Statistical bulletin - 01.11.1970, Blaðsíða 3

Statistical bulletin - 01.11.1970, Blaðsíða 3
1970 43 Quantity and value of exports, by commodities tcontinued). Jan.-Sept. 1969 Jan.-Sept. 1970 1000 kg | 1000 kr. 1000 kg 1000 kr. Products of inland water fishing and seal hunting, eiderdawn etc 25,6 19.241 10,5 12.338 71 Salmon, trout and eel, fresh, on ice or frozen (031) 21,7 6.340 2,8 568 79 Other products in this division 3,9 12.901 7,7 11.770 Manufacturing products, n.e.s 13.975,3 389.251 35.878,8 184,7 1.622.828 81 Tanned or dressed skins (613) 74,6 35.616 98.208 82 Wool tops and wool yarn (262, 651) 20,5 7.862 54,2 20.938 83 Blankets of wool (656) 35,9 14.318 52,2 19.788 84 Knitted clothing, mainly of wool (841) 76,3 65.983 108,0 69.459 85 Cement (661) 4.135,0 2.865 _ _ 86 Diatomite (275) 5.559,3 48.326 8.964,5 82.840 87 Primary aluminium, aluminium alloys (684) 3.376,9 168.017 25.351,7 1.282.353 89 Other manufacturing products, n.e.s 696,8 46.264 1.163,5 49.242 Other commodities 7.445,2 97.015 10.877,3 87.132 91 Metal scrap (282, 283) 3.496,1 27.290 4.393,8 37.659 92 Stamps (896) - - _ 93 Ships, old (735) 2.918,0 20.656 2.505,0 16.701 99 Miscellaneous 1.031,1 49.069 3.978,5 32.772 Total 280.300,0 6.326.611 290.264,8 9.607.861 Cont. from page 44. Foreign trade by countries (continued). Imports Exports January-Sept. January-Sept. 1969 | 1970 1969 1970 Nigeria 191 264 143.417 53.624 Sudan 675 1.160 - — Union of South Africa 13.751 9.914 905 759 Tanzania - - - - Burma 1.510 2.101 _ _ Ceylon 306 343 - 237 Philippines 169 777 20.884 502 Formosa 391 1.857 - - Hong Kong 22.327 30.194 - - India 12.115 14.057 - - Iraq 504 1.336 - - Iran 1.238 1.111 - 116 Israel 21.517 18.201 481 244 Japan 205.259 275.794 10.436 14.170 China 7.913 7.570 _ - Cyprus 553 470 2.745 2.658 Lebanon 68 13 - - Malaysia 51 204 - - Pakistan 2.798 3.270 61 78 Singapore 13 443 70 - Thailand 3.455 4.024 482 - Turkey 393 733 968 1.234 Australia 6.736 8.966 5.467 37.174 New Zealand 2.846 2.513 10 - Other countries (22) 6.004 17.797 51.566 11.341 Total 7.604.596 9.042.395 6.326.611 9.607.861


Statistical bulletin

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