Reykjavík Grapevine - jan. 2023, Síða 17

Reykjavík Grapevine - jan. 2023, Síða 17
LAUGALÆ KUR KLETTAGARÐAR BANKASTR. AUSTUR- STRÆTI SKOTHÚSVEGUR TRYGGVAGATA GEIRSGATA VESTURGATARÁNARGATA BÁRUGATA ÖLDUGATA TÚNGATA TÚNGATA MARARG. KIRKJU SÓLVALLAGATA SÓLVALLAGATA H O LTSG ATA GRANDAVEGUR LÁG H O LTSVEG U R HÁVALLAGATA HOLTSG. ÁSVALLAGATA REYNIM ELUR VÍÐIM ELUR GRENIM ELUR Æ G ISÍÐ A FORNHAGI DUNHAGI AR AG AT A O D DAG AT A HAGAM ELURMELHAGI NESHAGI HOFSVALLAGATA KAPLASKJÓLSVEGUR MEISTARAVELLIR ÁLAGRANDI EIÐSGRANDI ARSTÍG UR BRÆ ÐRABORG FRAMNESVEGUR SELJAVEGUR ÁNANAUST GRANDAGARÐURFISKISLÓÐ H Ó LM A SLÓ Ð TJ AR N AR G AT A SU Ð U RG AT A LJ Ó SV AL LA G AT A H Ó LA VA LL AG . AÐ AL ST R. SÆ M U N DAR G AT A BIR KIM EL UR FU RUM ELU R ESPIM ELUR Æ G IS G AT A ST ÝR IM AN N AS TÍ G U R G AR Ð AS TR Æ TI GRETTISGATA FR AK KA ST ÍG U R NJARÐARGATA NJARÐARGATA N AU TH Ó LSV EG U R FLUGVALLARVEGUR M EN N TAVEG U R VAT N SSTÍ GUR KL AP PA R- S TÍ G U R BE RG ST AÐ AR ST RÆ TI BERGSTAÐARSTRÆ TI FR ÍK IR K JU V EG U R PÓ ST H Ú SS TR Æ TI LÆ KJA RGATA IN G Ó LF SS TR Æ TI ÞI N G H O LT SS TR Æ TI Ó Ð IN SG AT A ÞÓ RSGATA VONARSTRÆTI LO KASTÍGUR BALDURSGATA BRAGAGATA VI TA ST ÍG U R BA RÓ N SS TÍ G U R SN O RR AB RA U T SN O RR AB RA U T BARÓNSSTÍGUR SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍGUR LA U FÁ S V EG U R LAUFÁSVEGUR FJÖLNISVEGUR FREYJUGATA SÓ LEYJARG ATA NJÁLSGATA GAMLA HRINGBRAUT MIKLABRAUT MIKLABRAUT MIKLABRAUT LISTABRAUT OFANLEITI VATNSMÝRARVEGUR ÞORRAGATA EINARSNES BAUGANESSKILDINGANES BÚ STAÐ AVEGU R SUÐURHLÍÐ HRINGBRAUT SU Ð U RG AT A HRINGBRAUT H RIN G BR AU T BERGÞÓRUGATA EIRÍKSGATA EGILSGATA HVERFISGATA LINDARGATA SÖLVHÓLSGATA SKÚLAGATA SÆBRAUT SÆBRAUT SÆ BRAUT HÓLSVEGUR DYNGJUVEGUR D AL BR AU T KA M BS VE G U R H JA LL AV EG U R LA N G H O LT SV EG U R LAN G H O LTSVEG U R EF ST AS U N D EFSTASU N D VESTURGARÐAR KLETTAGARÐAR VATNAGARÐAR SUNDABORG KLEPPSVEGUR KLEPPSVEGUR BORGARTÚN BRÍETARTÚN HÁTÚN MIÐTÚN SAMTÚN SÓLTÚN HÁTÚN SIGTÚN LAUGATEIGUR HOFTEIGUR KIRKJUTEIGUR HRAUNTEIGUR KIRKJUSANDUR HRÍS ATEIG UR LA UGARNESVEG UR SUNDLAUGAVEGUR BRÚNAVEGUR VE ST U RB RÚ N AU STU RBRÚ N RE YK JA V EG U R LAUGARÁSVEGUR SUNNUVEGUR SKIPASU N D HOLTAVEGUR ENGJAVEGUR ENGJAVEGUR GNOÐARVOGUR LJÓSHEIM AR ÁL FH EI M AR G O Ð H EI M AR SÓ LH EI M AR SKEIFAN G RE N SÁ SV EG U R SUÐURLANDSBRAUT ÁRM ÚLI ÁRMÚLI SÍÐUM ÚLI FELLSMÚLI HÁALEITISBRAUTSAFAM ÝRI LAUGAVEGUR LAUGAVEGUR ENGJATEIGUR FLÓKAGATA HÁTEIGSVEGUR BÓLSTAÐARHLÍÐ SKAFTAHLÍÐ ÚTHLÍÐ SKÓ GARHLÍÐ ESKIHLÍÐ BARMAHLÍÐ STIGAHLÍÐ MÁVAHLÍÐ GRÆNAHLÍÐ DRÁPUHLÍÐ HAMRAHLÍÐ VESTURHLÍÐ BLÖNDUHLÍÐ HÖRGSHLÍÐ H Á A H LÍ Ð AUTARH N Ó AT Ú N LA N G AH LÍ Ð ST AK KA H LÍ Ð ST AK KA H LÍ Ð ST IG AH LÍ Ð RE YK JA H LÍ Ð KR IN G LU M ÝR AR BR AU T K R IN G LU M ÝR A R B R A U T ÁL FT AM ÝR I LÁ G M Ú LI H ALLARM Ú LI K R IN G LU M ÝR A R B R A U T R AU Ð AR ÁR ST ÍG U R R AU Ð A R Á RS TÍ G U R ÞV ER H O LT M JÖ LN IS H . Á SH O LT ST Ú FH . TR A Ð A RH . G U N N AR SB RA U T N Ó AT Ú N K AT RÍ N A RT Ú N I ÞÓ RU N N A RT Ú N STÓRHOLT M EÐALHOLT STANGARHOLT TÓ M ASARH AG I FÁLKAGATA STURLUAGATA EGGERTSGATA LYNGHAGI STARHAGI KVISTH AG I H JARÐARHAGI STRÆTI SKÓLABRÚ LAUGAVEGUR BR OLT HRINGBRAUT N A U TH Ó LS VE GU R SKIPHOLT VESTURVALLAGATA MÝRARGATA HAFNARSTRÆTI NÝLENDUGATA BSÍ Coach Terminal Nordic House Culture Center University of Iceland National museum National library Hólavalla- garður Cemetary Austur völlur Icelandic Parliament Reykjavík Domestic Airport Terminal Eagle Air Terminal Hlemmur Food Hall Sundhöllin Swimming Pool Landsspítali Hospital Laugar- dalslaug Swimming Pool Laugardalur Park Sigurjón Art Museum Viðey ferry Domestic Zoo & Family Park Botannical Gardens Camping site Kringlan Shopping Mall Laugar- dalshöll Sports