Statistical bulletin - 01.11.1967, Side 6
Movements of external long-term loans in 1966.
(In millions of kr.) Loans used during the year Interest payments during the year Repayments of principal during the year
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Loans in US dollars .... 267,2 39,5 306,7 51,3 5,5 56,8 99,2 15,5 114,7
Loans in Icel. kr. from US A 28,0 - 28,0 8,9 - 8,9 0,6 - 0,6
Loans in Can. dollars ... 4,2 314,1 318,3 0,1 33,4 33,5 - 91,5 91,5
LoansinPoundsSterling . 22,1 15,0 37,1 21,6 6,5 28,1 28,8 16,8 45,6
Loans in W-German marks 15,0 24,7 39,7 6,6 12,9 19,5 11,3 39,1 50,4
Loans in other convert- ible currencies 189,4 218,2 407,6 18,9 43,3 62,2 146,0 124,6 270,6
Loans in clearin g currenc ies 11,4 3,7 15,1 0,7 0,3 1,0 5,5 1,9 7,4
Total 537,3 615,2 1.152,5 108,1 101,9 210,0 291,4 289,4 580,8
Global balance of payments 1966. Provisional estimates.
(In millions of krónur. Exchange rate: US $ 1,00 = kr. 42,95).
A. Current account Debit Credit
Imports of ships and aircraft (FOB) ........................................... 650
Imports for Búrfell Power Project (FOB) ....................................... 130
Other imports (FOB) ......................................................... 5.520 -
Exports (FOB) .......................................................... 6.000
The Defence Force .............................................................. 30 440
Tourism........................................................................ 540 120
Transportation............................................................... 1.575 1.800
Insurance ..................................................................... 560 500
Interest ...................................................................... 230 95
Miscellaneous.................................................................. 335 265
Total current transactions 9.570 9.220
Deficit on current account - 350
Total 9.570 9.570
B. Capital account
Private long-term liabilities ................................................... 293 615
Official long-term liabilities................................................... 291 537
Other capital movements, net .................................................... 215
Total capital transactions 799 1.152
Balance on capital account 353
Total 1.152 1.152
C. Overall balance of payments.
(Changes in foreign exchange reserves) ...................
Foreign exchange bought and sold by the banks 1964—1966.
(In millions of krónur. Exchange rate: US $ 1,00 = kr. 42,95).
Foreign exchange purchased Foreign exchange sold
Convertible currencies Clearing currencies 1964 5.203,8 770,4 1965 6.128,1 786,2 1966 6.989,4 839,8 1964 4.828,9 917,5 1965 5.665,1 959,5 1966 6.973,5 791,2
Total 5.974,2 6.914,3 7.829,2 5.746,4 6.624,6 7.764,7