Statistical bulletin - 01.06.1932, Síða 1

Statistical bulletin - 01.06.1932, Síða 1
STATISTICAL B U L L ETIN ISSUED MONTHLY BY THE NATIONAL DANK OF ICELAND AND THE STATISTICAL BUREAU OF ICELAND The National Bank of Iceland. Issue Department. Balance Sheet. In 1000 kr. 1931 1932 Dec. 31. Jan. 31. Feb. 29. Mar. 31. Apr. 30. May 31. Assets Gold Reserves 1 120 1 120 1 120 1 120 1 120 1 120 Foreign Correspondents 506 485 480 639 585 570 Inland Bills 4 806 5 181 6 371 6 658 8411 8 606 Foreign Bills 1 407 1 171 2 357 3 052 3 486 2 985 Rediscounts 8 352 8 233 7 643 7 190 6 536 7 058 Advances on Current Accounts and Cash Credit 2 116 2 257 2 821 2 675 3 266 3 594 Bank Premises and Furniture 980 980 980 980 980 982 The Savings Bank Department .... 3 858 3 624 1 753 727 )) )) Sundry Assets 438 380 409 355 388 795 Total 23 583 23 431 23 934 23 396 24 772 25 710 Liabilities Capifal 3 600 3 600 3 600 3 600 3 600 3 600 Notes in Circulation 6 359 5 217 4 827 4 695 4716 5 936 Bank Bonds 245 245 245 245 245 245 Foreign BiIIs rediscounted 1 129 799 1 649 1 470 2 996 2 379 Deposits on Current Accounts 4 329 5 160 4 665 5 251 4 959 5 404 The Savings Bank Department .... )) » )) )) 1 706 1 891 Foreign Correspondents 6 789 7 050 7 466 6 625 4 878 4 851 Undisposed profits 602 602 602 602 602 602 Sundry Credifors 530 758 880 908 1 070 802 Total 23 583 23 431 23 934 23 396 24 772 25 710


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