
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.04.1983, Qupperneq 6

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.04.1983, Qupperneq 6
6-WINNIPEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 15. APRÍL 1983 Icelandic group makes British Hit Parade Recént weeks were a triumphant time for the Icelandic pop band Mezzoforte. On March 21 the group's bestselling single disc — with the tunes Garden Party and Funk Suite No. 1 — ranked number 17 on the British singles charts. Mezzoforte's LPSurprise Surprise had achieved a British rating of 28 at the time of this writing. Previously, no Icelandic group ever made such headway overseas. The band played recéntly at the well-known London club Venue, to acclaim. x The group again visited Britain at the end of last month, to appear on BBC's Top of the Pops, which could only boost Mezzoforte's sale. And an additional trip to the U.K. was plan- ned for May. The music that the band plays — a type of jazz funk — is quite danceable, which makes it popular with disco crowds. Foreign critics give high marks to Mezzoforte's recordings, and the prospect is that they will continue to gain ground abroad. The Surprise Surprise album has been issued in Switzerland, West Germany, Austria, Spain, Holland and Belgium. Forthcoming soon are releases of the LP in South Africa, France, Portugal, Japan, Australia and the continental Nordic countries. Good Templars Continued from page 5 At the beginning of 1903 the build- ing project was reviewed. The hall that had been used for meetings was no longer considered adequate be- cause of deterioration and remote- ness from the Icelandic community which had been shifting from its orig- inal focal point. A building site was considered near Sherbrook and Nptre foame. Although opinion was favóúr- able towards the location, the cost of the land was beyond their means and an alternate site was acquired on Young St. near Notre Dame at a cost of $1,700. A down payment of $500 was made and the balance paid in three months, which was raised through concerts and donations. The two lodges, Hekla an<j Skuld, selected a building committee from within the memberships of the two lodges. The strong desire for a perma- nent home, overcame any acrimony that may have existed from previous years. The committee was legally reg- istered with the province and official- ly recorded as, "The Icelandic Good Templars of Winnipeg." The question of building lay dor- mant until the spring of 1905. The Young St. site wns no longer consid- ered feasible and the lot was sold for a profit of $900. During the fall a new site was accquired on the corner of Sargent and McGee for $1,225. Building commenced during the spring of 1906 and the first meetings were held in the new facility during January 1907. There was accommo- dation for 400 people in the smaller concert hall and 600 in the larger main hall. The total cost including furnishing came to $17,612.45. Viking image Continued from page 1 bours. Sometimes it backfired as in the case of Charles the Bold of France who offered the Dane Weland 5000 pounds of silver and small change to attack the city of Jeufosse (a viking settlement.) The people of Jeufosse changed his mind when they upped the ante to 6,000 pounds. He turned against the Franks. One of the pet peeves of Syms is the portrayal of Vikings in winged or horned helmets. He says this is far from the true helmet worn by vik- ings. Archaeological evidence shows that Vikings wore few metal helmets, but primarily those of leather, and the evidence does not support the Hollywood image of wings or horns. He said the image came as a result of people wanting to make the Vik- ings appear more fearsome than they actually were. As a final comment Syms urged JOIN ICELANDIC CANADIAN FRÓN Send membership fee of $5.00 single or $10.00 family lo Post Office Box No. 1 1871 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Man. R3J 0H0 It was a noble and stimulating ef- fort that served the Icelandic commu- nity well for many years. All matters were conducted in the Icelandic language. It was the centre that brought together our people for social gatherings to enjoy the talents of their people, whether they were oratorical, poetical or of a musical nature. It had a unifying effect.. For many years it was home of the annual conferences of the Icelandic National League. With the advent of World War II the lodges had begun to decline. The Icelandic language was no longer the stimulating unify- ing factor that held our people to- gether. The descendants of the origi- nal Icelanders were integrating suc- cessfully into the Canadian Nation, that in turn required skills in the English language. Matters of temper- ance were no longer an issue as pub- lic demand called for and effected more liberal liquor laws. The unity of purpose and common language disappeared. This spelled the demise of the lodges and with that the loss of ownership of the I.O.G.T. hall on Sargent and McGee. The centre of what had been a cul- tural meeting place disappeared without fanfare, without protest, not even*a word of concern of any con- sequence was expressed publicly. It was a casualty of the changing times, as our people becáme more and more identified as Canadians and the background of our forefathers be- comes the heritage we have inherited during the shifting sands of time that, mark the latter half of this the Twentieth Century. REFERENCES, The Icelandic People of Manitoba, by W. Kristjan- son, Minningarrit Stúkunnar Heklu. those present during the talk to in- vestigate their Viking heritage and learn the truth. They are to be proud of their Viking roots, ánd the accom- plishments that were made during the Viking era. He said the Vikings were not the barbarians some history books have called them. 9% •*«. ,• r X> ' * jh\ THE BARDAL FAMILY TRADITION Every Neil Bardal funeral service is performed with honesty, dignity and respect-a long-standing «T| : tradition from two previous 11| generations. Now vdth a | | V^l I modem interpretation to suit today’s family needs. 984 Portage at Aubrey Street _ 'r'JC Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0R6 FAMILY I FUIMERAL 24-Hour Telephone Service COUNSELLORS 786-4716 Winnipeg's only Bardal familgoivned Funeral Seruice. Open 9 to 5 Monday thru Saturday. Ask for "a free brochure.



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