Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.04.1980, Side 4

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.04.1980, Side 4
Lögberg-Heimskringla, föstudagur 25. apríl, 1980 Uögberg- IjrimHkrtngla Publíshed every Friday by LOGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA PUBLISHING Co. Ltd. 1400 Union Tower Building, 191 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0X1 — Telephone 943-9945 EDITOR: ASSISTANT EDITOR: PRESIDENT: SECRETARY: TREASURER: Haraldur Bessason Margrét Björgvinsdóttir T.K. Arnason Emily Benjaminson Gordon A. Gislason Typesetting, Proof reading and printing Gardar Printing Limited Subscription $15.00 per year — PAYABLE IN ADVANCE — Second class mailing registration number 1667 — í NORÐUR DAKÓTA ”yrir tveimur árum minntust Norður Dakóta Islend- ‘nyar aldarafmælis byggðarinnar umhverfis Mountain. Þótt ekki sé að jafnaði mannmargt í því þorpi nú orðið, var þar fagnað mörgum þúsundum hátíðargesta við of- angreint tækifæri. Islendingabyggðirnar á þessum slóðum eiga sér merkilega sögu, og má hafa fyrir satt að holtaþeyinn sem leggur af Pembínufjöllunum hafi verið frumbýl- unum hollur því að með hreinum ólíkindum er hversu marga afreksmenn þessi litla byggð hýsti og ól. % Séra Páll Þorláksson var höfundur byggðarinnar, og þótt hann yrði skammlífur mótaði hann öndverð- lega stefnu frumbýlinganna þar í bæði andlegum og veraldlegum skilningi. Vinur hans, Stephan G. Steph- ansson, fluttist á þessar slóð’ir og vann þar með öðrum að stofnun Menningarfélagsins svo nefnda og samdi því stefnuskrá. Þótt félagið liði snemma undir lok, hafði það engu að síður djúptæk áhrif á menningarleg viðhorf Vestur-Islendinga. Við Mountain hóf Hjörtur Þórðarson eðlisfræðirannsóknir sínar með þýdda bók eftir séra Magnús. Grímsson móðurbróður sinn til leið- sagnar. „Spyrjirðu móður náttúru réttra spurninga, veitir hún rétt svör,” stendur þar eða eitthvað því um líkt. Hjörtur varð síðar einn af þekktustu raffræðing- um Bandaríkjanna. Vilhjálmur Stefánsson ólst upp í nágrenni Pemb- ínufjalla, og þar vaknaði áhugi hans á bókmenntum. Hann gerði síðar garðinn frægann. Sveinn Bjarnarson, sá er um er rætt annars staðar í þessu blaði, átti um skeið heima á búgarði við Edinburg kippkorn suður frá Mountain. Síðast en ekki síst ber að nefna Káinn, hirðskáld þessarar byggðar. „Drottinn lát mig dreyma í Dakóta skuldum frá”, kvað hann. — Stytta gamla mannsins er við Eyfordkirkjuna, og góðlátlegur glettn- isandi skáldsins hvílir enn yfir sveitinni umhverfis hana. Þjóðrækni Dakóta Islendinga er viðbrugðið. Þjóð- ræknisdeildin Báran er þar enn við lýði. Fyrr á árum hlaut sú deild ómældan styrk frá dr. Richard Beck prófessor, sem í um fjörutíu ár stundaði fræði sín í Grand Forks og lét granna sína umhverfis Mountain njóta þeirra starfa í ríkum mæli. Eins og greint verður frá í næsta blaði þá hafa Is- lendingar í Grafton Norður Dakóta myndað með sér samtök undir nafninu The Icelandic Heriiage Club. — I því félagi eru margir hinir yngri í hópi Grafton Is- lendinga. Hafa þeir ýmis merkismál á stefnuskrá. Með- al annars munu þeir annast sérstaka Islandsdeild í minjasafni sem verður reist í Grafton. Hefur safnstjórn mikinn hug á að hlutur þjóðarbrota ríkisins verði ekki fyrir borð borinn. Islendingafélagið nýja í Grafton ber því glöggt vitni að hinn forni menningarandi íslendinga í Norður Dakóta lifir ennþá góðu lífi. H.B. A SPECTACULAR CAREER Sveinn Kristján Bjarnason o? Edgar Holger Cahill From youth to adolescence His name was Sveinn Kristjan Bjarnarson. He was born on Jan. 23, 1887 at Breidabolstadur in the district of Skogarstrond in Iceland, the son of Vigdis Bjarnadottir and Bjorn Jonsson. He was only an infant when his parents left Iceland and took him along to Canada. In 1900 the family settled in Pembina, North Dakota. Because of domestic difficulties, Sveinn had to leave his family in North Dakota when he was only 11 years old. For a long time afterwards he moved from place to place, finding temporary employment in diverse fields right across the United