Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.04.1980, Síða 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.04.1980, Síða 8
Subscribers in: CANADA, ICELAND, U.S.A. and more than 20 other countries in EUROPE, AFRICA and ASIA liigberg - ^etmsferingla 1383 lcelandic weekly 1 38S Föstudagur 25. apríl, 1980 AFGREIÐSLA A ÍSLANDI: Bima Magnúsdóttir, Dúfnahólum 4, Reykjavík, Sími (91) 74153 Ami Bjarnarson, Norðurgötu 48, Akureyri, Sími (96) 23852 ICELANDIC ROOFCOINS com iwn irom circulátion tely new issue of notes anfl coirts. To mark this event and as a way of saying farewell to the old coinage, the Central Bank is issuing a set of base metal proof coins with frosted relief. The set includes samples of all denomin- ations of the coins struck since Iceland became a Republic in 1944. The coins were put into circulation during the period 1946-1980, and the date on each denomin- ation shows the year in which it was last struck. This special issue is limited to 15000 sets, specially produced by the Royal Mint in London where Icelandic coins have been struck for over 40 years. attractiveöuter: wrapper • English and Icelandic. A certain number of this limited issue will be available to people of Icelandic origin in Canada and the United States. Price per set: U.S. $40.00, Can.$46.00. Prices include handling, surface mail and insurance. Complete the order form below to obtain this special issue which will increase in value over the years. Send with your remittance toc The Chief Cashier, Central Bank of Iceland, P.O. Box 160,121 REYKJAVÍK. Sets are also available from Icelandic coin dealers, such as Atom-Coins, P.O.Box 123, 121REYKJAVÍK. In Canada: Mr. Jón Ásgeirsson, 150 Freemont Bay, Winnipeg, Man., R2Y 1H3 tel. 889-8424. \° / & / & *



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