Arena Ásmundarsafn Indoor Skating Rink City Hall Hallgríms- kirkja Church Lista- safn Einars Ásmunda- salur National Theatre The Culture House Bíó Paradís Reykjavík Art Museum Maritime Museum Marshall House Grandi Mathöll FlyOver Iceland Saga Museum Harpa Concert Hall Nauthólsvík Beach Perlan Reykjavík University Kjarvalsstaðir Museum Hljóm- skála- garður Park Vestur- bæjarlaug Swimming Pool National Gallery Aurora Reykjavik 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C 3 23 19 A D G B H H 6 513 21 7 16 15 14 22 10 12 20 24 24 8 18 23. apóteK ateLier Laugavegur 16 Apótek Atelier is quite new on the scene, but this small boutique has already made quite a splash. Created by designers Ýr Þrastardóttir, Halldóra Sif Guðlaugsdóttir and Sævar Markús Óskarsson, Apótek Atelier blurs the line between studio and store, functioning as both the designers’ workspace, as well as the place where one can purchase their wares. lip-puckering gose, or an IPA packed with more flowers than a funeral , Session has got your back. 19. SKuggaBaLdur Pósthússtræti 9 A weekday bar is all about atmosphere. You want something lively but cosy, bustling without being jam packed, and above all else, full of good vibes. Skuggabaldur has perfected th is del icate combo, with the best of Reykjavík’s jazz scene showing up nightly to entertain patrons and make eve n a We d n e s d ay m e m o ra b l e . Despite only opening last year, the bar has quickly become a favourite with everyone from downtown artists to suburban folk. Shopping 20. yeoman Laugavegur 7 2021 saw Yeoman being donned by international celebrities while also continuing her reign as the primary fashion tastemaker for Reykjavík women.“To talk about modern Icelandic style is to talk about Yeoman,” one panel member said. 21. LucKy recordS Rauðarástígur 10 Lucky Records is the one-stop-shop for anything Icelandic music. They’ve got it al l ; new titles, CDs, rarities, vinyl, cassettes, second hand 12”, 7” sections, you name it! Notably, the store is very in touch with the local underground. Basically any Icelandic release—no matter how big or small— will be sold there, and trust and believe, their shopkeepers wil l know them inside and out. 22. hringeKjan Þórunnartún 2 S i m i l a r to a c o n s i g n m e n t s h o p, Hringekjan is a space where people can rent out spaces to sell their own clothes and accessories. It’s the most eco-friendly way to keep your closet fresh, which, in light of our current world, is something we should all be thinking about. “I don’t know how they get such chic people to sell their clothes there,” laughed one panel member. If you want something groovy this is the place to go.” KramBer Skólavörðustígur 12 As car-hating 101 rat pedestrians, we’re suckers for any establishment co-opting parking spots in favour of curbside patio space for patrons, so we were fast fans of Kramber months before the glow up of the storefront formerly occupied by the Red Cross was complete. And now that the coffee house-slash-wine bar is open in all its vibrant glory, we’re even bigger fans. It’s tagged as “betri stofa Dísu of Lísu” (Dísa and Lísa’s parlour) and it has all the ambiance of the room you’d want to retire to after dinner for a round of drinks. JFC New In Town 17 Downtown & Harbour District 24. húrra reyKjavíK Hverfisgata 18a Húrra Reykjavík has changed the game of Reykjavík fashion in a matter of years. They offer a la mode streetwear l ike Stussy, Champion and Adidas, and by doing so they’ve created a fashion frenzy. Trump might not have “made America great again,” but Húrra Reykjavík has made local streetwear great again for sure. 1 11 9


Reykjavík Grapevine

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