Lögberg-Heimskringla - 31.10.1980, Side 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 31.10.1980, Side 8
8-WINNIPEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 31, OKTÓBER 1980 Icelandic Canadian Frón The Executive and members of Ice- landic Canadian Fron send a special thank-you to Dr. Larus Sigurdson for his very interesting and enlightening lecture on Iceland at our May annual meeting. It's one of the best we have heard. We enjoy your pictures very much and who but LARUS would have an album (over the years) of real Icelandic beauties. Thank you Larus for a very enjoyable evening. June 17, Picnic in the Park, — our 'Rain Dance' had a small following. The weatherman threatening gloom and doom turned out to be a mere sprinkle. Though small in number, we had a gymnastics display and a fireside sing along. The Getsamót at the Lutheran Church for our visitors from Iceland was a success. August 19 turned out to be a bit too warm but Len and Karen Vopnfjord and the Hekla singers enter- tained all superbly. Refreshment com- mittee, Lilja Dewar and Lauga Svein- son plus helpers did a magnificent job of serving coffee and foods. Thanks also to the many people who donated baking. We are pleased to present our 1980 Icelandic Canadian Frón Executive: Past President: Dr. Oscar Olson; Presi- dent — Mr. Bill Perlmutter, 212 Sher- burn Street, Winnipeg; First Vice- President: Mr. Gunnar Gunnarson, (Membership); Second Vice-President: Dr. G. Ullyott; Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Lila Thorarinson; Recording Secretary: Mrs. Dora Banks; Treasurer: Mr. Einar Einarsson; Social Chairperson: Mrs. Norma Kristjans- son; Publicity: Mrs. Pat Bjornson; Con- stitution: Miss Kristin Olson; Liaison: Fréttabréf Mr. Glen Jakobson; Refreshments: Peoples' Co-ordinator, is looking for and meet your grandparents, old Mrs. Lilja Dewar; Hospitality and more young people to join in the social friends, and hear stories about your Young Peoples' Co-ordinator: Mr. Pat functions. A survey was taken last family you have never heard beforé. Myrdal; Scholarship: Ms. Sigrid spring as to what interested young Guaranteed — good for many a hearty Johnson; Archivist: Miss Margaret people of Icelandic descent in the club. laugh. Johnson. They all agreed they very much en- Tell your friends about Icelandic If you have any questions, any of the joyed meeting Icela’ndic Canadians but Canadian Frón: Membership: Single above Executive will be happy to assist did not have much opportunity to do -$3.00; Couple: - $5.00. (Please pay if you. Patrick Myrdal, our Young so. Here is your chance to come out due). A partial list of things to come: Saturday, November 29 - Social. > f * Thursday, December 4 Senior I #fln3lTrCffIlll Citizens Christmas Party. Saturday, February 21 - ÞORRABLÓT at Jennie Thorbjörg Olafson lést 15. júlí Geysisbyggð. Faðir hans var Hallur Fr. Vasalund. Saturday, April 11 - Curling s.l. á Betel Home, Selkirk, 89 ára að Thorvardson. Bonspiel. Saturday, April 25 - Icelandic aldri. Hún var fædd í Winnipeg og Fjögur systkina hans eru enn á lífi. National League, Dinner and Dance, starfaði þar lengst af ævinnar. Hún var Þau erú Hermann í Riverton Ósk Winnipeg Winter Club. virkur þátttakandi í starfi Fyrstu Torfason á Gimli, Kristin Johannsen og Games, sing-a-long, bridge and Lúthersku kirkjunnar í Winnipeg. Margaret Bjarnason, báðar í Winniþeg. whist are planned for once a month. Hún var jörðuð í St. Vital kirkjugarði Jarðarförin fór fram frá Lúthersku Dates to be announced. (Check þann 17. júlí s.l. Séra J. Arvidson kirkjunni í Geysisbyggð. Séra Michael Logberg-Heimskringla). jarðsöng. Jacobson jarðsðng. Norma Kristjansson Óskar Helgi Johnson andaðist l. ágúst . .. _ TT , - . , s.l. í Prince Rupert B.C. 64 ára að aldri. ðtyrktarsjoöur Logbergs-Heimskrmglu Eftirhfandi kona hans er Joan Johnson. Óskar Helgi fæddist í Riverton og hlaut ^rs Laufey Harris þar menntun sína, en bjó lengst æfinn- Clarkleigh,.Man. R0C 1Y0......................... 20.00 ar í Prince Rupert og stundaði þar Mrs. J. Einarsson sjómennsku. Þau Oscar og Joan áttu 19-195 Bradbrooke Dr. eina dóttur Margaret, sem lifir föður Yorkton, Sask. S3N 2Ka ................................................... 