Reykjavík Grapevine - jan. 2023, Síða 10

Reykjavík Grapevine - jan. 2023, Síða 10
10 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 1— 2023 ShOUT OUT: Árni Hjörvar & Sigtryggur Baldursson It should be noted that for this category, two of the panellists each have close personal or professional links to one of the award winners — kind of an occupational hazard of working in the arts in Iceland, but important to point out nonetheless. Each took a step back in the decision- making process when it came to their respective “vested interest” in the name of fairness. Sometimes, no matter how much debating and deliberation takes place, it’s just impossible to pick one winner. For our Shout Out award this year — which seeks to celebrate those who have made an outstanding contribution to the music scene in Iceland — our panel quickly realised that there were two indi- viduals clearly deserving recognition. The first is Árni Hjörvar: “Árni is one of these people that if you don’t already know who he is, you’ll almost be embar- rassed when you find out you didn’t,” said one judge. For those who are maybe feeling a creeping sense of shame, here’s the lowdown: Árni started out as a local Reykjavík musician, playing in legendary 2000s bands such as Kimono and Future Future, before moving to the UK to join English indie-rock outfit The Vaccines. Which is, you know, kind of a big deal. But even though playing with a huge, NME award-winning band is pretty commendable stuff, our panel is choos- ing to recognise Árni for a completely different strand of his work. Since returning to Iceland in 2020, Árni has been working predominantly as a music producer and his name came up again and again as we discussed our favourite releases from the past twelve months. From Kvikindi to BSÍ, Ólafur Kram to Hekla — and many more in between — it turns out Árni is a common denominator linking them all. “Árni deserves a shout out for his admirable work in the scene, work that’s already affected the sound of this generation of local indie rock,” said one panellist. The rest agreed. “His depth of experi- ence working at a world-class level as an artist, paired with his incredible enthu- siasm for the craft, is bringing a level of sophistication to the grassroots record- ing scene here in Iceland one could argue we haven’t seen before,” a second judge added. Our second winner of the 2023 Shout Out award goes to a man who has decades of experience of the Icelandic music scene under his belt. A founding member of the iconic Sugarcubes (that’s Björk’s first band, for those who don’t know), Sigtryggur Baldursson was one of the most significant figures in the punk rock scene of the 80s and 90s. He even appeared in the cult documentary film “Rokk í Reykjavík.” The list of bands and artists Sigtryg- gur has collaborated with would take up half of this article, but includes, to name but a few, Þeyr, Kukl, Emiliana Torrini and Ben Frost. Over the years his career has spanned genres and continents. A recording artist, performer, broadcaster, musical director, composer, project manager and producer: there seems no end to the number of strings in Sigtryg- gur’s bow. Since 2012 he has held the position of manager of the ÚTÓN, the Icelandic music export office, providing support for home grown talent to make their own debuts abroad. “One could make the argument that Icelandic music export is synonymous with Sigtryggur Baldursson,” said our panellist. “Not only can we say that the entire indie scene stands on the shoul- ders of giants called the Sugarcubes, but in 2022 he celebrated his 10 year tenure at the Iceland Music export office.” They continued: “Given the plans announced by the Icelandic govern- ment for a new music office, we know that ÚTÓN in its current forma- tion is being phased out. As such it’s important to take this moment to acknowledge this absolute legend for his contribution to Icelandic music.” 2023: the panellists Josie Anne Gaitens Josie Anne is the Culture Editor of the Reykjavík Grapevine, as well as a musician and commu- nity organiser. She has worked in numerous roles in the music industry, from large scale fes- tivals to booking tours in rural, 30-seater venues. Originally from the Scottish Highlands, she first moved to Iceland in 2019 and has been hooked ever since. She is a member of the arts collective Kvæðakórinn, as well as board member of the Icelandic chapter of Hrefna (Habbi) Helgadóttir Hrefna Helgadóttir joined ÚTÓN/ Iceland Music during the pan- demic after working in music/ tech in London for 10 years. Her expertise is using data to create effective strategies to promote music and artists, which in her current role she utilises to pro- mote Icelandic music abroad and also actively sharing that knowl- edge with the local community. She also co-hosts the Make- WorkWork podcast on creative work which has reached #1 on the careers chart in Iceland and has listeners in over 60 countries. Ása Dýradóttir Ása Dýradóttir is the bassist of MAMMÚT and head of Reykjavík Music City. She’s played with and participated in work by a big range of local artists throughout the years, project managed the last two Reykjavík Arts Festival and was a part of the Battle of the Bands jury for years. Her heart beats with the Reykjavík music and arts scene. Ægir Sindri Bjarnason Ægir Sindri Bjarnason is musi- cian as well as the founder of the (literally) underground DIY venue R6013 and Why not? Records. R6013 is operated on a pay- what-you-can model and aims to provide a safe, accessible and fun performance and recording space for artists and concert-goers. Ægir has been part of the Rey- kjavik music scene since his early teens, and performs with a num- ber of bands, as well as recording and releasing his own music. 2022: Judging the Year It’s cliché to say, but judging these categories is extremely hard. Our panellists spent weeks researching, listening, debating and sending late night emails insisting that this or that track just had to win a cat- egory. Through our time deliberating and deciding, certain themes emerged. The first is that 2022 can be classified as the year of the Icelandic album. The Album of the Year category was by far the most challenging to decide: there were just too many goddamn great re- leases over the past 12 months. Clearly, all of the writing and recording time unexpectedly gifted to artists in the previous two years has been put to good use. Notable, too, is the quality and production value of these products. Icelandic music has never been sleeker, cooler, or more put-together. The second notable feature of the 2023 Grapevine Music Awards is that we are sadly handing out our first posthumous award. It was a unanimous decision on behalf of the judging committee that Svavar Pétur Eysteinsson — Prins Póló to his fans — should be named Artist of the Year. Svavar’s contribution to art, music, photography and per- formance — to name but a few of his many areas of influence — will be felt for years to come. We were lucky enough to speak to some of his closest friends and loved ones about the impact Svavar had on the creative scene in Iceland. Sævar SigtryggurÁrni Best Newcomer* Book a table on Best Seafood* Best Brunch* Pósthússtræti 2 Brút - Brút - Br út - Brút - Br út - Brút - B rút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - B rút - Brút - Brú t - B rút - B rút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Br út - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Br út - Brút - B rút - Brút - Brút - Brút - B rút - Brút - Brút - Br út - Brút - B rút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brú t - B rút - Br út - Br út - Br út - Brút - Brút - B rút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Br út - Brút Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - B rút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brú t - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - B rút - Brú t - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - B rút - Brút - Brút - Br út - Br út - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Br út - B rút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brú t - B rút - Brút - Brút - Brút - Brút Best newcomer restura nt - Be st b ru nc h - Be st s ea foo d resturant - Best resturant - *B es t o f R eykjavik - Grapevine 2022 +354 537 2788


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