Lögberg-Heimskringla - 12.06.1987, Blaðsíða 4

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 12.06.1987, Blaðsíða 4
4-ALDARAFMÆLISÁR, FÖSTUDAGUR 12. JÚNÍ 1987 Ritstj órnargrein_________ Formannsskipti á blaðinu í síðasta mánuði var haldinn stjórnarfundur Lögbergs- Heimskringlu og þar sagði Einar Arnason af sér sem formaður Lögbergs-Heimskringlu. Einar hefur annast það starf um nokkurt skeið en eins og lesendur blaðsins vita, mun hann taka við ritstjórnarstöðunni í ágúst á þessu ári. Það er óhætt að segja að fáir þekkja betur til reksturs blaðsins en Einar en hann hefur setið í stjórnarnefnd árum saman og kynnst með eigin reynslu öllum hliðum útgáfu blaðsins. Hann hefur unnið gifturíkt starf sem formaður og verður honum seint full þakkað hans framlag. Neil Bardal leysir Einar af hólmi og þar er síður en svo komið að tómum kofanum því Neil er ekki aðeins einstaklega driftugur maður og águgasamur heldur þekkir hann vel til reksturs blaðsins. Þá má ekki gleyma því að fáir hafa komið eins mikið við sögu í málefnum Vestur íslendinga á síðustu árum en Neil. Hann var formaður Fróns í Winnipeg, er varaforseti Þjóðræknisfélags íslendinga í Vesturheimi. Þá hefur hann unnið ómetanlegt starf fyrir norræna húsið hér í borg svo og Folklorama. Það gefur auga leið að Lögberg- Heimskringla er í góðum höndum og þarf enginn að óttast framtíð blaðsins meðan svo duglegt og áhugasamt fólk eins og nú stjórnar rekstri blaðsins halda því áfram. Staða blaðsins er góð og hægt og bítandi fjölgar áskrifendum þess en þeir eru nú fleiri en nokkru sinni. Engum einum manni verður þakkað batnandi hagur blaðsins heldur hafa margir lagt þar hönd á plóginn. Sú eining og samvinna sem einkennir stjórnarnefndina leiðir til jákvæðs árangurs og sterkrar heildar. Þeir tveir áðurnefndu menn, Einar Arnason og Neil Bardal skipta nú um sæti en áfram munu þeir vinna saman af sama áhuga og dugnaði og fyrr. Mörg verkefni bíða nýs formanns en það merkasta er aldarafmæli 'Kringlunnar' en upp á það verður haldið á næsta ári. Má búast við athyglisverðri afmælis- veislu því Neil er einkar lagið að skipuleggja slíkt. Sá er þessar línur skrifar þakkar Einari ánægjulegt samstarf og býður Neil velkominn til starfa. J.Þ. The Thorvaldson Reunion On the long August weekend of this year the Thorvaldson clan will observe the lOOth Anniversary of ar- rival in Canada of Thorvaldur and Thuridur Thorvaldson with their family in Winnipeg on August 1, 1887. They were six all told — Thor- valdur, 45; Thuridur, 50; Sveinn, their eldest son, 15; Guðrun, 8; Thor- valdur, 7; and T.horbergur, 4. They left for Selkirk by rail, con- tinued to Gimli by boat, and then over the colonization road to their homestead land near Arnes, arriving August 4th. Quickly they set about to prepare for the coming winter, fashioning a hasty log shelter from the materials at hand, namely the trees in the woods which stood on their newly-acquired land. Like other Icelanders of this distant pioneer era, they came and sought a new life in the remote area of New Iceland which provided land and hope, not available in the country of their birth. Although of middle age, they braved the unknown future with their children. Like the people of Iceland where there was hay and fish they knew life could be faced without fear, and this they did with the added bonus of trees in the woods for shelter and fuel. It was not long, only a month later, when Sveinn walked the 13 miles to Gimli and caught a boat for the nor- thern fishing grounds. There, he fulfilled his duties as an assistant cook. He returned with the earnings in his pocket to provide dire financial assistance to his parents, sister and brothers. During these early years, Arnes and Sveinn sought employment on every occasion to acquire earnings for the family. From the time he was 15 he never ceased to forge ahead with energy throughout the years of a fairly long life. At 17 came his op- portunity to attend school and, with his characteristic drive, he was soon able to qualify and become a teacher. After four years of teaching he turned towards entrepreneurial enterprise which he