Lögberg - 29.09.1949, Blaðsíða 2

Lögberg - 29.09.1949, Blaðsíða 2
2 LÖGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN, 29. SEPTEMBER, 1949 IVORTHERiV CALIFORMA Mewsletter 1152 Laurel Street, Berkley 8, California—JULY 1949—OUR BIG BENEFIT went off with a BANG. And the Old Folks Home at Blaine is $7500 to the good! Thanks to you all. Honorable mention for this phenomenal financial success belongs to so many that we cannot begin to enumerate you all. Of course, the Stoneson- Thorinson combination wielded a powerful influence! But a special word of commendation is due George Detweiler who did most of the leg-work for the Committee without which we could not have put on the Show. George is an Icelander by marriage, Mrs. Detweiler being Louise Ellisdottir Stoneson! This reminds us that our Community is fortunate in the quality of these “in-laws” who come in and pitch with us, which further reminds us that a goodly number of this kind of “better-halves” were among the real pitchers of the evening! It would require at least the rest of this page to give honorablé mention to all in person who made up our team of Ball- players that night. Outstanding* among the out-of-town guests were, of course, Mr. and Mrs. Einar Simonarson of Blaine, Washington and Mr. and Mrs. Sumi Swanson of Long Beach, California. Mr. Simonarson, President of the Board of Trust- ees of the Home asked us to ex- tend to each one of you his per- sonal gratitude as well as that of the Board for the wonderful way in which this Community has contributed to the founda- tion and upkeep of this Home. ★ AUGUST—SEPTEMBER 1949 The following letter to you all was received in August from the Old Folks Home at Blaine, Washington.—“To the Icelandic People of the San Francisco Bay Area, California, c—o The Benefit Committee, — Gentle- men: It is with a great deal of pride and satisfaction I write this letter to you all, in apprecia- tion of the great successs attain- ed in your project in favor of the Icelandic Old Folks Home Inc., at Blainé, Washington, and brought to a climax on June 18, 1949 with the result that we re- ceived a cheque in the amount of $7,500.00 which, for the tima being at least, put the Home on an even keel financially. — This accomplishment is not to be for- gotten, and will go down in the records of this Institution as a noble act well done. — Our thanks and appreciation is here- by extended to the Committee in charge, collectively and individ- ually, and to all the many friends who supported the cause. — A g a i n all our heartfelt THANKS. “Man passes away; deeds live forever.” (Signed) Andrew Danieslon, Secretary of the board. — We certainly ap- preciate this letter and know that Andrew has much more up his sleeve that he would like to say to you. Here’s hoping he and Mrs. D. will visit us. ★ We are happy to announce that Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hall- dorson who were confined at the St. Francis Hospital for some time this summer are now re- cuperating at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Baldwinson. Mrs. Goodridge (Magnea) of Glen- dale, California, their daughter, and her son Leslie, have been visiting in these parts. Sorry we missed you! ★ The outstanding event in our family history since our last writing is that on July 11, NIELS ERIK jr„ son of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Thorlaksson of Rio Linda arrived safely. The son has now taken over the management of the Ranch, and the Grandparents . . . well, the less said the better! Modesty forbids the usual additions of Congratulations in connection with reports of this nature! However, on Sunday, September 25th, little Niels Erik will be Mrs. Rannveig Schmidt roaming around in these parts since leav- ing Iceland some time ago. If any of you can locate her, please bring her to the Picnic on the 25th. Thanks. -f Did you know that John and Ruth Slater travelled to Southj Bend, Indiana, and are safely home again with a new Stude- baker? They