The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1945, Side 138

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1945, Side 138
480 STEINDÓR STEINDÓRSSON that the ice may melt away later in the summer, but I do not think it probable, since the night frost sets in early in the highland, and after it has set in, hardly any appreciable thaw 'of the winter ice will take place. I suppose, therefore, that Hannesson’s and N i e 1 s e n’s contention is correct, though there may be exceptions in the hottest summers. The flá has been described by several authors. The first scientist to give a description of it was Sveinn Pálsson, who says (trans- lated from the Danish) : “the so called flár are morasses covered with numerous sedges (Carex) but differing from other bogs in that here and there, often close to each other, some small knolls of different shape rise above the water, quite level, dry and windswept above, though without stones, but their sides are perpendicular and full of fissures. The soil in them seems to resemble peat soil, but is somewhat looser and full cf sand. On these knolls there is often an abundance of alpine plants, Silence acaulis, Thalictrum alpinum, Alchemilla alp (ina), Potentillae, Cerastia, Hieracia, and Lichenes isl. niveus, rangifer, and others” (Journ. I, p. 239). The author who has written most about the flá is T h o r o d d s e n. Descriptions are found in several of his papers, thus in Ferðabók III, p. 286, IV, p. 99, Lýsing II, p. 411, 1914, pp. 263-264. But all these descriptions mainly deal with thc shape and to some extent the formation of the rústs. Something similar applies to N i e 1 s e n’s (1933, pp. 242-243) and H a n n e s- s o n’s (p. 241) remarks, which will be quoted below. Stefánsson (1902, p. 34), however, is the only author since Sveinn Pálsson who describes thc flá vegetation. His description of the flá of Eystri Pollar runs as follows (translated from the Danish) : “Around the lakes and the numerous small swamps in the neighbourhood the Cyperaceae dominate entirely, especially the beautiful and vigorous Carex rostrata, or Eriophorum polystachyum. The less damp areas, however, are covered either by a closed Grimmia carpet interwoven by different heath plants, e. g. Empetrum, Salix lanata, S. glauca, and S. herbacea, Cassiope hypnoides, Thalictrum alpinum, Cerastium al- pinum, and some other species, or of dense lichen cushions, a kind of lichen heath. On top of thc peculiar domed elevations called “dys” or “haugar” ...... Gyrophora hyperborea is dominant in connection with Alectoria ochroleuca, forming a light-grey carpet. On the level field, howcver, Cetraria islandica prcponderates, and by its dark colour ccntrasts strongly with the Gyrophora growths.” I quote this description in its entirety because it is the fullest so far given, and because the flá
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The Botany of Iceland

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