followed with success dur- ing the rest of his life, best known as a merchant and partner in the New Iceland firm of Sigudson- Thorvaldson Ltd. His active public career as school trustee, municipal councillor reeve and member of the Manitoba Legis- lature mark the public spirit he so generously gave of himself to the community at large. Honoured by Iceland with the Order of The Falcon awarded the Order of the British Empire (M.B.E.) and honourary recognition by Western Icelanders, he earned the honours he so richly deserved. The unsung compassion of this great man remain largely unrecord- ed but nonetheless they were a part Sveinn Thorvaldson, M.B.E. 1873-1949 of his life. On one occasion, a mother of young children faced a bare cup- board with her husband at a remote fishing camp on Lake Winnipeg. Pen- niless, she was driven to seek credit, only to be turned down. In tears she walked slowly, grasping the hand of her childhood daughter, when she heard her name called. Turning, she saw Sveinn running towards her. Laying his hand on her shoulder, he said, "Come back and take what you need; I know you will pay us when your husband comes home.” To her dying day she worshipped Sveinn Thorvaldson. The writer's grandmother, through lack of English, was compelled to seek employment with Icelanders; generally, this was domestic service with some old Icelandic widower or bachelor farmer. At the age of 15, mother became very concerned for grandmother, who was keeping house on Hecla Island opposite Grassy Narrows. Arriving in Riverton, she went to Sveinn Thorvaldson like most people in the area. He agreed to lend her his small sailboat, providing she had the assistance of an experienced person. The trip across the narrows was a success, as mother came back with grandmother including her spinning wheel, personal belongings and two sheep. The farmer had no means of paying grandmother, so mother came away with two sheep. Sveinn lived during an era when death frequently visited during what we now consider early years. Unfor- tunately, he became a widower with children. Later, he married a widow with children which led to a suc- cessful and happy life. They, in turn, had children. It is said, ''One night when the children were exceptionally argu- mentative, Mrs. Thorvaldson com- mented, I wonder what all the com- motion is about?" Sveinn replied, "My dear, it is your children and my children arguing with our children." Sveinn brought up 19 children of his own and four step-daughters. He provided for them well and gave each a fair opportunity to select their own careers, often digging deep into his pocket. Sveinn's son, Solmundur, had a high-profile career as a senator, politi- cian and successful lawyer. His name still adorns the office of a large and well known legal firm in Winnipeg. Both of Sveinn's brothers were outstanding academics. It was while attending Harvard University that Thorvaldur was stricken with a burst appendix and died on the operating table. Thus, he suffered a premature death in the midst of a brilliant academic career. Thorbergur followed his brother's footsteps and attended Harvard, ob- taining a Ph.D. degree. His research led to establishing the atomic weight of iron. His best known work was in connection with the development of sulphate-resistant cement, common- ly known as Portland Cement. Continued on Page 5 Lögberg - Heimskringla Published every Friday by LÖGBERG - HEIMSKRINGLA INCORPORATED 525 Kylemore Ave., Winnípeg, Manitoba R3L XB5 Telephone 284-7688 New Office Hours: Monday Ihrough Friday 10:00 a.m. • 3 p.m. EDITOR: Jónas Þór BUSINESS MANAGER: Caroiine Darragh MAILING: Florence Wagar REPRESENTATIVE IN ICELAND: Magnús Sigurjónsson Umboðsmaður blaðsins á íslandi Skólagerði 69 Kópavogi, Sími 40455 « Pósthólf 1457 Reykjavík Typesetting, Proofreading and Printing — Typart Ltd. Subscription $25.00 per year — PAYABLE IN ADVANCE $30.00 in Iceland — Second class mailing registration number 1667 — AII donations to Lögberg-Hcimskringla Inc. are tax dcductiblc undcr Canadian Laws.



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