too were “glad to feel the cooling breezes of the Pacific as we approached the Coast line”. There’s no place like home! ★ BAPTISM—On July 16th, at Bethany Lutheran Church, Ber- keley, SIGRID, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David E. Clark of Castro Valley was baptized. That week-end Mother (Stella) and child en-planed for Iceland where they are spending the summer. ★ BAPTISM—On August 24th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ingvar M. Thordarson, Oakland, their daughter, ANNA JONITA PATRICIA was baptized. The Service was followed by a most delicious Chicken Dinner a la ISLAND! Ingi is sure a lucky guy! ★ WEDDING BELLS—ON the 28th of August they rang at Santa Paula, California, for Dr. Jon Love Karlsson and Laura Lee Lincicum. Best of Wishes. We are hoping that you will be back here by the 25th, for the Picnic. WELCOME. ★ SILVER WEDDINGS — Yes two of them in July! We receiv- ed two of the cutest invitations in the same mail back there, — one for the 16th. to honor the Macleods at the George Brown home; the other for the 17th, to honor the Phillips at Palo Alto. Both couples have asked us to extend to each one of you their appreciation of your par- ticipation in these events. We all certainly wish them many more happy years together. ★ Among the arrivals from Reykjavik are: Gudlaug Sigur- geirsdottir, Olafia Sigurdar- dottir and Steingrimur Baldurs- son. They are students residing at the International House, Berkeley. (Gudlaug is the daughter of the Bishop of Ice- land.) We also know of two, if not three, couples who have come over to settle down in our Community. WELCOME. ★ The Johnson boys, Valdimar K. and Robert B. have both en- roleld at Pacific Lutheran Coll- ege at Parkland (near Tacoma Washington). This will be Bob’s first year, but Valdimar’s sec- ond, who won a scholarship for high standing in his first year. By the way their uncle, Walter Thorlaksson, has received a pro- motion of some kind in the ranks of the S.P. so we are hoping he will be able to take off a Sunday now and then to attend some of our Picnics. ★ The Gudmunds boys, John and Nikki went out deep-sea fishing with Alfred Stefanson of Blaine who arrived in port one day with his Alaska Schoon- er. They are reported safely back with 5 Tons of Tuna! Mr. Stef- anson is a brother of Mrs. Welty (Louise). ★ Our Scotch-Icelander, John Macleod, is always pulling a new one! He is now in business BY himself FOR all PET Lovers. Call him at TH 3-8320 or visit him at the Elmwood Pet Market, 2991 College Avenue, Berkeley. Best of luck to you, Jack! ★ Pauline and Leo Bardarson are back in our midst. They are living at 83 Monte Cresta Blvd., We have heard rumors aboutOakland, and we want to wel- baptized at our Garden Party, which is another reason why we shall welcome you on that date. ★ On Sunday August 28th, Mrs. Inger Ostlund flew eastward to be visiting for 3 months, taking in the Weddings of two grand- chíldren as well as a number of Birthday celebrations. Her birthday was August lOth. Wel- come back to us, Besta! ★ Again this year we are flood- ed with rumors as to who of you have gone where, so we are really looking forward to your coming on the 25th to tell us where you have been and what you have been doing this summ- er. We have been called on for a lot of extra preaching. Some Preachers get a vacation too, you know! ★ • Thanks to the Melsted Sisters at Santa Rosa, your scribes were privileged to have a week’s holi- day in their Cozy Log Cabin among the Sentinels of the Red- woods. THANKS. ★ Do you know that one fine summer’s day your Doctor to- gether with Mr. and Mrs. Downie took to the open road, and are still sightseeing all over California? *• ★ Nor have we heard about all the visitors from far and near who have invaded our Commun- ity this summer and still are! Just to mention a few: Mr. and Mrs. Ingi Brynjolfson, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brynjolfson of Chicago. Of course, you know that