
Jökull - 01.12.1975, Side 12

Jökull - 01.12.1975, Side 12
Fig. 6. Illustration of the various stages in the growth of a tablemoun- tain (tuyas). Mynd, 6. Hin ýmsu stig í myndun stapa. The base area of that cupola is about 3 km2. Volcanic eruptions in Katla trigger the most catastrophic jökulhlaups. In a few hours the discharge reaches a maximum of 100 to 200 thousand m3/s. A volcanic eruption cannot melt ice at this rate. Thus a water reservoir must be released. Further studies of this re- servoir are required. Thorarinsson (1975 b) suggested that magmatic heat starts melting ice some time before the eruption breaks out. Re- peated geodetic surveys might detect the result- ing formation of a water cupola. This may turn out to be one way of preclicting jökulhlaups from Katla. CONCLUSION The cause of jökulhlaups from the interior of glaciers has been examined theoretically. 1 0 JÖKULL 25. AR The theory defines the conditions for the exist- ence of subglacial water reservoirs and the stability of the various types of reservoirs. Water reservoirs which trigger jökulhlaups may be formed at subglacial geothermal areas. This explains the jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn and the ice cauldrons 10 km north-west of Grímsvötn. The geothermal areas at Kverkfjöll, Torfajökull, and Mýrdalsjökull are also poten- tial sources of jökulhlaups of this type. Glacier growth at marginal geothermal areas may actu- ate jökulhlaups. Stable water reservoirs may from beneath a flat or a convex glacier surface. Accumulation of water into the reservoirs would not cause jökulhlaups. Possible sites for stable reservoirs can be pointed out with the aid of a topo- graphic map of the glacier. Geophysical surveys shoulcl be focused on craters and calderas like



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