Lögberg-Heimskringla - 08.02.1980, Blaðsíða 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 08.02.1980, Blaðsíða 8
Mary Peterson The IODE Music Scholarship was awarded to Mary Peterson, presently attending the Toronto Opera School. Mary has attended the St. Mary’s Academy, the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Music degree in voice performance, Aspen Chamber Choir, ARCT diploma at the Royal Conservatory of Toronto (gold medalist), Masters of Music at the University of Arizona. In her years of study Mary has received many awards, attended several workshops, symposiums and a National Operal con- vention. The )on Sigurdson Chapter IODE will follow Mary’s achievements with great pride. Mary is the daughter of Mr. Halldor Peterson and the late Elizabeth Peterson of Gimli, Manitoba. Gary Isleifson Our second winner in the Johanna Gudrun Skaptason MemorialIODE Scholarship, another excellent student, Gary Isliefson, who has excelled academically ranging in the A to A + standing in Grades Eleven and Twelve at Murdock MacKay Collegiate. Gary excelled in the areas of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, he is ambitious and sets high goals for himself. He is an active member of the First Lutheran Church; interested in, and has participated in sports, hockey, soccer and baseball and has a keen interest in music, having obtained his Grade Eight Royal Conservatory in Piano. This interest in music has branched out into the making of instruments and with his father, who is a lathier, they have built musical instruments, part- icuiarly violin and guitar. Gary’s engineering talents have also turned to cars and he has rebuilt various makes of cars in his spare time. Gary has enrolled in the faculty of Engineering at the University of ManLtoba. Gary is the son or Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Isliefson of W innipeg. Dana Sigurdson The Johanna Gudrun Skaptason Memorial IODE Scholarship was awarded to Dana Sigurdson who has achieved excellence academically as proven by her A to A + average in Grades Eleven and Twelve, and in addition has proven her outstanding capabilities in other activities where she has excelled in French, she was a member of the Model Parliament, President of the Political Science Club, on ihe Student Council, did volunteer work with children of the communify, found time to work at Sears and act as a member of the Fashion Board, is an active member of First Lutheran Church and in her graduating year from Tuxedo Shaftesbury High School was chosen as Valedictorian. She won the Manitoba Symposium Science Silver Medal and received a Certificate of Scholarship in six subjects. Added to this, Dana has found time to round out her life with interests in travel, music and various hobbies. Dana has enrolled in the faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba. Dana is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Sigurdson of Winnipeg. Brenda M. Wishbiwski The Valdina Gottfred Memorial IODE Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Brenda M. Wishnowski. Brenda graduated from RivertonCollegiate Institute, winning three scholarships, she took the Royal Con- servatory exam in Grade V piano with honors and is actively interested in sports, especially volleyball. Brenda spent two sum- mers at Icelandic Language Camp, and corresponds with a cousin in Iceland. InGrade Eleven, Brenda’s French class formed a ‘FrenchClub’ to raise funds to travel. They sold raffle tickets, set up canteens at school functions and catered to the Grade Twelve Graduation Dinner; April of that year they travelled to Switzerland, Holland, Italy and France. Brenda has enrolled in the faculty of Arts at the University of Manitoba. Brenda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wishnowski, Riverton, Manitoba. SAIHDBURÐUR í JANÚARMÁNUÐI Saubuuröur stoö yfir i fyrri hluta janúar í Gunnarsholti á Rangarvohum. Pann 9. janúar höfðu 24 ær borið lifandi lömourn og voru tiestar tvnembdar. ívfá þetta merkilegt neita þvi venjuiega exga ær lömb sin um miðjan maí. paö er.iviuiKccosnei.nd iandounaðarins sem stendur fyrir þcssari nybreytni í Gunnarsholti. cuiaiur Liyimunaoson raounautur, sem yfirumsjón hef- ur med þessurn tiiraunum, sagöi þær gerðar í þvi skyni ad iiægc yroi aö setja iambakjöt á markað þegar hæst verö íengist iyrir þaö. Peim lombum sem nú hafa fæðst verður slátrað fyrir páíka og kjötið sent ferskt á markað i xi.ccLi^u.cuincuiuiii, en par í iunui vilja menn gjarna hafa nytt iarhbukjot á matborðum sínum um páska. nieypt var tii anna sl. sumar ertir að þeim höfðu verið gefin normónulyf í háiían mánuð. Burðurinn hefur gengið vei þaö sem af er. Meoiyigjandi mynd er af Olafi Dýr- mundssyni ráðunaut með tvö hinna nýfæddu lamba. VATNSLITAMYNDIR FRÁ ÞINGVÖLLUM TIL SÖLU Á SKRIFSTOFU LÖGBERGS-HEIMSKRINGLU Til sölu eru á skrifstofu Lögbergs-Heimskringlu þrjár vatnslitamyndir af Þingvöllum. Myndirnar eru málaðar af íslenska listamanninum Eiríki Árna. Eiríkur hefur gefið sér gott orð sem mál- ari á íslandi og haldið sýningar í Reykjavík, Hafn- arfirði og fæðingarbæ sínum Keflavík. Hann hef- ur siundað nám bæði í Svíþjóð og á íslandi. Mynd- irnar kosta $100 hver. Upplýsingar í síma 943-9945 Janet McMahon was awarded the Elinborg Hanson Memorial IODE Scholarship. Graduating from the Vincent Massey Collegiate, Brandon, Manitoba, with distinction, winning the school’s two highest awards for leadership, academic excellence and athletic ability. Has been active in the Knox United Church, Brandon, and active in * Cout. o« page 2 i leelandic Canadian Frón ÞORRABLÓT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, 1980 at VASALUND, 5429 RobUn Blvd., Winnipeg, Manitoba Coctails: 6:30, Dinner: 7:30— Price $11.00 For tickets call any members of the executive or Call 261-1811 AFGREIÐSLA A ÍSLANDI: Bima Magnúsdóttir, Dúfnahólum 4, Reykjavík, Sími (91) 74153 Árni Bjarnarson, Norðurgötu 48, Akureyri, Sími (96) 23852 • • j JON SIGURDSSON CHAPTER IODE SCHOLARSHIPS Í Subscribers in: CANADA, ICELAND, U.S.A. and more than 20 other countries in EUROPE, AFRICA and ASIA Högberg- ioS3 138S lcelandic weekly Fc ; 'udagur 8. febrúar, 1980



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