Lögberg-Heimskringla - 12.09.1963, Side 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 12.09.1963, Side 1
Rognvaldur Sigurjonsson's Concerts This noted Icelandic pianist leaves Iceland on the 12th of Sept., arriving in Winnipeg on Saturday the 13th, to begin immediate preparation for his piano recital at the Playhouse Theatre (Market Ave. east of Main) on Wednesday night, Sept. 18, 8:30 p.m. Rognvaldur Sigurjonsson The Icelandic National League in association with the Celebrity Concerts is sponsor- ing his recital in Winnipeg. Guests of the League in- vited to attend Rögnvaldur Sigurjonsson’s concert are: Premier and Mrs. Duff Rob- lin; American Consul-General and Mrs. John Morris; His Worship Stephen Juba, Mayor of Winnipeg and Mrs. Juba; University of Manitoba Presi- dent and Mrs. H. H. Saunder- son; Danish Consul and Mrs. J. B. Jorgensen; Norwegian Consul and Mrs. J. H. Landro; Swedish Consul and Mrs. Ed Carlson; Finnish Vice-Consul and Mrs. Nils Hammarstrand. Radio Recital Mr. Sigurjonsson will play over the CBC network from Winnipeg in the series, “Re- cital in Miniature.” He will be heard Sunday, September 22nd, at 11:30 a.m. to 12 noon Central Standard Time. Conceri in Vancouver and Seattle “Strondin,” the Chapter of Icelandic National League in Vancouver, is sponsoring Sig- urjonsson’s Piano Recital in the Queen Elizabeth Play- house on Monday, Sept. 23, 1963. His Seattle recital is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 26th. People in Seattle are advised to check on the date through the news- pap>ers or contact Mr. Tani Bjornsson. Holmfridur Danielson Fronk Thorolfson, Noted Musician Of all our outstanding Ice- landers in the field of music, Frank Thorolfson has achiev- ed the widest acclaim in Can- ada a m o n g non-Icelandic citizens. We have heard little news of him since I last wrote about him in the Icelandic Canadian, and that was many years ago now. This is not because Frank has been idle—far from it. His star is rising ever higher in the bright firmament of musi- cal endeavor in Canada, and his activities are so varied and interesting that we know our people of Icelandic descent would like to hear about them and rejoice in the knowledge that his exceptional talents are bearing fine fruit. As we all know, Frank Thorolfson was born in Win- nipeg, his parents being Hall- dor Thorolfson a well known singer and choir director, ano his wife, Fridrikka. Frank is a brother of Mrs. Pearl Johnson, our well known singer over radio and TV, and soloist at the First Lutheran Church for many years. Frank began his piano stud- ies at an early age, and after receiving diplomas from the Toronto Conservatory of Music (ATCM) and the Royal Cöllege of Music in London, England, (L.A.B.) he expand- ed his concert work to include conducting. In addition to con- duoting church choirs, light opera companies and the Uni- versity of Manitoba Sym- phony Orchestra, he founded and conducted the Winnipeg Chamber Orchestra and Choir, a group which gave many memorable performances. Frank, who is now Profes- sor Thorolfson, served in the Armed Forces during the last war and saw action with the Field Artillery of the Can- adian Army in the Italian campaign and in North-west Europe. After the war he went to Chicago Musical College for further study, and was twice a Ditson Scholar in Musicology, as wel'l as winning many other awards while studying with Hans Rosenwald and Paul Netti, two distinguished musi- cologists—and with Rudolph Ganz, noted pianist and con- ductor. His Master of Music degree was awarded cum laude. Odd Events Lighten News Front Snowey Tobin, the London street sweeper who calls him- self a “street orderly” has ar- rived in New York by plane. He has been saving for 17 years to visit the United States and sweep Times Square. He is also coming to Boston where a nice new broom will be ready for him. * * * In Belgium, the Flemings and the Walloons are squabb- ling again, as they have done through the centuries. Ten thousand Walloons thronged the tiny village of Fouron-le- Comte to protest its transfer from the French-speaking pro- vince of Liege to the Dutch- speaking province of Limburg. Six coachloads of Flemings also invaded the town, singing their rallying song: “The Flemish Lion.” How deep and how long these passionate at- tachments prevail. * * * The known world popula- tion of wild whooping cranes was increased by three Sun- During this period he was appointed Dean of the Metro- politan School of Music, and