States. To give only two examples, he worked as a clerk in the offices of the North Pacific Railways in St. Paul, Minn. and as a cook in a Lower Manhattan restaurant in New York. For decades Sveinn Bjarnarson was entirely out of touch with his two only surviving relatives in America, i.e. Vigdis, his mother, and his sister Anna, who had moved from North Dakota to Elfros, Saskat- chewan. Despite limited formal schooling, Sveinn Bjar- rson missed no opportunity to educate himself. He steeped himself in the study of such major authors as Leo Tolstoi, Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde. In addition, he had a chance to visit the Orient while in the employ of the North Pacific Railways, which sparked his interest in the wider spectrum of oriental civilization. In furtherance of the arts With allthe vicissitudes of adolescence behind him, Sveinn Bjarnarson began to assert himself as a man of major intellectual power, soon distinguishing himself in the fields of journalism, literature and art criticism which, in addition, made him one of the major promoters of the visual arts in the United States. In the 1920’s Sveinn Bjarnarson was a regular contributor to the Nation, The Freeman, and the Swedish-American News Exchange and attended an International Journalistic Congress in Sweden, in the summer of 1921. In this same period he was the editor of two New York weeklies BRONZVILL REVIEW AND SCARSEDALE INQUIRER. SveinnBjarnarson published his first novel “Profane Earth” in 1927. Next came his books on two American artists “Pop Hart” (1928) and “Max Weber” (1930). Two of his books are based on his experiences in China. “A Yankee Adventurer” (1930) and “Look South to the Pole Star” (1947). In 1930 - 1931 he published three short Newark Museum in New Jersey and was given the responsibility of collecting for the museum items of American contemporary art. He also staged a number of exhibits at this museum of what later came to be known as American Folk Art. His success at the Newark Holgeir Carill — Sveinn Kristján Bjarnason — bom at Breiðabólstaiður in Skógarströnd stories Fun, The Life of Art, and He Rain. These ap- peared in The American Journals Scribner’s Magazine and The American Mercury. In 1935, with Alfred H. Barr, he co- edited Art in America; A Complete Survey, a work which was to become a classic in its field, and about the same time he wrote his play about Wall Street, which he called Mr. Thousand. Sveinn’s last novel The Shadow of My Hand ap- peared in 1956. He then was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship to work on another novel tentatively entitled The Stone-Dreamer. Declining health, however, prevented him from completing this work. The Newark Museum In 1920 the famous American painter John Sloan engaged Sveinn Bjarnarson to write articles in support of the Society of Independent Artists. His work for the Society in- tensified his interest in the visual arts. In 1922 he accepted a position with the museum attracted the at- tention of Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, one of the founders of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Mrs. Rockefeller engaged Sveinn to prepare and direct a ©omprehensive exhibit of “American Folk Art 1750 - 1900” in the newly established museum in 1932. The same year he assumed 'the position of Director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, a position he held for one year. As a critic and promoter of the visual arts he had by now won national and international recognition. In 1935 the government of President F. D. Roosevelt therefore appointed him national supervisor of the im- plementation of government policies on the promotion of the arts in the United States. It was in this capacity that Sveinn Bjarnarson from Breidabolstadur earned himself the reputation of being one of the great benefactors of American Civilization in this century. As was said earlier, Sveinn Bjarnarson, in his Conl. on page 7



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