Føroya kunngerðasavn A og B - 14.04.1992, Page 5
14. juni 1990.
trera en vigueur le premier
jour du deuxieme mois apres
la date á laquelle ledit Etat
aura depose son instrument
3. Tout Etat devenant Partie
contractante au present Proto-
cole sans etre Partie contrac-
tante á la Convention sera
considere, á la date d’entree
en vigueur du present Proto-
cole pour ledit Etat, comme
Partie contractante á la
Convention telle qu’amendee
par le present Protocole.
4. Tout Etat devenant Partie
contraaante á la Convention
apres l’entree en vigueur du
present Protocole sera consi-
dere comme une Partie
contractante á la Convention
telle qu’amendee par le pre-
sent Protocole.
5. Les instruments de ratifi-
cation, d’acceptation, d’ap-
probation ou d’adhesion se-
ront deposes aupres du Gou-
vemement de la Republique
Article 7
Le Gouvemement deposi-
taire avisera les Parties
contraaantes et les Etats vises
á l’articie 22 de la Convention
des signatures du present Pro-
tocole, des depóts des instru-
ments de ratification, d’accep-
tation, d’approbation ou d’ad-
hesion, ce conformement aux
articies 4,5 et 6, ainsi que de la
date d’entree en vigueur du
present Protocole.
Article 8
L’original du present Proto-
cole, dont les textes franqais et
anglais font egalement foi, se-
ra depose aupres du Gouver-
nement de la Republique fran-
on the first day of the second
month following the date on
which that State has deposited
its instrument of accession.
3. Any State which becomes
a Contraaing Party to this
Protocol without being a Con-
traaing Party to the Conven-
tion shall be considered as a
Contraaing Party to the Con-
vention as amended by this
Protocol as of the date of entry
into force of this Protocol for
that State.
4. Any State which becomes
a Contraaing Party to the
Convention after the entry
into force of this Protocol
shall be considered as a Con-
traaing Party to the Conven-
tion as amended by this Proto-
5. The instmments of ratifi-
cation, acceptance, approval
or accession shall be de-
posited with the Govemment
of the French Republic.
Article 7
The Depository Govera-
ment shall inform the Con-
traaing Parties and those
States referTed to in Article 22
of the Convention of signa-
tures of this Protocol, of the
deposit of instruments of rati-
fication, acceptance, approval
or accession, made pursuant
to Articles 4, 5 and 6, and of
the date of entry into force of
this Protocol.
Article 8
The original of this Proto-
col, of which the English and
French texts shall be equally
authentic, shall be deposited
with the Govemment of the
French Republic.
Nr. 64.
pá den første dag i den anden
máned efler den dag, hvor sta-
ten deponerede sit tiltrædel-
3. Enhver stat, der bliver
kontraherende part i denne
protokol uden at være kontra-
herende part i Konventionen,
anses som kontraherende part
i Konventionen som ændret
ved denne protokol fra datoen
for denne protokois ikrafttræ-
den for denne stat.
4. Enhver stat, der bliver
kontraherende part i Konven-
tionen efter denne protokols
ikrafttræden, anses som kon-
traherende part i Konventio-
nen som ændret ved denne
5. Ratifikations-, accept-,
godkendelses- eller tiltrædel-
sesinstrumenteme skal depo-
neres hos regeringen for Den
Franske Republik.
Artikel 7
Depositarregeringen skal
underrette de kontraherende
parter og de i artikel 22 i Kon-
ventionen omhandlede stater
om undertegnelser af denne
protokol, om deponering af
ratifikations-, accept-, god-
kendelses- eller tiltrædelsesin-
strumenter i overensstemmel-
se med artikel 4, 5 og 6 og om
datoen for denne protokols
Artikel 8
Originalteksten til denne
protokol, hvis franske og en-
gelske tekster har samme gyl-
dighed, skal deponeres hos re-
geringen for Den Franske Re-