Statistical bulletin - 01.08.1964, Blaðsíða 2

Statistical bulletin - 01.08.1964, Blaðsíða 2
30 1964 Quantity and value of exports, by conunodities. y v Net weights, FOB values. Jan.—June 1963 Jan.—June 1964 fc! "o co CJ 1000 kg 1000 kr. 1000 kg 1000 kr. 031 Salted fish, dried 1 410,9 28 467 639,5 16 569 031 Salted fish, washed and pressed - - - - 031 Salted fish, uncured, sold from vessel - - - - 031 Salted fish, uncured, other 14 446,3 185 887 19 121,2 298 719 031 Salted fish fillets etc 766,9 8 877 846,4 11 821 031 Wings, salted 1 402,3 17 499 1 129,6 14 270 031 Stockfish etc 3 033,7 8] 538 4 500,8 125 157 031 Herring on ice 7 223,9 23 417 18,5 140 031 Other fish on ice 17 752,6 90 360 16 847,4 96 275 031 Herring, frozen 24 212,4 131 593 13 105,5 77 806 031 Other frozen fish, whole 1 611,7 18 698 1 550,6 14 408 031 Frozen fish fillets 28 668,3 522 645 30 987,3 617 250 031 Shrimps and lobster, frozen 179,5 17 876 371,5 34 276 031 Roes, frozen 659,1 10 497 1 030,4 17 415 032 Fish and fish products in airtight containers ... 104,9 6 622 149,1 8 534 411 Cod liver oil, non-freezing 1 107,2 10 234 647,1 6 633 411 Cod liver oil, non-destearinated 3 273,1 20 117 5 411,4 47 397 411 Cod liver oil, industrial 228,2 1 398 306,7 2 640 031 Lumpfish roes, salted 218,3 3 568 382,5 9 526 031 Other roes for food, salted 3 176,0 44 919 2 605,6 39 053 291 Roes for bait, salted 974,3 7 203 1 675,0 14 013 031 Herring, salted, with head or headless 11 630,2 105 167 10 244,9 96 417 031 Herring, salted, specially cured 5 889,5 61 491 3 820,9 43 838 411 Herring oil 15 614,2 62 717 9 492,2 73 555 411 Redfish oil 115,5 515 28,0 188 411 Whale oil 2 035,0 11 042 2 101,1 18 675 081 FÍBh meal 5 613,8 33 294 22 211,7 138 697 081 Herring meal etc 32 368,3 198 149 31 639,8 178 138 081 Redfish meal 956,4 4 479 255,4 1 475 291 Fish waste for animal feed, frozen 1 095,3 3 295 1 919,2 7 142 081 Liver meal 283,0 ] 970 307,0 2 032 081 Lobster and shrimp meal - - 87,4 346 081 Whale meal 100,0 558 780,0 4 315 011 Whale meat, frozen 837,9 5 887 522,2 4 201 011 Mutton and lamb, frozen 603,2 17 161 455,1 11 009 011 Edible offals of sheep, frozen 50,0 1 041 51,3 522 012 Mutton and lamb, salted 53,4 ] 848 398,3 13 915 011 Meat of bovine animals, frozen 63,9 1 393 44,4 1 055 022 Buttermilk and skim milk, dry - - 370,0 4 269 599 Casein 124,3 1 986 272,8 4 391 262 Wool 191,5 13 375 134,7 10 070 211 Sheep skins, salted 802,6 32 001 914,7 42 603 291 Sheep casings, dressed and salted 34,6 3 610 19,8 5 051 212, 613 Fur skins 6,1 1 801 25,8 7 616 211 Other hides and skins, salted 127,7 2 478 154,3 3 305 657 Carpets, mainly of wool - - - - 656 Blankets of wool 7,6 1 400 13,6 2 697 841 Knitted clothing of wool 0,7 306 10,7 4 444 282, 283 Metal scrap 1 199,5 1 910 2 225,3 2 968 561 Nitrogenous fertilizers 3 488,9 1 862 - - 661 Cement 7 404,6 3 957 - - 735 Ships - - 732,0 3 605 Miscellaneous 547,8 6 446 1 059,6 21 089 Total 201 695,1 1812 554 191 618,3 2 159 530


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