Ingi is Fusi’s brother, but how many of you know that Mrs. Ingi is Kjartan Christopherson’s sister? This reminds me, Kjart- and Runa, together with their Dorothy and Billy spent a good part of the summer in northern regions returning with another sister, Mrs. Tom Dawe (Veiga) of Vancouver. — Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ruccius have also been vacationing here from Vancouv- er. Mrs. Ruccius (Ebbie) is a sister of Alvin Christopherson. . . . Have a feeling that there is much more to report about do- ings in the Christopherson tribe, but we have run out of reliable details! ★ A very interesting and out- standing visitor from Iceland in August was Robert Abraham.. he is a naturalized citizen of Ice- land and is happiest when speak- ing the Icelandic language which is only one of man^ that he uses interchangeably. Next time he comes (next year, we hope!) he has promised to bring his Ice- landic wife along! WELCOME. This short visit was precipitat- ed in orderlthat he might be with his Mother, Mrs. Lise Abraham of our Community, who has been convalescing for some time. She is looking forward to coming to our next Picnic on the 25th. ★ Sigga Benonys has had a sum- mer visitor in the person of Bjarni Steingrimsson of Reykjavik, her cousin and brother of the other Sigga. He is a student at the University of Michigan. come them officially on the 25th. This reminds me, Paulin’s sist- er’s (Laufey’s) Husband, Oliver Fosterer, has had a boost! ★ In July Mrs. Stefan Halldor- son lost her father, Mr. Miller at Portland, Oregon. And in August, Mrs. Dori Halldorson lost her mother, Mrs. Hogan at Yreka, Califomia. We pray that our Father in Heaven will be the Comfort and Portion of.the sorrowing ones in their bereave- ment. ic Those of you who were at the Picnics last year when she sang for us, will remember Mrs. Sharp (FiolaMarine). She has had to undergo a very serious operation, and is convalescing at the San Francisco City and County Hospital. She is on the 5th floor in Ward 3, and is bear- ing up quite bravely, having treated her fellow Patients to a few of her vocal selections the evening before her operation. A card or a visit would be very welcome. ★ LEIF ERIKSSON CELEBRA- TIONS—October 8th at 8 p.m. Ebell Hall, 1440 Harrison St„ Oakland. Main Speaker: Dr. Selmer H. Berg, the new Super- intendent of the Oakland Schools. We trust that goodly number of you will be there to support the President of the East Bay Committee who happ- ens to be again this year yours truly. THANKS. October 9th, at 1:30 p.m„ Sig- mund Stem Grove, cor. Sloat Blvd. and 19th, Avenue, S.F. This is going to be something very special, and certainly a MUST for all Icelandic San Franciscans.. Don..t forget, — LEIF ERIKSSON was born in ICELAND. ★ Our OCTOBER PICNIC date the 23rd at 1152 Laurel Street, Berkeley. Kindest greetings and best wishes to you all. Very Sincerely, Rev. and Mr. S. O. Thorlaksson Geislavirkt atom- efni flutt hingað Samkvæmt opinberri tilkynn- ingu í Washington hefir verið sent svonefnt Istope efni til 21 lands, þar á meðal íslands, en efni þetta er unnið við kjarnorku framleiðslu, og er m. a. notað í lækningafræði, iðnaði og land- búnaði. Að því, er segir í hinni opin- beru tilkynningu, hafa fram til 3. ágúst verið sendar frá Banda- ríkjunum samtals 7613 vörusend- ingar af hinu geislavirka isotope- efni, er hafa verið framleiddar í kjarnorkuvinnslustöðinni í Oak Ridge í Tennessee. Sendingar þessar fara fram til rannsóknar- stöðva. Þessi lönd, auk Islands hafa fengið slíkar sendingar: Argen- tína, Ástralía, Belgía, Brasilía, Kanada, Colombia, Danmörk, Finnland, Frakkland, ítalía, Hol- land, Nýja-Sjáland, Noregur, Perú, Spánn, Svíþjóð Sviss, Tyrkland, Suður-Afríka og Bret- land. Að því er Gísli Petersen, lækn- ir, tjáði Vísi í morgun hefir „Iso- tope“-efnið verið notað hér við einn sjúkling. Það væri helzt notað við ýmsar tegundir blóð- sjúkdóma og krabbameins, en annars væri lítil reynsla fengin fyrir þessu lyfi, þar sem það