Reykjavík Grapevine - aug. 2023, Side 2
In This Issue
Exploring the origins of Rey-
kjavík Pride
How does BDSM fit with-
in the queer community? Find
Thriller director Erlingur Ót-
tar Thoroddsen has not one,
but two movies hitting the big
Noughties sludge band
Graveslime are back after 20
years of hibernation
Una Torfa doesn’t care for defi-
nitions in her latest single
Where are all the public laun-
dromats? Your most pressing
questions, answered.
BDSM is a hot button issue. But
kinsters aren’t freaks – at least not
more freaky than anyone else. This
issue’s cover feature article explores
the BDSM community and the role
it plays. For the cover, Grant Woods’
iconic 1930s painting “American
Gothic” was given a kinky makeover
through the Photoshop stylings of
Art Bicnick and the knotty talents of
Alfreð Jónsson (@master_cinch) and
Katrín Íris.
On the Cover
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Editorial Getting to
know you
WORDS Catharine Fulton,
Editor in Chief
I fancy myself a jack of all trades.
I’m an expert in a few things, but I
know a passable amount about quite
a lot of things. One of those things,
I’ll admit, was not BDSM. Oh no, does
that make me vanilla?
While I wasn’t harbouring any neg-
ative thoughts about the BDSM
community, I knew very little about
their inclusion in the larger queer
rights movement or about the way
members of the community view
themselves, their identities and their
lifestyles. So it was a valuable learn-
ing experience to get to know – at
least through the recording of an
interview conducted by Rex Beckett
– three members of the board of the
Icelandic BDSM Organisation.
Their openness, candour and vul-
nerability in discussing their sexual
identities and the struggles of their
community is an inspiration.
As we go to print and into the finale
weekend of another eventful Pride
week in Reykjavík, I know I’ll be keep-
ing an eye out for the red ropes of the
BDSM group marching in the Pride
parade and cheering a little louder
now that I’m a little more knowledge-
able about everything they stand
for and their role in Iceland’s larger
queer community.
Whether you’re familiar with BDSM,
you’re kink-curious or you’re per-
haps a little vanilla, too, turn to the
feature on page 12 to marvel at the
strength and bravery it takes to stand
for a largely misunderstood group of
Happy Pride!
Catherine studies culture and
literature in Iceland and came to
the Grapevine for the internship
but ended up freelancing for the
magazine. When she’s not trying to
reconnect with her Icelandic roots,
she’s usually watching video essays
or attempting to finally come up
with that one good story idea that
she can actually finish writing.
Jóhannes Bjarki is a Reykjavík local,
straight out of Grafarvogur. Having
been active as the frontman of the
post-punk band Skoffín and in the
post-dreifing art collective, Jóhannes
is fascinated by the Icelandic music
scene. Among his interests are
politics, history and pop culture.
Iryna is a Ukrainian journalist work-
ing at the cross-section of media
and technology for the past five
years. While still figuring out what
to do in life, Iryna’s love of travelling,
unspoiled nature and Scandi design
has brought her to Reykjavík. One
day she’ll write a non-fiction book.
Rex Beckett has been a fixture in
the Reykjavík culture scene for over
a decade as a longtime music/art
writer and as former synthpunk
diva Rex Pistols. They are current-
ly working on a series delving into
the influence of Garfield on queer
Shruthi Basappa traded the warmth
of Indian summers for Arctic winds
of Iceland. She’s a food enthusiast
masquerading as an architect at Sei
Studio and loves obsessive atten-
tion to detail. When not leading our
Best of Reykjavík food panel, Shruthi
can be found trying to become a
Michelin restaurant inspector.