Lögberg - 15.03.1956, Blaðsíða 2

Lögberg - 15.03.1956, Blaðsíða 2
2 LÖGBERG, FIMMTUDAGINN 15. MARZ 1956 Annual Meeting of the Jon Sigurdson Chapter, I.O.D.E. Held on February 3rd, at the home of Mrs. E. A. Isfeld The main project of the Jon Sigurdson Chapter last year was the production of the prize winning play, ln the Wake of the Storm, by Miss Lauga Geir, Edinburgh, N.D. The play was produced and directed by Mrs. H. F. Daniel- son. Mrs. Isfeld, convener of the play committee, and Mrs. E. W. Perry, Educational Sec- retary gave reports on the play production, showing that it was a success artistically and that the total proceeds were $454.00. Mrs. Perry, presented the Jon Sigurdson $50.00 Musical Scholarship to Miss Edith Lillian Lewis, who won it for the second consecutive year. TF55-1 Mrs. M. Lewis, Edith’s mother, and her grandmother, Mrs. H. Baldwin were guests at the meeting and expressed their appreciation to the chapter. Other guests at the meeting were, Mrs. N. A. MacMillan, Municipal Regent; Mrs. W. A. Trott, Provincial President; and Mrs. V. J. Eylands, Hon- orary Vice-Regent. They all spoke briefly and congratu- lated the Chapter on its suc- cessful activities during the year. Reports were given by: Mrs. H. G. Henrickson, treas- urer, showing receipts of $894 and disbursements of $749; Mrs. E. W. Perry, Educational; Mrs. H. G. Nicholson, Ser- vices; Mrs. G. Gottfred, Em- pire and World Affairs; Mrs. W. S. Jonasson, Standard Bearer; Mrs. T. E. Thor- steinson, Echoes; Mrs. H. G. Henrickson, Immigration and Canadianization; Mrs. Anna Finnson, Membership. The secretary, Mrs. H. F. Danielson, gave a full resumé of the year’s activities, show- ing the great amount of varied activities accomplished by the Chapter. The Chapter donated S150 to the Betel Building, Fund, the last evening’s per- formance of the play being held for that purpose. The Chapter supported all Na- tional and Provincial I.O.D.E. projects such as scholarships, welfare work, Peace Garden Fund, the Tea for the Blind, the Shipping Fund, and other projects; as well as working at the tag day, the music festival, etc. At the September meeting the C h a p t e r honored its Regent, Mrs. B. S. Benson, by presenting her with a Pro- vincial Life Membership for her services to the Chapter, as Regent for ten years, and before that, as Vice-Regent for six years. At the annual meeting a year ago, Mrs. O. Stephensen was honored by members with a corsage and made an honorary member of the Chapter in recognition of her long service of more than 38 years, she just misséd being a charter member when the chapter was organized, March 20th, 1916. On behalf of the members, the Regent, Mrs. Benson con- gratulated members who had received special honors during the year—namely, Mrs. E. A. Isfeld who had been elected president of the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers Associations; Mrs. M. Martin, whose daughter, Miss Marion Martin, a 1955 graduate of the University of Manitoba won the Governor-General Bronze Medal for highest average marks in 2-3-4th year; and Mrs. H. F. Danielson, who had been commissioned to write and produce an historical pageant for three-day Centen- ary festival in Utah; and who had also been invited to be guest speaker at the Icelandic Celebration in Blaine, Wash- ington, on which occasion she gave addresses also in Bell- ingham and Vancouver. Greetings and good wishes were received from former members, who are now resi- dent in Vancouver—Mrs. L. E. Summers, Mrs. L. J. Hallgrim- son, Mrs. S. B. Olson and Mrs. V. Baldwinson. The membership of the chapter stands at thirty-two, six of these being life mem- bers. One new member was added during the year. The chapter’s adopted school at Big Island had received an addition library and the Edu- cational Secretary, Mrs. Perry keeps in constant touch with the school through letters to the principal. Mrs. Nicholson and her able committee, con- sisting of Mrs. T. Hannesson, Mrs. E. J. Helgason, Miss Vala Jonasson and Mrs. J. S. Gillies, had visited the sick in Nursing homes and private homes; had dispensed Christ- mas and Easter cheer to the shut-ins and needy, and had generally looked after the Services at Home and Abroad department. Mrs. N. A. MacMillan pre- sided during elections. Those elected to office were: Mrs. E. A. Isfeld, Regent; Hóstl og kvef leika hvern grátt sem lasinn er. Góð leið að byggja upp kraftana, er að taka inn Wampole’s Extract af þorskalýsi RF,GIA!I/EGA. Það er reynt að gæðum af þrem kynslóðum þessa lands. Það byggir upp, er ríkt af sóiskini, fjörefni D., malti, kaiki. járni, brennisteini og fleiri efnum nauiðsyniegum fyrir beilsuna. Einnig gott á bragðið. Innilieldur enga olíu. Reynið það. UJflmPOLE’S Fæsl hjá öllum lyfsölum — AÐEINS $1.35 EXTRACT OF COD LIVER 1W55 Veitið athygli hinum nýju Wampole’s VI-CAIj-FER 12 málmbætiefna MÆÐUR! inntökum — einknm gerðar fyrir vaxandi börn — gott handa fullorðnu fólki lika. — 60 daga birgðir $1.95. Mrs. O. Stephensen and Mrs. H. A. Bergman, vice-regents; Mrs. R. Petursson, Mrs. J. B. Skaptason, honorary regents; Mrs. V. J. Eylands, Mrs. P. M. Petursson and Miss Margret Petursson, Mrs. F. Stephen- son, honorary vice - regents; Mrs. H. F. Danielson, secre- tary; Mrs. H. G. Henrcikson, treasurer; Mrs. E. W. Perry, educational secretary; Mrs. W. S. Jonasson, standard bearer; Mrs. M. Martin, Em- pire and World Affairs; Mrs. H. G. Nicholson, services at home and abroad; Mrs. T. E. Thorsteinson, Echoes; Mrs. H. G. Henrickson, Immigration and Canadianization; Mrs. K. Freeman, films; Mrs. Anna Finsson, membership; Mrs. B. S. Benson and Mrs. E. A. Is- feld were nominated for Pro- vincial councillors. Honorary members: Mrs. Sophia Brynjolfson, San Fran- cisco, California; Mrs. Maria Markan, Oslund, Reykjavik, Iceland; Mrs. Lara Goodman Salverson, Willowdale, Ont.; Mrs. J a c o b i n a Johnson, Seattle, Washington; Mrs. O- Stephensen, Winnipeg, Man. CANADA FRAMLEIÐIR ÚTSÆÐISKARTÖFLUR FYRIR ALLAN HEIMINN Canada hefir ávalt flutt út matvöru til annara landa. Hið norðlæga svalviðri í Canada, hefir reynst óviðjafnanlegt varðandi framleiðslu heilbrigðra kartaflna, og leitt til þess að slíkar kartöflur vegna gæða eru nú nú útbreiddar vítt um jarðir. Ár hvert flytur Canada út miljónir af úrvals útsæðiskar- töflum til að birgja upp mannkynið af nauð- synlegri fæðu. i Ofanskráðar skýringar eru textar úr einni eða annari af auglýsingum, sem The House of Seagram hefir birt í ritum og fréttablöðum um allan heim. Auglýsingar þessar eru til þess ætlaðar að kynna Canada betur en áður og sýna hve mikilsverð og efnisgóð öll framleiðsla er í Canada. £Ke J louse of Seagram



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