1945, Síða 66

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1945, Síða 66
408 STEINDÓR STEINDÓRSSON When the soil has become so dry that Eriophorum disappears entirely, we are confronted with the Calamagrostis jaðar. The boundary between this and the mýri formation may conveniently be drawn where the Eriophorum has almost or entirely disappeared. However, besides in the formations mentioned here, Calamagrostis is found in other forma- tions, also, both in the wettest flói associations, in the Eriophorum polystachyum flói, and in the dry Sailix heath. I have referred the jaðar to the mýri series on account of its close relationship with the mýri formation and the many species they have in common. It might, indeed, with just as good reasons be referred to the next series, the meadow series, since this series forms a kind of intermediate- link between the mýri series and the community of the dry soil. Thus Nordhagen (1928) refers the Calamagrostis as- sociation to the “moosarme Wiesen”. His description of a Calamagrostis neglectaí meadow on the banks of the Nea river shows clearly that the association depicted represents a very closely related, if not quite the same, community as the Calamagrostis jaðar mentioned here. N o r d- hagen says (1. c. p. 338): “Auf den feinkörnigeren Alluvionen des Neaflusses bildet die CalamagroStis neglecta-Wiesen hier und dort schöne giirtelförmige Bestánde . die im Friihling iiberflutet und iibersandet werden... Als Bestandeselement traten hier Cala- magrostis neglecta (1005), Equisetum arvense (ioo1), Polygonum vivi- parum (ioo1) [the indices show the degree of coveringj, Brachythecium plumosum (901), Rhacomitrium canescens v. epilosum (ioo1), Sphag- num teres (ioo1) und Stereocaulon paschale (901) auf. ... Anzahl Ge- fásspflanzen pro Quadrat 3-11”. Apart from the mosses, the same species, and in similar quantities, as in the Calamagrostis associations in Arnardalur and at Landmannahellir are found here. The picture given by Nordhagen (1. c. p. 512) shows that the position of the Cala- magrostis belt in the Nea valley in relation to other formations and to the river corresponds to that of the Calamagrostis jaðar here. Other authors record Calamagrostis associations from Scandinavia; thus Henning (1895) mentions Calamagrostideta neglectae from the al- luvions of Jemtland, and Tengwall (1925, p. 751) records the same from the delta areas of the Sarek region. Hence it can be establisbed that the Calamagrostis associations are of rather common occurrence on alluvial formations both in northern Scandinavia and in Iceland.
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The Botany of Iceland

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