Ritmennt - 01.01.2003, Blaðsíða 163

Ritmennt - 01.01.2003, Blaðsíða 163
RITMENNT Abstracts Einar H. Guðmundsson: Björn Gunnlaugsson og náttúruspekin í Njólu. Ritmennt 8 (2003), pp. 9-78. Björn Gunnlaugsson (1788-1876) was the lead- ing mathematician and astronomer in nineteenth century Iceland and the first professional teacher of science and mathematics in the country. Through teaching and writing his influence on contemporary Icelandic culture was considerable. Today he is mainly known as a cartographer and the author of the first detailed map of the interior of Iceland. Of his other works, the poem Njóla (Night), first published in 1842, is probably the best known. The poem is primarily a statement of the author's religious and moral beliefs and is written in the spirit of natural theology and romantic natural philosophy. Intermingled with the rnain message is an interesting overview of the astronomy and cosmological ideas of the early nineteenth century. Njóla also presents the first detailed theory of matter by an Icelandic author, a dynamical theory in which matter is composed of force centers rather than atoms, an idea that can be partly traced back to Boskovic and Kant. In general, Gunnlaugsson's natural philosophy owes much to Kant and his many disciples, for example the romantic natural philosopher H.C. 0rsted who was one of Gunnlaugsson's teachers at the University of Copenhagen. Svanhildur Gunnarsdóttir: Þýddir reyfarar á ís- lenskum bókamarkaði um miðja 18. öld. Rit- mennt 8 (2003), pp. 79-92. The first novels to be printed in Iceland were two works of narrative fiction in the translation of the Rev. Þorsteinn Ketilsson (1688-1754) pub- lished in one volurne in 1756 under the title: Þess svenska Gústavs Landkrons og þess engelska Bertholds fábreytilegii Robinsons eður lífs og ævi sögur (The Swedish Gustav Landkron's and the English Berthold's simple Robinsons or lives and biographies). The novels were translated from the Danish and both of them are of German origin, published in Germany at the beginning of the 18th century, and belong to a literary genre of narrative fiction known as Robinsonaden, which flourished in Western Europe in the first half of the 18th century, often written in imitation of - or related to - Robinson Crusoe (first published in 1719) by Daniel Defoe. A characteristic of these Icelandic translations, Berthold's life in particu- lar, is that the translator and publisher strives to cut out rnuch of the preaching and moralizing of the original text in order to make the adven- turous narration and the entertaining value the more appealing to the reader. Hrafn Sveinbjarnarson: Vökumaður, hvað líður nóttinni? Ritmennt 8 (2003), pp. 93-128. The night-watches in Copenhagen and the towns of Norway of the 13th century, the watch- es of the tower (stöpulsvakt) and the walking- watch (gangvakt) are connected to the watches by night and day in the cities of antiquity. A mention is made of the different traditions of watches in Iceland before urbanization in the late 18th cen- tury, i.e. property watches, watches over the de- ceased, the ship-watch and the watches over the small strongholds in Iceland, which are reminis- cent of the tradition of the old watches of the tower. With urbaniszation in Reykjavík new pro- fessions emerge, one of them a new walking- watch. The oldest instructions for the watchmen in Reykjavík are published in the article: The instructions of 1778, when the watchmen were employed by the wool-factory, and the instruc- tions of 1792 by the town judge (bæjarfógeti) of Reykjavík, the watchmen thereby becoming a kind of policemen, the first in Iceland. The pur- pose of the watchmen was fire-watch and secur- ity-watch, to call and ring the hour with the church bell, and sing the appropriate text to the hour. Later they should also keep the lights of the town. The public watchmen in Reykjavík were 159
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