er tiltölulega nýtt og læknar eru yfirleitt að prófa sig áfram með það. VlSIR HAGBORG FUU/^I PHOME 21531 J - Barrtré af norskum stofni eiga að geta dafnað vel hér Vafalausl flutt hingað mikið af norður- norskum plöntum og fræi framvegis Viðtal við SIGURÐ JÓNASSON skógarvörð Barrtré frá Noxður-Noregi eiga að geta dafnað hér á landi og náð góðum þroska, a.m.k. er stundir líða fram. 1 vetur sem leið fóru tveir íslenzkir skóggræðslumenn á vegum Skógræktar ríkisins til Tromsfylkis í Norður-Noregi til að kynna sér skógrækt. Menn þessir voru Daniel Kristjánsson frá Hreðavatni í Borgarfirði og Sigurður Jónasson fá Varmahlíð í Skagafirði. Eru þeir skógarverði, hvor í sínu umdæmi, Daníel á Vesturland og Sigurður á Norðurlandi. Vísir hefir átt tal við Sigurð Jónasson, en hann er fyrir nokk- uru kominn heim. Sigurður sagði að Tromsfylki lægi nokkur hundruð kílómetrum norðar en ísland, en þó væri þar allt skógi- vaxið. Úti við ströndina og í eyj- unum vex aðallega birki, en þó hefir furu, greni og birki verið plantað þar síðasta mannsaldur- inn og dafnar víðast hvar ágæt- lega. Skilyrði eru þarna, hvað veðráttu snertir, mjög áþekk og á Islandi, en jarðvegur er þar yf- irleitt bæði grynnri og grýttari en hér. —1 hverju voru störf okkar aðallega fólgin? —Yfirleitt flestu því, er að skóggræðslu laust. Við unnum fyrst við fræsöfnun á furufræi, grisjun á skógi, þreskingu á fræi í þreskistofu, og síðar, er vora tók, unnum við aðallega við plöntuskólann og uppeldisstöð- ina í Andselv. Nokkura daga unnum við líka við plöntuskóla í Harstad, sem liggur allmiklu sunnar en Andselv. —Eru líkur til að trjáplöntur af þessum slóðum geti dafnað hér? —Eg tel það ekkert efamál að fura, greni og birki, ættað þama úr Norður-Noregi eigi að geta náð góðum þroska á Islandi. Að vísu er það ekki fyllilega öruggt með fyrstu kynslóðina, einkum vegna skjólleysis, en eftir að komið hefir verið upp skjólbelt- um, er engum vafa undirorpið, að trén dafni hér, og þeim mun fremur, sem jarðvegurinn okkur er betri og frjórri. Framvegis verður tvímælalaust mikið flutt af fræi og plöntum frá Troms til Islands. —Hvemig líkaði ykkur félög- um við Norðmennina? —Með hreinustu ágætum. Gestrisnin er framúrskarandi, jafnvel enn meiri en 'hjá okkur, og er þá langt til jafnað. Velvild- ar í garð okkar íslendinga var hvarvetna að mæta og við vomm í stöðugum heimboðum. —Og hvemig er efnahag þeirra háttað núna eftir styrjöld- ina? —Af styrjaldarástæðum er fólkið yfirleitt fátækt. Það hefir að vísu nægjanlegt að borða og getur klætt sig, en það skortir ýmis lífsþægindi, sem við íslend- ingar höfum tileinkað okkur og teljum okkur ekki geta án verið. Norðmennirnir búa í mörgu við erfið lífskjör, þurfa að leggja mikið að sér, en eru hinsvegar nægjusamari og sparsamari en við og gera minni kröfur til lífs- þæginda. —'Þeim svipar í ýmsu til okk- ar? —I mörgu eru þeir svo áþekk- ir okkur, að maður gerir sér þess naumast grein að vera með- al framandi þjóðar. En í einu skilja þeir sig þó greinilega frá okkur og það er í hreinlæti og snyrtimennsku. Á því sviði get- um við margt af þeim lært. VISIR Nauðungarvinna í U.S.S.R. meiri nú en á keisaratímanum Nauðungarvinna í Sovétríkj- unum er nú miklu meiri en nokkru sinni á stjórnarárum keisaranna, að því er Bretar hafa skýrt frá í umræðunum um þrælavinnu í félagsmálaráði SÞ í Sviss. Bretar telja, að nú séu um 10,000,000 manns, eða 10% allra vinnandi manna í Sovétríkjun- um í fangabúðum. Hins vegar voru í fangabúðum keisaranna innan við 10,000 manns 1900— 1908, eftir það nokkru meira eða 32,000 árið 1910 og á stríðsárun- um komst talan upp í 50,000. Jafn vel það er stórum minna en nú. WHEN YOU HftVE SEVERAl F0R FASTER L0NG DISTANCE SERVICE Long Distanca calling U especially heavy just now. For best service . . . Call Between These Hours 6:00 p.m. and 4:30 a.m. AND ALL DAY SUNDAY II you must make a series of calls, space them so that others on your line may also have a chance to use the telephone. Ml



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