20.00 sinn. Margaret og maður hennar Nor- Mrs. Ingibjorg Sveinsson man Ostrom eiga tvö börn, John og Box 10 Kirstine. Þau búa í Prince Rupert. Gimli, Man. R0C 1B0....................................................... 10.00 Af systkinum Oscars lifa enn tveir Mrs Gertrude Erlendson bræður og fimm systur. Þau eru John lg04 East 13th Avenue og Laugi í Riverton, Aurora, Ohve og Vancouver, B.C............................................................ 10.00 Inga í Winnipég, Bunny í Capreol, On- tario og Denise í Vancouver. In memory of Felix K. Sigurdsson, Gimli, Man. Utförin fór fram 6. ágúst s.L. Mr & Mfs B G Benjaminson Bergthor Thorvardson andaðist 15. 781 Centennial Street júlí s.l. á hjúkrunarheimilinu í Selkirk, Winnipeg, Man................'................ 50.00 75 ára að aldri Hann var fæddur í Hafskip hf hyggur á Ameríkusiglingar Hafskip hf, hefur haldið uppi sigling- um frá Islandi til meginlandsins í yfir 20 ár, til hafna á Norðurlöndum, við Norðursjó og við Eystrasalt. Félagið heldur uppi áætlunarferðum til flestra hafna Evrópu. Nýtt átak er nú framundan í starfi Hafskips hf., fastar siglingar til Banda- ríkjanna. I meginatriðum mun félagið bjóða upp á farmgjaldataxta þá sem gildandi eru á þessari flutningaleið. Félagið býður stórum sem smáum flut- HAFSKIP ningsasðilum þjónustu sína - hvort sem um er að ræða búslóð einstaklinga eða stóra gáma inn- og útflytjenda. Icelandic Content The Editorial The Editórial points out how the Vik- ing Exhibit in New York complements the medieval Icelandic Book of Settle- ments by emphasizing thé cultural and intellectual aspe'cts of the Viking Age. Death notices There are brief memorial paragraphs on Jennie Thorbjörg Ólafson of Win- nipeg. Óskar Helgi'Johnson of Prince Rupert, B.C., and Bergthor Thordarson of Selkirk. feob Magnusson Musician Bob Magnusson of Los Angeles recently visited Iceland, where he gave concerts and did record- ings for TV and radto. Dr. Þór Jakobsson Meteorologist Þór Jakobsson, formerly of Toronto, is now with the Weather Bureau in Reykjavík and is active in bringing the more interesting aspects of his academic discipline to the nation by means of publications and TV and.radio lectures, The L.H. Social Page 3 has a few pictures taken at a Lögberg-Heimskringla Social held in Winnipeg earlier this fall. Halldóra Bjarnason A special article written on the occa- sion of Mrs. Halldóra Bjarnason's lOOth birthday presents the highlights of her long and active life. Formerly a resident of Winnipeg, Mrs. Bjarnason now lives at Betel, Gimli. Þorsteinn Gíslason Þorsteinn Gíslason, Director of Cold- water Seafood Corporation, recently visited Iceland with a delegation of U.S. restaurateurs who went there to familiarize themselves with the pro- cessing of Icelandic fish — one of the major items of import for their restaurants. In memory of Mrs. Jona Halvorson, Islington, Ontario Mrs. Sigga C. Moore 453 Heath Street, E. Toronto, Ont. M4R 2N2................................. * * * In memory of Mrs. Jona Halvorson who passed away on June 10, in Toronto and Ólafur Ólafsson who passed away recently in Iceland, father of o^ir Past President, Gigi Fridriksson of Icelandic Canadian Club of Toronto. Mrs. Birgitta G. Gillis, President-Elect, 90 Glenmount Park Road Toronto, Ontario M4E 2N2............................... * * * In loving memory of Guðrún and Thorgrímur Pálsson, Sigmar Sigvaldason and Albertina Gislason Grðni and Aðalbjörg Sigvaldason Arborg, Manitoba R0C 0A0............................... * * * In memory of my cousin, the late Dr. Richard Beck Thordis T. Vigfusson 215-2125 Eddington Drive Vancouver, B.C. V6L 3A9 ............................... * * * I minningu um Dr. Richard Beck Mr. og Mrs. Johann Th. Beck og fjölskylda 104-510 Burnell Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 2B4...................;......... * * * í minningu um Albertínu Jónu Baldvinsdóttir Benson Frú Sólveig Guðmundscóttir Oddgata 12 Reykjavik, Iceland..................................... Mrs. Solveig Sucharov 1083 Warsaw Avenue . Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 1C3............................. Gratefully acknowledged, Emily Benjaminson, Secretary 25.00 50.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 20.00 5.00



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