Acta naturalia Islandica - 01.02.1946, Blaðsíða 59

Acta naturalia Islandica - 01.02.1946, Blaðsíða 59
ORIGIN OF THE BASIC TUFFS OF ICELAND 53 the valley. It is of the same character as the plateau we have been considering and is no doubt a part of the same plateau. A short dis- tance south of the farm Klambrasel a brook has opened a section of this series, Fig. 11. Resting on the lowest visible lava is a eonglomerate, about 2 m thick, consisting almost exclusively of porous, scoriaceous stones in a very sparse cement. This is probably a directly erupted material. It is covered by a conglomerate of well-worn pebbles in a grey matrix which has some horizontal jointing as seen by its form of weathering and its breaking into flakes. Beyond that, the mass is entirely with- out structure and of the common moraine-like appearance. I could find no striated stones and in a thin section (528) the matrix is seen to consist of large and small fragments of porous opaque glass, small fragments of brown translucent glass, fragments of very fine-grained lava, and a brown amorphous palagonite filling all interspaces and it is at least doubtful whether this palagonite is an alteration product and not of a primary origin. This conglomerate thus has all the appearance of being a volcanic product and not a moraine. Higher in the section there is a similar grey conglomerate of a thickness of 5—6 m. The relatively few stones it contains are not larger than 10—15 cm. but mostly much smaller. The groundmass (534) consists again of rounded grains of a very fine-grained basalt, opaque glass and a few grains of brown translucent glass. A short distance below this layer the basaltic lavas are traversed by a “dyke” which is seen in both walls of the gorge. Its thickness is about 1 m and it consists of a chaos of worn and angular blocks of basalt of a diameter up to % m. The grey matrix (533) is of sub- ordinate abundance and consists of rounded grains of a very fine- grained basalt — also fewer grains of a coarser basalt — opaque glass, and sideromelan, the glass being of a high percentage. Thin apophyses extend into the walls of the fault and the dyke is beyond doubt of volcanic origin. Although this material is coarser than the grey conglomerate higher in the section, it is typical of the grey conglomerates, both as concerns the condition of the boulders and the composition of the matrix, and the dyke renders perhaps the clearest proof of the volcanic nature of the conglomerates.
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Acta naturalia Islandica

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