upon its merger with the Chi- cago Musical College, he be- came Director of Adult Edu- cation at the College, in ad- dition to lecturer on History, Aesthetics and Musical Critic- ism in both Graduate and Undergraduate Schools there. While in Chicago he was ac- tive as an accompanist and vocal coach, as well as con- ducting opera-workshops, the Chicago Bach Chorus, and founding and conducting the Chicago Collegium Musicum (brass, woodwind and vocal ensembles, with the repertoire drawn from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries inclu- sively). He was also critic and editorial assistant for the na- tional magazine, Music News. Professor Thorolfson has done intensive research 'into 18th-century opera, and is pre- paring a new edition of Le Devin du Village—an opera by Jean Jacques Rousseau; and the S-ymphonia Sacre by Heinrich Schutz. Upon his return to Canada, Professor Thorolfson was ap- pointed conductor of the Re- gina Ladies’ Choir and was for five years, organist and choir master at the Knox-Metropoli- tan United Church. In 1955 he was commissioned by the Framhald á bls. 2. day, to 31. Three fledglings have been sighted up in Can- ada’s Northwest Territories. Later this rnonth they will migrate to Texas. More power to them and their whoops. * * * A North American Indian named Chief Spotted Back walked through London’s fash- ionable West End, resplendent in buckskin and full eagle- feather war bonnet. He made one concession to his sur- roundings and to the English climate. He carried an open umbrella. Spotted Back was a member of a delegation from Nebraska, promoting t r a d e and tourism to that state. Master Of Arts Mr. George Hanson of Chi- cago, Illinois received a de- gree of Master of Arts in lib- rary science from The Univer- sity of Chicago at the Convo- cation in Rockefeller Memor- ial Chapel on August 30th. His thesis was “The History of The Nátional Library of Iceland During the Twentieth Century.” The research for this history was done at The National Library in Reykja- vik. Mr. Hanson was in Ice- land from August, 1961 to September, 1962, and was a teacher at the U.S. Naval Station in Keflavik. At present Mr. Hanson is with the library of The Uni- versity of Chicago. He will in the near future become librar- ian of a Junior College in Chi- cago. He plans to pursue studies toward a Ph.D. degree; he also hopes that he can re- turn again—at least for a visit—to that land where he spent one of the most enjoy- able years of his life. Chartered Accountant Gerald Bjornson, C.A. After graduating with hon- ours from the West St. Paul High School, Gerald Bjornson enrolled in the Institute of Chartered Accountants and articled to the firm, Touche, Ross, Bailey and Smart in Winnipeg. He has recently graduated after completing his course in five years. He took an active part in the various sports. of thp students and was for two years a mem- ber of the Students’ Council. This promising young man is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rurik Bjornson of Old Kil- donan and grandson of Mr. Jonas Bjornson who served on the staff of the Betel Home for many years as superin- tendent. LYNDON B. JOHNSON IN ICELAND The Vice-President of the United States, Lyndon B. Johnson has been on good- will tour in the Scandinavian countries and will arrive in Iceland next Monday. Am- bassador Thor Thors, accom- panied by Mrs. Thors flew to Iceland on Wednesday to be present during the Vice- President’s visit in Iceland. Arctic Rock To Mark Stefansson's Grave OTTAWA (CP) —A dark grey-green r o c k weighing more than a ton has been flown out of the Canadian Arctic for use as the head- stone on the grave of explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson. The huge rock was found on Ellef Ringnes Island, some 1,000 miles from the North Pöle, by members of the fed- eral polar continental shelf project. It was placed aboard a four- motored transport aircraft and flown 2,000 miles to Calgary. The rock now is aboard a train headed for Hanover, N.H., where the famed Arctic ex- plorer is buried. Members of the polar shelf project found the rock at Rein- deer Cape on Ellef Ringnes Is- land, near a point where Stef- ansson camped in 1917 during one of his Arctic expeditions. It had been hoped that a suitable rock would be found on one of the six Arctic is- lands discovered by the Mani- toba-bom explorer in 1915-16 and claimed by him in the name of Canada.



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