
Jökull - 01.12.1975, Síða 10

Jökull - 01.12.1975, Síða 10
z Fig. 4. Longitudinal sec- tion of Skaftárjökull to illustrate the growth of water cupola from time t0 to ti between jökul- hlaups. Mynd 4. Langsnið af Skaftárjökli, sem sýnir vöxt vatnsbólu milli jök- ulhlaupa. x 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 km 70 rises at the same rate as the cupola itself. If all water drains out of tlie cupola in the jökul- hlaup, a 100 m deep and about 2 km wide ice cauldron would be formed in the centre of the depression. The model is in good correspond- ance with the observations (Björnsson in pre- paration). b) Jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn The explanation of jökulhlaups from Gríms- vötn was discussed by Björnsson (1974). Fig. 5 shows a cross-section of the water reservoir, the water basin and the route of the jökulhlaups. The water basin slopes from the mountain Bárdarbunga towards the geothermal area at Grímsvötn. The mountain Grímsfjall rises up above the glacier surface at the geothermal area. The water reservoir does not have the regular shape of a cupola but lies against the wall of the mountain. The ice cover- floats as an ice shelf on the water reservoir. At the mountain wall the water level coincides with the datum Fig. 5. Longitudinal sec- tion of Skeidarárjökull to illustrate the growth of Grímsvötn between jökul- hlaups. Mynd 5. Langsnið af Skeiðarárjökli, sem sýnir hcekkun vatns i Gríms- vötnum milli hlaupa. 8 JÖKULL 25. ÁR
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