Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.04.1980, Page 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.04.1980, Page 1
94. ARGANGUR Winnipeg, föstudagur 25. apríl, 1980____________________________________________NXJMER 15 THE ICELANDIC NATIONAL LEAGUE CONVENTION The 61 st Annual Con- vention of the Icelandic National League of North America opened this morning at the Parish Hall, The First Lutheran Church at Victor and Sargent in Winnipeg. The president of the League is Johann S. Sigurdson. The Icelandic National League, with central organization in Winnipeg and Chapters in the larger Icelandic communities in Canada and the United States was established in 1919. Its founding principles were quite similar to those of the Icelandic Society jonann s. öiguroson, presídent of the Icelandic National League. formed in Milwaukee in 1874. The principal ob- jectives of the League have been those of maintaining active interest in the Icelandic heritage in North America and of preserving our ties with Iceland. For half a century the League published its annual journal called Timarit Th- jodraeknisfelags Islendinga 1 Vesturheimi. This journal contained not only detailed reports on the Leagues activities and ac- 1200 MANITOBANS SALUTE W.D. VALGARDSON Author Bill Valgardson On the evening of April 15, The ' University of Winnipeg Alumni Association and the Manitoba Department of Education staged a premiere showing of two films based on the works and the life of W. D. Valgardson. All the University theatres were filled to capacity with altogether 1200 people in attendance. The consensus of opinion was that author, director and cast had done a truly splendid job. The two sponsors of the showing deserve much praise for thorough promotional work and for creating an occasion on which the University of Winnipeg could honour a famous alumnus and give his fellow Manitobans and New Icelanders an opportunity of saluting him. At a reception held in the University Auditorium after the showing, Mayor of Gimli, Ted Arnason, ad- dressed Valgardson and presented him with a commemorative plaque from the people of his town. It is no exaggeration to say that the salute to Valgardson signified one of the most important milestones in the history of Icelandic Canadian literature in this century. The festival program contained among other complishments but also some of the most significant writings in Icelandic by North American-Icelandic authors and scholars. The first executive committee of the League consisted of President, Reverend ROgnvaldur Petursson: Vice-President, Jon Bildfell: Secretary, Dr. Sigurdur Jul. Johannesson, ' and Treasurer Asmundur P. Johannsson. Of a number of League officers who served for a number of decades were Dr. Richard Beck former president and Grettir Johannsson former Counsul General of Iceland, who things the following in- formation. William Dempsey Valgardson ,is the author of three collections of short storics: BLOODFLOWERS (1973], God is NOT A FISH INSPECTOR (1975] and Red Dust (1978], and one novel, GENTLE SINNERS (1980) — all published by Oberon Press — and a volume of poems, IN THE GUTTING SHED (1976), published by Turnstone Press. For many years his stories, poems and articles have appeared regularly in periodicals in Canada and the United States, ranging from learned journals ■ and magazines to mass- circulation giants. His stories have won prizes, been anthologized, and been broadcast on CBC radio and television. Bill Valgardson has worked honestly and strenuously to give to the truth of his imaginafive experience a form that would convey its force and flavour distinctively and unforgettably to an unusual variety of readers. As a teacher in Ganada and the United States he has devoted many years to helping other potential writers to do the same. A graduate of United College and the University of Manitoba, with a graduate degree frohi Iowa State, he is Director of the Freshman Program in Department of Creative Writing at the University of Victoria. GOD IS NOT A FISH held the oífice of treasurer longer than anyone else. Indeed he has been strongly associated with the ad- ministration of the League from its very beginnings to this day. Until a few years ago, all the meetings of the Icelandic National League were conducted in Icelandic. Bearing in mind that several of the convention’s delegates were finding it increasingly difficult to understand Icelandic, the executive committep eventually decided to conduct all its meetings in English. For the last decade, members of the League executive have taken it upon themselves to organize tours to Iceland. Not only have these tours been quite popular, but they have also been singularly effective in bringing the North American Icelanders closer to their land of origin. As stated above, the Icelandic National League is a central administrative body for a number of clubs and societies. It is therefore the logical representative of a great number of people, a fact recognized by the Government of Iceland on a number of important oc- casions. INSPECTOR is a film adaptation of the title story of Valgardson’s second collection. WAITING FOR MORNING takes us behind the scenes of Valgardson’s fiction and discusses the relationship between his fictional land- scape (polluted, as has been said, by fugitives, heroes, scoundrels, victims, and romantics) and the author’s Manitoba background. Here the saints and scholars of Gimli debate the existence of Fusi Bergman, the hero of God is Not a Fish Inspector. The two films will be shown on television-CBC in Manitoba on April 28th at 10:00 a.m. Sumardagurinn fyrsti var í gaer, fimmfudaginn 24. apríl. Lögberg- Heimskringla óskar því lesendum sínum f jær og nær gleðilegs sumars SIGFÚS HALLDÓRSSON, GUÐMUNDUR GUÐJóNSSON AND BILL HOLM IN WINNIPEG Visitors Sigfus Halidorsson, Gudmundur Gudjonsson and Bill Holm wúl perform in the Parish Hall, First Lutheran Church tonight at 8 o’clock. Admission is $3.00. Hopefully, a number of people will at- tend the concert. The performers have already received highly complementary' reviews on their American tour. A good example of this is Valdimars Bjornson’s newsletter published in this issue. On Sunday evening at 7:00, the visitors will participate in a church service at the First Lutheran Church in Winnipeg. Sigfus Halldorsson is without question one of Iceland’s most popular composers. Every Icelander, for example, has known and sung, on most possible and impossible occasions, his LITTLE FLY, from the time he first presented it almost 30 years ago. THE LITTLE FLY now pays its first formal visit to Winnipeg.



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