The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1945, Side 86

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1945, Side 86
428 STEINDÓR STEINDÓRSSON fairly distinctly that we are here concerned with two kinds of snow- patches, those rich in species, associations 1-8, in which the snow-cover- ing is not very long-lasting, and those poor in species, associations 9-11, in which the snow-covering is particularly long-lasting, so that it will to some extent impede the growth of the plants. 10. Eriophorum Scheuchzeri—Carex lagopina-Ass. (Tab. XII. A-B, 7-8). It is with some hesitation that I refer this association to the snow- patch formation, for one of its character species belongs to the most typical plants of damp soil. On the other hand, typical snow-patch species are present, and the conditions in the locality show very clearly that the snow-covering is both thick and long-lasting. The most con- spicuous species are Eriophorum Scheuchzeri, Carex lagopina, Cerastium trigynum, Salix herbaceai, and Epilobium anagallidifolium. Analysis XII, 7 was carried out on Eyjabakkar at an altitude of c. 700 m above sea-level, in a small narrow ravine through which there runs a brook. The surface was level and fairly damp. The phanerogamous vegetation was scattered, and a great quantity of moss, notably Philonotis, was found in the ground vegetation. Analysis XII, 8 is from Síðumanna- afrjettur, from a similar locality to that of XII, 7. Of the species re- presented in the first analysis C. lagopina has become much less con- spicuous, while Carex rufina has appeared and is here among the dominants in addition to Eriophorum. This variant rich in C. rufina was occasionally encountered by me, thus on Síðumannaafrjettur, at Þúfuver near Þjórsá, and at Háls on Snæfellsöræfi. The main association is fairly widely distributed under the conditions outlined here, but never covers any large areas. The terrains in which it is found distinctly show that it is associated with the snow-patch, but the damp soil gives it a special position, so that as to species composition it forms a kind of transition to the dý vegetation. 11. Catabrosa algida—Cerastium trigynum-Ass. (Tab. XII. A-B, 9). In addition to the character species, Salix herbacea, Equisetum arvense, and Carex lagopina are dominant species, furthermore Saxi- fraga stellaris and Koenigia islandica are of importance. The only analysis at hand was taken on Eyjafell on Snæfellsöræfi at an altitude of c. 650 m. The phanerogamous vegetation is open, and the Anthelia
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The Botany of Iceland

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