Daily Bulletin


Daily Bulletin - 21.10.1940, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Bulletin - 21.10.1940, Blaðsíða 1
T 2A Daily Bulletin 01 Dz i, i Reykjavik, Monday Oct. 21st- Price: 15 aurar. R. A. F. planes over the continent from Berlin to Northern Italy. Widespread unrest in the occupied countries. France ready when Britain strikes. R.A.F.-pIanes were over the continent again last night and many military objectives wrere raided, from Berlin to Northern Italy. Detailed information about these raids is not yet available. Raids were also made on the continent the night before last and last night, many broadcasting stations in Holland, Belgium, France and Germany went off the air for a second night in succesion. British and German long- range guns were engaged in a 2 hour duel yesterday. Some damage was done on both sides of the Channel. There was one fatal casualty in the Dover area. The night before last many people flocked to the cliffs and beaches on the English side of the Channel and watched the British bombers strike at the German occupied Channel ports. There were big explosions and fires. In spite of Nazi threats, Nor- wegian students stage daily demonstrations against the Ger- mans, according to a message from Stockholm. The guard out- side Quisling’s headquarters has been doubled. The crowds help the students to evade the police. Norwegian people have been killed in clashes with the Ger- man police and soldiers. Up to 50 arrests have been made in a single night. A prominent French Trade Unionist, who has escaped from France states, that “France is ready when Britain strikes”. The French workmen are al- ready actively resisting the Germans. In French armament factories — on which the Ger- mans relied for large scale pro- duction, vital parts of machin- ery disappear, explosions oc- cur and fires are started. Parts disappear from German official cars and German soldiers have been found beaten up in the streets of Paris. De la Roche, leader of the French fascists, is already warning his followers that revolution may be attempt- ed during the winter. A Roumanian General has THE DAILY BULLETIN is founded in the firm belief, that the British forces in Iceland will welcome a paper of this kind. As the name implies THE DAILY BULLETIN will appear every day of the week and bring you the most important news every morning, news letters and various items of interest. The publishers of THE DAILY BULLETIN have secured permission from the Daily Visir to publish special cables from the United Press, the world famous news agency, which cables Visir all major world news, every morn- ing, from its London headquart- ers. THE DAILY BULLETIN will also publish news letters and vari- ous descriptions, written by the special correspondents of the United Press the world over. Our aim is a bigger and better paper. We are confident we shall succed. To do so we need your cooperation. If you have anything you want us to publish, if we can be of any service to you, if you want to criticize us, advise us, or just to have a chat — your are welcome. In case you do, call at the offices of the Daily Visir (op- posite Gamla Bio, 3rd floor) 9—10 a.m. and 1—2 p.m. on weekdays. THE PUBLISHERS. been arrested for distributing a pamphlet, called “Transylv- ania”. Lord Lothian, the British Ambassador to Washington, is (Conclusion on Page 4).


Daily Bulletin

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1. tölublað (21.10.1940)
