The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Blaðsíða 45

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1949, Blaðsíða 45
THE I'LORA OE REYKJANES PENINSULA 43 163. Comarum palustre L., Sp. pl. (1753) 718. 7—320 m. In bogs, rare. Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Snorrastaðatjörn 7 m; Stóri Nýibær 135—200 m; fl. 17. VII. 37; Vatnavellir 180 m; (Hengill 320 m). 164. Dryas octopetala L., Sp. pl. (1753) 501. 7— 400 m. Common. Some specimens are more than 30 years old. The flowers do not close during rain. An average specimen has ca. 25 flowers; each flower contains about (36)—58—(78) achenes (average from 11 samples). An average •indiv. produces thus about 1450 seeds. On Sandfell near Vífilsfell, 270 m, I have seen ca. 348 flowers on one m2: the production of seeds there was about 20.000 achenes on 1 m2. Krísuvík (Zoega), Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Njarðvíkurhraun 42 m; Seltjörn 7 m, fl. 15. VI. 37; Sveifluháls 225—320 m; Fíflavallafjall 230 m; Fjallið eina 190 m; Krísuvíkurdalur 160 m; Selalda 100 m; Seljahlíð 100 m; Stakka- vík 120 m; Hagafell 120 m; Svartsengi 79 m; Cape Reykjanes 50 m; I’or- björn 40 m; Merkines 10 m; Keilir 379 m. 165. Filipendula Ulmaria (L.) Maxim. (1879) 251. 8— 160 m. Scattered on meadows of the lowland. Hafnarfjörður (Solander), Grindavík 8 m; Southern slope of the Ccntral Highland from Herdísarvík to Hlíðarendi ca. 100 m; Krísuvíkurdalur 140— 160 m; Vogsósar 130, germin. 2. VII. 37. 166. Fragaria vesca L., Sp. pl. (1753) 494. 10—180 m. Scattered in the Iowland. Grindavík (Ingólfur Davíðsson), Hafnarfjörður (Symington), Krísuvík (Thoroddsen), Snorrastatjörn 10 m; Látsfjall 85 m; southern slope of the Ccntral Highland at Vogsósar 105 m, fl. 31. VII. 37, fr. 11. VIII. 37; Mælifcll 40 m; Búrfell 143 m. 167. Geum rivale L., Sp. pl. (1753) 501. 105—210 m. Scattered. An average individua! had 2 flowers with about 114 achenes in each flower, i. e. ca. 228 seeds per indiv. Along the road to Krísuvík (Hooker), Krísuvík (Steenstrup), Herdísarvíkur- fjall 105 m, fl. 30. VI. 37; Krókamýri 210 m: fl. 6. VII. 36 and 10. VII. 37; Stóri Nýibær 135—160 m; Strípshraun at Búrfell, fl. 22. VII. 37; Logberg 140—180 m. 168. Potentilla anserina L., Sp. pl. (1753) 495. o—13 j m. On aeolian sand copious, cspccially in the ncighbourhood of settlements. Fl. 16. VI,—13. VIII. 37. 6*
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The Botany of Iceland

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